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All-Ireland Chief Nursing Officers’ Conference Brigid Clarke, General Manager, Cavan & Monaghan Hospital 1 Dec 2014 CAWT Cross Border Health And Social.

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Presentation on theme: "All-Ireland Chief Nursing Officers’ Conference Brigid Clarke, General Manager, Cavan & Monaghan Hospital 1 Dec 2014 CAWT Cross Border Health And Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 All-Ireland Chief Nursing Officers’ Conference Brigid Clarke, General Manager, Cavan & Monaghan Hospital 1 Dec 2014 CAWT Cross Border Health And Social Care

2 CAWT – Who We Are  Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) is a cross border health partnership, comprised of the statutory health and social care services in both jurisdictions in the border region of Ireland/Northern Ireland.  CAWT was established in 1992

3 CAWT - What we do  Enable health services to be more accessible within border areas  Attract EU funding to support the development of ‘additional’ services, based on local need  Innovate – pioneer new ways of delivering health services and improving health and social care on a cross border basis

4 CAWT partners  Republic of Ireland  Health Service Executive West and Dublin North East - border counties  Northern Ireland  Southern Health and Social Care Trust  Western Health and Social Care Trust  Health and Social Care Board  Public Health Agency

5 EU funding for cross border activity Secure EU funding to add value to Health and Social Care: 2009 – 2014/15: EU INTERREG IVA (€30 million) 12 cross border of health and social care services 50,000 + beneficiaries (patent and clients) Ongoing: Other EU funded activities Collaborative transnational projects (funded by EU via NPP/Erasmus/Leonardo da Vinci) 1996 to 2000: EU Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (€6 million) 7 project areas inc. acute hospital services, ambulance services, primary care, health promotion etc. 2002 to 2008/9: EU INTERREG IIIA and PEACE II (€12.02 million) 44 projects across spectrum of health and social care

6 ‘Putting Patients, Clients & Families First’ projects  Acute Hospital Services (ENT, urology, vascular, ophth.)  Diabetes: Pre-pregnancy Care and ‘CHOICE’ education programme for young people  Development of Eating Disorder Services  Sexual Health services / GUM clinics  Social Support and assistive technology for Older People  ‘UP4IT!’ – Childhood Obesity  Tackling Social Exclusion and Health Inequalities  ‘Turning the Curve’ – Autism Support Project  Improving Outcomes for Children and Families  Citizenship’ - Support for People with Disabilities  ‘Time IVA Change’ – Border Region Alcohol Project  Workforce Mobility Supported by the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body and delivered by Co-operation and Working Together

7 Other cross border work  North/South Alcohol Policy Advisory Group (through NSMC)  Republic of Ireland patients accessing radiotherapy in Northern Ireland  Cross Border Professional Practice in Nursing and Midwifery  Patient Safety Programme – 52 participants to date  Cross Border Emergency Planning annual events

8 Cross border health: impact and reach of services Project Disability / Citizenship Outcomes for Children Social Inclusion GUM services Obesity Acute Services Older People Autism Alcohol Diabetes Eating Disorders Cross border Mobility

9 Cross Border Professional Practice in Nursing and Midwifery  Nursing at the core of Putting Patients Clients and Families First (EU INTERREG IVA projects)  Nurse-led services – GUM/Sexual Health, Diabetes, Eating Disorders, Acute Hospital Services  Two cross border nursing groups: HSE West / WHSCT and HSE DNE and SHSCT  Established in 2014  Facilitated by Directors of Nursing in the CAWT partner organisations (WHSCT, SHSCT, HSE DNE, HSE W)  Aims of cross border nursing groups is to engage in joint working which will result in practical benefits to nursing and midwifery services and enhance the patient/client experience

10 Cross Border Professional Practice in Nursing and Midwifery  Common themes  Sharing of Best Practice  Research and Development  Workforce Planning, Training, Registration, CPD, Revalidation  Supporting Supervision and Regulation  E-Nursing Records  Cross border task and finish groups

11 Award - cross border nursing  Idea for Award  Criteria for Award  Selection process  Nominations  Award Bursary

12 Award Winner!

13 Further information on CAWT

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