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Prayer List Text Announcements Text Numbers WeekDateTopic 108 Dec10Numbers: An Introduction 215 Dec10Census and Organization: 1:1-4:49 322 Dec10Purity.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer List Text Announcements Text Numbers WeekDateTopic 108 Dec10Numbers: An Introduction 215 Dec10Census and Organization: 1:1-4:49 322 Dec10Purity."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prayer List Text

3 Announcements Text

4 Numbers WeekDateTopic 108 Dec10Numbers: An Introduction 215 Dec10Census and Organization: 1:1-4:49 322 Dec10Purity of the Camp: 5:1-6:27 429 Dec10Dedication of the Tabernacle: 7:1-9:23 505 Jan 11Failure of Israel: 10:1-12:16 612 Jan 11Pinnacle of Failure at Kadesh: 13:1-14:45 719 Jan 11Failure of Israel in the Wilderness: 15:1-19:22 826 Jan 11Failure of Israel on the way to Moab: 20:1-25:18 902 Feb 11Reorganization of Israel: 26:1-27:23 1009 Feb 11Snow Day 1116 Feb 11Regulations of Offerings and Vows: 28:1-30:16 1223 Feb 11Division of the Land: 31:1-33:49 1302 Mar 11Further Division of the Land: 33:50-36:13

5 References Constable Notes - Primary Halley’s Bible Handbook JFB Bible Commentary ISBE (Encyclopedia)

6 Key Points for Today’s Lesson Review last weeks lesson about offerings and festivals as well as vows given by Israel’s daughters Learn about last battle led by Moses against the Midianites Learn how the Israelites divide the plunder of battle Learn why Reuben and Gad want to remain on the east side of the Jordan river as well as Moses’ intervention Trace the journey of Israel from Egypt to Moab

7 Previous Lesson Two weeks ago, we discussed the second census, inheritance, and Joshua’s selection to succeed Moses Covered the offerings that were given daily, weekly, and yearly to the Lord Discussed various festivals Israel celebrated and the required sacrifices and offerings during these festivals Took a look at rules regarding vows given by Israel’s daughters, women, and wives

8 Historical Background The book opens as the Israelites were in the second month of the second year after they departed Egypt (1:1) Chapters 7:1-10:10 occurred before the timeline of the events of the book of Numbers – Events occurred as Moses finished setting up the tabernacle – Tabernacle was set up on the 1 st day of the 1 st month of the 2 nd year; Numbers started on the 1 st day, 2 nd month, 2 nd year – Read Numbers 7:1, then Numbers 7:84, then Exodus 40:17, then Numbers 1:1 to better understand the timeline

9 Historical Background Continued Scholars determined the book had been written close to Moses’ death, around 1406 BC – Exodus happened around 1446 BC (1 Ki 6:1) – Israelites were in the wilderness 40 years (Num 32:13) – Moses died shortly before they entered the Promised Land (Deut 34:5) Numbers closes out when the Israelites were in the 10 th month of the 40 th year (see Deut 1:3) – The book of Numbers covers about 39 years

10 Hebrew Calendar

11 Timeline EventYearHebrewDayMonth Departure from Egypt1446Nisan15April Quail and Manna provided1446Iyyar15May Ten Commandments in the Sinai1446Sivan?Jun Tabernacle Built1445Iyyar1April Depart from Sinai1445Iyyar20May At Kadesh-Barnea – second time1406Nisan1March At Mt. Hor – Aaron Dies1406Ab1Jul Moses Death1406Shebat1Jan Cross Jordan1405Nisan10Apr Keep Passover and Manna ceases1405Nisan14Apr

12 Geographical Background Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains of Moab – East of Jericho and the Jordan River However, not a direct route – Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea – On Canaan’s southern border Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief – Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led them to the Plains of Moab on Canaan’s eastern border



15 Key Lessons Of Numbers Show how God dealt with the Israelites as they anticipate entrance into the Promised Land Events that led to the destruction of the older generations of Israelites in the wilderness Preparation of the new generation for entrance into the Promised Land Provided a warning to younger members of the community of Israel about the wrath of God on their parents because of their failure to obey the covenant


