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Meantóireacht ar Mhúinteoirí Nua Tomás Mac Pháidín (Príomhoide Choláiste na Coiribe) Márta 2009.

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1 Meantóireacht ar Mhúinteoirí Nua Tomás Mac Pháidín (Príomhoide Choláiste na Coiribe) Márta 2009

2  Cad is Meantóireacht ann?  Cad is fiú Meántóireacht?  Cur chuige d’fhonn Meantóireacht éifeachtach  Eispéaras Choláiste na Coiribe Meantóireacht ar Mhúinteoirí Nua

3 Cad is Meantóireacht ann?

4 Bunús den fhocal “Meantóireacht” Bunús i miotaseolaíocht na Gréige In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, Mentor, a trusted friend, was entrusted by Odysseus to foster, guard, teach and support his son Telemachus for the duration of Odysseus’ absence at the Trojan wars (Odell, 1990; Cross, 1998; Walton, 1999; Angelique et al., 2002; Mathews, 2003; O’Brien, 2007).

5 Meantóireacht Oideachais Educational mentoring relationships range … from the most functionally basic induction, to detailed, complex long term relationships designed to meet the specific needs of the individual (Odell, 1990; Cross, 1998; Dallat et al., 2000; Mathews, 2003).

6 Meantóireacht Oideachais….. Maidir le meantóireacht mhúinteoirí nua-cháilithe, (NQTs), chreid Stoll and Fink (1996, p.156) ….mentoring of newly qualified teachers offers experienced teachers the opportunity to take on leadership roles as they help induct an inexperienced colleague into the working and social life of the school.

7 Meantóireacht nó Ionduchtú? Thagair Kelly et al.,(1992, p. 173) ar chumhacht Meantóireachta mar … a powerful and cost-effective way of increasing personal and organizational focus and central to the institution’s staff development strategies and plans, rather than merely a way of smoothing new staff entry, or offering tips for getting around bureaucratic procedures.

8 Cad is fiú Meantóireacht?

9 Cúiseanna praiticiúla le páirt a ghlacadh i Meantóireacht – Cur chuige ó thaobh pleanáil scoile  Ionchais bhreise ó mhúinteoirí  Rialú breise den phroifisiún  Pobal ar lán-eolas -  Dearcadh i leith NQTs de “Sink or Swim”  Modh do Phríomhoide agus foireann reatha tacaíocht agus treoir a thabhairt do mhúinteoirí nua.

10 Aidhm le Meantóireacht A significant purpose of any mentoring relationship is to create competent, confidant and productive professionals from inductees into an organization (Redmond, 1990; Odell, 1990; Mathews, 2003; Killeavy, 2006). Beginning teaching is but a part of a more comprehensive developmental continuum that culminates in a person’s becoming a fully actualised teacher (Odell, 1990, p. 12-13)

11 Aidhm le Meantóireacht … Other authors refer to this process of self actualization as ‘being a teacher’ (Calderhead and Shorrock, 1997, p. 194), or developing as ‘a professional colleague’ (Eisner 1978, p. 622). Villani (2002) referred to the ‘existential aspects’ of being a teacher.

12 Conas clár Meantóireachta a dhearadh agus a chur i bhfeidhm

13 Roghnú Meantóirí Mentor teachers are often the prime provider of support to novice teachers (Huffman and Leak, 1986; Odell, 1990; Killeavy, 2006). Mentors must not only be accomplished professionals but must also be respected as such by their peers if they are to provide effective mentoring (Varah et al., 1986; Odell, 1990; Featherstone and Smith, 1992; Moyles et al., 1998).

14 Tréithe Inmholta i Meantóirí Mentor teachers who are humorous, caring, wise and unselfish are the most desirable (Hardcastle, 1988; Kay, 1990; Odell, 1990). Hardcastle (1988) identified high professional integrity, wisdom and a caring disposition as key determinants of the likelihood of a successful mentoring relationship. The necessity for a mentor to provide a model of good practice has been emphasised in the literature (Kelly et al., 1992; Stoll and Fink, 1996; Moyles et al., 1998; Dallat et al., 2000; Mathews, 2003; Killeavy, 2006).

