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AP Practice Test #1-11 Block 1B

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1 AP Practice Test #1-11 Block 1B

2 #2&3 #2 – Meaning of poesy POE – other choices are off…they do not fit the sentence. Poesy = poetic inspiration (check this out!!!! Ask about in class!!!!) #3 - Meaning of magnae virtutes nec minora vitia Author directly states the meaning

3 Terms to Know Pedantic – overly learned
Tropes – a word or phrase used in a figurative way (figurative language) Uncouth - rude Circumlocution – use of unnecessary amount of words Commensality – eating together at the same table Temerities - rashness Propriety - appropriateness Obfuscate – to make unclear Deleterious - harmful Heteroclite – irregular or abnormal Virulent - hostile Polemic – controversial (opposing argument)

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