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Chapter 12: The South Expands: Slavery and Society, 1800—1860

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1 Chapter 12: The South Expands: Slavery and Society, 1800—1860
iClicker Questions for America’s History, Seventh Edition and America: A Concise History, Fifth Edition

2 1. The Chesapeake region contributed to the domestic slave trade by
A. encouraging European immigrants to migrate to the New South. B. providing Native American slaves to the New South. C. selling surplus African American slaves to the New South. D. buying slaves from the New South.

3 2. The federal government played a major role in the expansion of slavery to the Cotton South through all of the following except A. removing Native Americans from the southeastern states in the 1830s. B. annexing Texas and Mexican territories in the 1840s. C. securing Louisiana from the French in 1803. D. investing in railroads and other industrial development projects in the 1810s.

4 3. The domestic slave trade impacted African American families by
A. destroying one in four slave marriages. B. reducing African American vulnerability as the property of whites. C. bringing African Americans into closer contact with African families. D. reuniting families sold into slavery in the Old South.

5 4. Where did most free southern blacks live?
A. in coastal cities B. in the rural countryside on islands off the coast D. within inland cities

6 5. Middle-class planters were characterized by all of the following criteria except
A. they made up one-fifth of the slave-owning population. B. they held title from six to twenty slaves each. C. they owned almost 40 percent of the slave population. D. they did not play a substantial role in slave society.

7 6. Yeoman farmers were characterized by all of the following criteria except
A. they were unaffected by the patriarchal ideology of the South. B. they ruled their holdings with an iron hand. C. most lived and died hardscrabble farmers. D. they worked alongside slaves in their fields.

8 7. Which of the following free black men headed the African Methodist Episcopal Church?
A. Paul Cuffee B. Joshua Johnston C. Richard Allen D. Benjamin Banneker

9 8. In which of the following ways did the federal government not restrict free black people?
A. denial of U.S. passport B. prohibition against working for the postal service C. prohibition against claiming public lands D. prohibition against living in the northern states

10 9. African American religion included all of the following African cultural elements except
A. the ring shout. B. the collective creation and performance of songs. C. a joyous brand of worship. D. a major influence of Islam in shaping the content of black Protestant Christianity.

11 10. The domestic slave trade affected the institution of slavery in all of the following ways except
A. it helped to extend the black population further south and west. B. it helped to slow the expansion of slavery over geographical space. C. it contributed to the expansion of the cotton industry in the South. D. it accentuated the status of African Americans as property.

12 Answer is C Answer is D Answer is A Answer is B
Answer Key for Chapter 12 Answer is C Answer is D Answer is A Answer is B

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