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Mega-Regional Trade Agreements

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Presentation on theme: "Mega-Regional Trade Agreements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mega-Regional Trade Agreements
Dr. Joshua P. Meltzer Brookings Institution

2 Economic Growth Occurring Outside the U.S.
Source: World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund, 2013.

3 Global Middle Class - 2009 Share of Global Totals
36% Europe 18% North America 28% Asia Pacific Source: Kharas and Gertz, “The New Global Middle Class,” 2010

4 Global Middle Class - 2030 Share of Global Totals
14% Europe 7% North America 66% Asia Pacific Source: Kharas and Gertz, “The New Global Middle Class,” 2010

5 Global middle class consumption in 2000
$17 trillion

6 Global middle class consumption in 2020
$35 trillion

7 U.S. Exports Share of GDP Growth 2013
37% 61% Source: Export Nation 2013, Brookings.

8 Job creation through exports
$1 billion in exports supports 5,600 Jobs

9 $1 billion in exports supports
5,400 goods jobs 5,900 services jobs

10 Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Share of Global GDP 39% Share of World Trade 27% Note: Data for year Trade in goods. Source: IMF World Economic Outlook and Direction of Trade Statistics

11 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Share of Global GDP 46% Share of World Trade 42% Note: Data for year Trade in goods. Source: IMF World Economic Outlook and Direction of Trade Statistics

12 Trade in International Services Agreement (TISA)
Share of Global GDP 68% Share of World Trade 63% Note: Data for year Trade in goods. Source: IMF World Economic Outlook and Direction of Trade Statistics

13 World Trade Organization (WTO)
Share of Global GDP 97% Share of World Trade 95% Source: WTO

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