15 Tréithe Inmholta i Meantóirí… Odell (1990, p. 11) suggested that successful mentors develop beginning teachers’ socialization into school and the teaching profession, “…helping protégés to find ‘new ways to be’. In the context of mentoring teachers…this notion expands to experienced teachers helping beginning teachers find ‘new ways to be and do’ ”. Other important characteristics which are conducive to effective mentoring include; leadership, openness, confidence and empathy (Hunt, 1983; Anderson and Shannon, 1988; Odell, 1990; Calderhead and Shorrock, 1997; Mathews, 2003; Killeavy, 2006).

16 Roghnú Clár don Mheantóir Many NQTs experience considerable difficulty in student motivation, classroom management and student assessment (Vonk, 1983; Veenman, 1984; Odell, 1986; Bullough, 1989; Villani, 2002; Ó Diomasaigh, 2004; Burns, 2006; Killeavy, 2006). NQTs often struggle with their relationships with the principal and other teacher colleagues (Grant and Zeichner, 1981; Vonk, 1983; Villani, 2002; Killeavy and Murphy, 2006; Killeavy, 2006).

17 Roghnú Clár don Mheantóir … Veenman (1984, p. 153 -156) identified ten recurring difficulties, which included: classroom discipline; motivating students; dealing with individual differences; assessing students’ work; relationships with parents; and getting along with colleagues. Gordon and Maxey (2000, p. 6) in a later study emphasised: planning; organising and managing instruction; communicating with colleagues, including administrators, supervisors, and other teachers; adjusting to the teaching environment and role; and receiving emotional support.

18 Gnéithe eiseacha den mhúinteoireacht...becoming a teacher is not simply a matter of doing what teachers do, it is also a matter of being a teacher. The latter involves a personal investment, a feeling of being at ease in the role of a teacher, an acceptance of teaching being part of one’s identity… (Calderhead and Shorrock, 1997, p. 194)


20 Eispéaras Choláiste na Coiribe Cén fáth a bheith páirteach? –Cultúr agus éiteas scoile – Pleanáil scoile lárnach –Go leor múinteoirí óga (nuacháilithe) –Céatadán ard de mhúinteoirí PT i gColáiste na Coiribe –Nadúr forbarthach de Choláiste na Coiribe maidir le gach gné den scoil –Spreagadh don chultúr de chinnireacht díláraithe –Suim an phríomhoide sa Mheantóireacht

21 Eispéaras Choláiste na Coiribe Conas a oibríonn an córas?  Roghanna/ tosaíochtaí le déanamh  Príomhmheantóir/ comhordaitheoir don chlár  Dáileadh ama/ airgid/ acmhainní  Acmhainní Meantóireachta inscoile le cruthú  Éigeantach do mhúinteoirí nua chuig an scoil  Taithí a roinnt le gach múinteoir / struchtúir sa choláiste  Cinntú go bhfuil Meantóireacht comhtháite le córais eile inscoile agus ceangailte le héiteas na scoile  NPPTI- CnaC mar phairtnéir - cnámharlach úsáideach don chóras inscoile

22 Athbhreithniú agus Meastóireacht Anailís costais is tairbhe (acmhainní daoine & airgead) Anailís ó mhúinteoirí, NQTs, cinnirí scoile agus foireann Tástáil agus meastóireacht ar ábhar acmhainne Forbairt ar bhreithnóireacht agus cultúr athbhreithnithe / féinmheasúnaithe Ciorraithe oideachais – cur chuige nua de dhíth Na chéad chéimeanna eile – moltaí

