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Training Objectives Understand Key Concepts

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1 SCCA Research Revenue Cycle From Set Up to Invoice Orientation for New Research Study Staff

2 Training Objectives Understand Key Concepts
Complexity of processes Patient-Billable and Study-Billable services Studies in Epic vs Studies outside of Epic SCCA Research Revenue Cycle Milestones Forms/Processes Roles and Responsibilities Websites and Contacts Confidential

3 Getting Started Charge Capture and Compliant Billing
Orders and Requisitions Fee Sheets and Checklists Medicare Clinical Trials Policy UW Medicine Policies 01 and 03 UW Medicine Effort Policy Charge Level indications of research-related activities Visit Level direction of research-related activities Study and Participant Level - Billing Documentation - Participant registration Confidential

4 Complexity Many Systems contribute information to “Research Billing”
Many Processes/Forms feed information to Systems ORCA Sunquest LV+ Billing Grid Epic Billing Powerpath Synergy Requisition SRO Radiology Order Pharmnet/ Pyxis Mosaiq PATS RIS Epic Charge Entry Epic HEMM Confidential

5 Patient-billable/Study-billable
Both need to be understood and communicated for compliant billing Patient-billed in error - High risk to SCCA and study Potential for ‘double-dipping’ by study Study services paid by sponsor AND paid by third party in error Non-compliant to CMS’s Clinical Trials Policy Study-billed in error – Lower risk to SCCA, but leads to rework by study staff and Revenue Cycle staff Confidential

6 Studies in Epic vs Studies outside of Epic
Work is being done to bring all studies with billable components into Epic Studies in Epic Currently limited to studies with a study-billable component Epic allows for better visibility to the patient for scheduling, charge capture and billing Studies not in Epic Studies with ‘bill all to patient’ services Billing is highly dependent upon PATS entries and data flows that in turn drive Epic entries. Confidential

7 Research Revenue Cycle
Production of Bills for Participants Production of Invoices to studies Correction of misrouted charges per Billing Documents Production of Billing Documents CPTs for study-related services Pricing for study–related services Study Set-Up Participant Identification Scheduling Charge Capture Monitoring/ Charge Review Billing/Invoicing/ Corrections Associate patient to study/studies in Epic PATS enrollment information triggers Care Plan and Alert for billing Referral for Financial Clearance (participant) Link visit to study Referral for Financial Clearance (services) Forms (SRO, Requisitions) Review charges against Billing Documents Root cause analysis Correction of charges pre-invoicing Notification of Charging Systems Supply Sheet Anticipated Services Checklist Provider Documentation for Coding Confidential

8 Study Set-Up Revenue Cycle is involved with the following activities at time of study set-up Helps inform study staff of any special needs or watch points (CTI) Facilitates set-up of services that happen at SCCA locations Coding – CPT codes for services indicated by the protocol Pricing – study pricing for study-billable services indicated by the protocol Confidential

9 Set-Up Pricing - SCCA Research Fee Schedule
SCCA’s Research Fee Schedule Provides price certainty for clinical trials Provides consistent methodology for setting research prices How are SCCA Research Fee Schedule prices set? Cost recovery based on SCCA’s Medicare Cost Report Factors SCCA’s direct and indirect costs of performing the service When do prices/quotes change? Research Fee schedule is a rolling three year quote structure Each fiscal year the fee schedule is evaluated and an additional year is added to the schedule once the prior year expires Fiscal year dates from July 1st – June 30th

10 Study Set-Up - Study Accounts
A study account is created via the set-up process Helps ensures proper direction of patient or study-billable research-related charges Account name in Epic begins with “RRR,” The clinical trial is registered and assigned an Epic Study Code by CRBB Current state: multiple institution-specific study codes – one for each site providing research services with general format R* (Ex: RS ) R for ‘research’ * = S, U or H to designate the site of the services (S=SCCA (including SCCA at NWH and Evergreen), U=UWMC (including SCCA beds on U 8NE), H=Harborview) – NEW – RG study codes for new studies (since 5/14) allow for multiple service areas. Plans to transition fully to RG over time. Numeric portion is specific to the division, year of inception and serial number within the year Used on forms to designate the study for activities of ordering, scheduling, accessioning and charge capture within Epic and the ancillary systems Patients must be associated with the study account in Epic prior to scheduling research-related services

