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Bell ringer Working Together # 166 Please put your HW on your desk so I can check it.

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1 Bell ringer Working Together # 166 Please put your HW on your desk so I can check it.

2 Comparative Electoral Systems

3 Today we will … Objectives Introduce & discuss differences in political systems, electoral systems & party systems HW Chapter 11 Congress – set #1 Agenda 1.Slides/notes 2.Video clips 3.Create your own ballots 4.FRQ practice


5 Presidential vs. Parliamentary Presidential Role of “head of State” & “head of government” are given to one person. Executive is directly elected by the people. Checks and Balances Separation of Powers Countries: U.S., Nigeria, Mexico Parliamentary Parliamentary Sovereignty “Head of state” is different from “Head of government” The majority party in the legislature elects the Executive. No separation between legislature and executive. Country: United Kingdom

6 Check for understanding How is power “fused” in a presidential system? How is power “fused” in a parliamentary system?

7 Mixed System Semi-Presidential System: prime minister coexists with a president Russia: Directly/ Popularly Elected President (Head of State) Prime Minister is appointed by the President (Head of Government)

8 Mixed System Iran (theocracy): President exists but under influence of Supreme Leader Head of Government: Directly/ Popularly Elected President Run-off election, (President Ahmadinejad originally won 17% of the vote) Head of State: Supreme Leader is appointed by the Assembly of Religious Experts.

9 Check for understanding How does the appointment of the head of state differ between Iran and Russia?

10 Organization of the Legislature Bicameral United Kingdom: Parliament House of Lords House of Commons Nigeria: National Assembly Senate House Mexico: Congress Senate Chamber of Deputies Russia: Federal Assembly Federation Council Duma Unicameral China: The National People’s Congress Iran: Islamic Consultative Assembly, “Majles”

11 Check for understanding What is the name of the legislature in … ? China Iran Russia Nigeria UK Mexico Which two bodies are unicameral?


13 Single Member Districts (SMD) VSMulti-Member District (MMD) First Past the Post – Plurality VS “winner take all” Proportional Representation Problems with First past the post

14 District Representation Single-Member District (SMD)/ Plurality/ First Past the Post One Person per district The person who wins the most votes, wins the seat “Winner-take-all” UK Nigeria Multi-Member Districts/ Proportional Representation (PR) More than one legislative seat per district The proportion of votes the party gets = the number of seats that party gets in the district/ legislature.

15 How PR works Party List Voting Closed Party List Open Party List Mixed Member /watch?feature=player_det ailpage&v=QT0I- sdoSXU&list=PL7679C7ACE 93A5638 /watch?feature=player_det ailpage&v=QT0I- sdoSXU&list=PL7679C7ACE 93A5638 Single Transferable Vote Examples Mexico Chamber of Deputies Mexico Chamber of Deputies

16 Mixed Electoral Systems Russia Russia (7% threshold) Federation Council Duma Mexico Senate - three per state Chamber of Deputies (300 SMD, 200 national PR) Mexico Chamber of Deputies Mexico Chamber of Deputies


18 Party Systems One party System China- Electoral System? Two Party System U.K.- Electoral System? Nigeria(2.5)- Electoral System? Multi-party System Mexico- Electoral System? Iran- Electoral System? Russia- Electoral System?

19 Create your own ballot First Past the Post/ Single Member District Party List Voting Closed Party List Open Party List Mixed Member Proportional Voting Single Transferable Vote

20 CLOSURE: FRQ Practice 2011 short answer #3

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