23 Tagairtí Angelique, H., Kyle, K. and Taylor, E. (2002) ‘Mentors and muses: new strategies for academic success’, Innovative higher education. 26 (3) pp. 195–209. Black, P. and Wiliam D. (1988b.) Inside the black box: raising standards through classroom assessment. London: Kings College. Burns, G. (2006) An evaluation of the role of the mentor in the National Pilot Project on Teacher Induction­-Primary Strand (2002­- 2003). Unpublished M.Ed. thesis: National University of Ireland, Galway. Calderhead, J. and Shorrock, S. (1997) Understanding teacher education. case studies in the professional development of beginning teachers. London: The Falmer Press. Coolahan, J. (2003) Teachers matter: Attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers: country background report for Ireland. Dublin: The Stationery Office. Cross, R. (1995). ‘The role of the mentor in utilizing the support system for the newly qualified teacher’. School organisation, (15) pp. 35-­42. Cross, S., (1998). ‘Roots and wings: mentoring’ Innovations in education and training international. 35 (3) pp. 224-­230.

24 Tagairtí ….. Eisner, E., (1978) The impoverished mind, Educational leadership, (35), pp. 615-­623. European Commission (2005), Common european principles for teacher competences and qualifications. Brussels: European Commission. Fitzgerald, E., (2007) ‘Induction programme for new teachers’, Presentation and workshop arranged on September 12th 2007, for new teachers commencing employment with Galway City VEC and Galway County VEC. Fullan, M., (1993) Changing forces: probing the depths of educational reform. London: Falmer Press. _________ (2003) The moral imperative of school leadership. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. Government of Ireland. (1984). Report of the committee on in- service education. Dublin: Stationery Office. Hargreaves, A., (1994a) Changing teachers, changing times: teachers’ work and culture in the postmodern age. London: Cassell. Hogan, P., Brosnan, A., De Róiste, B., Mac Alister, A., Malone, A., Quirke-Bolt, A., Smith, G. (2007) Learning anew final report of the research and development project – teaching and learning for the 21st century 2003 -2007. Maynooth: Educational Department, NUI Maynooth.

25 Tagairtí ….. Homer. The odyssey. (Translated by R. Fitzgerald (1961)). New York: Double day. Kelly, M., Beck, T., Thomas, J., (1992). ‘Mentoring as a staff development activity’, in, Wilkin, M., (ed.). Mentoring in schools. London: Kogan Page. Killeavy, M., (2006) ‘Induction: a collective endeavour of learning, teaching and leading’. Theory into practice. 45 (2) pp. 166–176. Killeavy, M., and Murphy, R., (2006). National pilot project on teacher induction: a final report. Dublin: Irish Government Publications. Lacey, K., (1999) Making mentoring happen: a simple and effective guide to implementing a successful mentoring program. Warriewood, NSW: Business and Professional Publishing. Lortie, D., (1975) School teacher­ - a sociological study. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Mac Pháidín, T., (2004) ‘Oideachas lán-ghaeilge in éirinn’. Gaillimh: Unpublished conference paper, comhdháil náisiúnta 2004 ­ principals’ and deputy principals’ association. 10­-12 November 2004. pp. 21­-27. Ó Díomasaigh, S., (2004). Draft interim report on the national pilot project on teacher induction. Dublin: St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra. Odell, S. (1986). Induction support of new teachers: a functional approach. Journal of teacher education. 37 (1), pp. 26–29.

26 Tagairtí ….. OECD (2005) Teachers matter: attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers. Paris: OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1991) Reviews of national policies for education: Ireland. Paris: OECD. Scott, L., Fink, D., (1996). Changing our schools. Buckingham: Open University Press. SCTUUDE (1996) Teacher induction: proceedings of a seminar of the standing committee of teacher unions and university departments of education. Swan, D., and Leydon, M., (eds.) Dublin: SCTUUDE. Stoll, L., Fink, D., and Earl, L., (2003) It’s about learning (and it’s about time). London: Routledge. Stoll, L., Fink, D. (1996) Changing our schools: linking school effectiveness and school improvement. Buckingham: Open University Press. Tickle, L., (1987) Learning teaching, teaching teaching. London: Falmer Press. _________ (2000) Teacher induction: the way ahead. Buckingham, UK.: Open University Press. Villani, S., (2002) Mentoring programs for new teachers. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. Vonk, H., (1983) ‘ Problems of the beginning teacher’, European journal of teacher education, (6) pp. 133–156.

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