17 The Tribes of Israel

18 Battle against the Midianites – God has directed this action in Num 25:16-18 – Because of spiritual and sexual seduction which the Midianites had enjoined the Moabites – Eventually led to the defeat of God’s people (Num 25) – Israel destroys the Midianites in the battle as a result of God’s judgment Israelites kill every male Midianite encountered in the battle (31:7) – Burned towns and brought captured items to the leaders of the congregation Moses’ Last Campaign (31:1-24)

19 Even the Midianite women were to be killed – They had actively solicited the Israelites to idolatry through prostitution Idolatry – Idolatry is to do an act of worship toward any created thing – To believe that a particular created thing is an independent power – To make something a mediator between ourselves and God Moses’ Last Campaign (31:1-24)

20 The soldiers shared the plunder equally with the Israelites who remained in camp – 1/500 went to the priests from the soldier’s share – 1/50 went to the Levites from the congregation’s share (18:26) – Priests received 32 virgins Not one Israelite died in battle (v. 49) – Parallel with the conquest of Jericho in Joshua 6-7 – Similar to Midian conquest in Judge 7, e.g. not really Gideon, but the power of faith in God Gifts to God presented as atonement (vs. 50) Dividing the Spoils (31:25-54)

21 We see another example of incomplete obedience by Israel following a great victory delivered by God Leaders of Reuben and Gad decide that they wanted to settle in the pastureland of Jazer and Gilead – Perhaps thought that the remaining tribes could win the battles across the Jordan without them – Moabite Stone records Gad’s habitation of the area Moses saw this request as discouraging to the other tribes and warned Reuben and Gad Reuben and Gad (32:1-19)

22 Gilead

23 Moabite Stone Mesha, King of Moab 850 BC “And the men of Gad had dwelt in the land of Ataroth from of old” (line 10)GadAtaroth Gadites built up Ataroth as a fortified city, and built pens there for their flocks (Num. 32:34-36) (1400 BC)AtarothNum. 32:34-36

24 Moses directs Reuben and Gad to go into battle with the other Israelites – To avoid another Kadesh-barnea tragedy – If they did this, they could have the land the wanted – Would not constitute disobedience towards God as long as they fulfilled the pledge to fight – Remember, the area east of the Jordan was also part of the Promised Land (Gen 15:18-21) Moses instructs Joshua about the agreement – Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh would fight along side their brethren Moses Intervenes (32:20-32)

25 Reuben, Gad, and part of Manasseh settled across the Jordan – Until called to take part in the conquest – Eastern territory of Manasseh similar to kingdom of Og – Created the appearance that they were more concerned about themselves – God’s concern was that they drive out the Canaanites – Area became frequently contested in later times Future Biblical mention of the cities allotted to Reuben are frequently controlled others Settlement of the Land (32:33-42)

26 Reuben, Gad, Manasses

27 Moses records the various stages and locations of the journey to the promised land – 42 locations appear in the list – 18 do not appear anywhere else in the record – Four mentioned previously are absent in this record – Why include some and not others? Emerging patterns Similar events recurred with regularity Judgment by death, victory over enemies, provision of food and water, and opposition from Israel Meant to help Israel recognize their failure and God’s continuing faithfulness Israel’s Journey (33:1-49)

28 Egypt to Mt. Sinai (vs. 1-15) – 12 locations from which Israel set out on their journey Mt. Sinai to Kadesh and from Kadesh back to Kadesh next (vs. 16-36) – Period of 38 years during which the older generation died out Kadesh to the Plains of Moab (vs. 37-49) – Death of Aaron – Camped along the Jordan in preparation for carrying out God’s command given through Moses Israel’s Journey (33:1-49)

29 Review Learned about last battle led by Moses against the Midianites Learned how the Israelites divide the plunder of battle with priests and Levites Learned why Reuben and Gad want to remain on the east side of the Jordan river as well as Moses’ intervention Traced the journey of Israel from Egypt to Moab Next week: Further Division of the Land: 33:50- 36:13

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