11 Financial Clearance of Participants
Coordinators request patient-level financial clearance by SCCA using Epic referrals prior to enrollment Checks that the patient’s insurance allows participation in Clinical Trials Helps ensure that protocol-specific patient-billable services will be paid for by the insurance company Study documents may be provided to the payor for evaluation Denials can be appealed Work managed by SCCA Financial Clearance Confidential

12 Participant Linking in Epic
Timely participant-to-study association in Epic is extremely important for accurate and compliant billing Allows linking of participant’s visits to the study Generates notification to study staff of inpatient or ED admissions Provides general indicator for billing offices Key Elements of patient-to-study association in Epic Status – describes where the participant is in the billing flow Active Start Date – describes the first date of research-related, patient or study-billable activity Active End Date – describes the last date of research-related, patient or study-billable activity Confidential

13 Participant Linking outside of Epic
Work is being done to bring all studies with patient-billable services into Epic For studies not yet in Epic, PATS entries are the basis for compliant billing and clinical documentation Key Elements of patient-to-study association in PATS Enrolled date entry in PATS Triggers the Research Care Plan and the Research Alert in ORCA Triggers Epic Billing Alert at SCCA, UW Medicine and UWP Billing End Date in PATS (last date of patient or study billable, research-related services) Triggers the removal of the Epic Billing Alert that is used to aid in billing at SCCA, UW Medicine and UWP Confidential

14 Charge Modifiers for Research

15 Research Visit Paperwork
Various forms are used to designate research study related services and items to separate systems/workflows Scheduling Request Orders (SRO) - scheduling needs related to research Pre-printed SRO’s are helpful To initiate pre-printed SRO process contact the Research Implementation Office Split Supply sheets (Infusion, Procedures) - study vs patient-billable supplies To initiate pre-printed Split Supply sheets, contact Material Management Lab Orders and Requisitions – directs lab-related activities in Epic and other systems The Special Instructions or “inner note” outlines what charges are to be billed to research. This information is printed on requisitions sent to the laboratory prior to the scheduled appointment Purple Requisitions used for samples that the study will handle and route to an offsite lab for processing Radiology Order Form - specifically for scanning services Anticipated Research Services Checklist – provides guidance for coders working to capture charges from ORCA documentation Confidential

16 Anticipated Research Services Checklist
Supports all service areas except Profees, Laboratory and Radiology Submitted via to SCCA Research Coding Team at: Used to designate services anticipated for the visit that are research-related Examples: MA assisted EKGs Oral Chemo Administration Blood Draws Conscious Sedation Coding will NOT code charges from the Checklist. Services must be documented in ORCA by the providers. Confidential

17 Roles and Responsibilities
Study Coordinator/Study Team SCCA Scheduler/Team Coordinator SCCA Clinical Research Billing Analysts Trainer SCCA Research EAP Coordinator SCCA Research Invoicing SCCA Integrity/Compliance Confidential

18 Role of Study Coordinator/Study Team
Contacts the SCCA Research Implementation Office (RIO) for new study implementation Research Price Quotes are requested and provided during this process Enters and maintains participant information Epic referral to begin process of Clinical Trial Financial Clearance prior to enrollment Epic “Research Studies” study-to-patient associations of consented participants PATS accrual information for consented and enrolled patients Facilitates orders, requisitions and other forms for research/clinical services with instructions for scheduling, Epic study code, and study RRR name Confidential

19 Role of Study Coordinator/Study Team
Reviews RRR Account invoice for expected and unexpected charges Contacts Research Charge Capture & Billing Staff when: Study invoice includes incorrect and/or disputed charges “Expected but missing" charges are not on the invoice requiring review or patient accounts and charge capture process flow Patient is billed for services that should be paid for by the study budget Coordinates authorizations and payments for research invoices. Finalizes Epic and PATS participant associations when all research-related, patient or study-billable services are complete Confidential

20 Role of SCCA Scheduling/TC
Scheduling and linking of research-related (screening and treatment) visits per study team documentation. SRO’s may be returned to Study Team if: RS account and billing information is incomplete or not provided Orders are unclear Each appointment scheduled that has research-related services will: Be linked to the RS account provided on the SRO Include the “Mixed Visit” flag used at SCCA Have an appointment note populated with RS information Scheduled visits CANNOT be linked to a study until the study team has associated the research participant with that study in Epic

21 Role of Clinical Research Billing Analysts
Performs Daily Monitoring and Quality Monitoring of charges and accounts Research-billable charges per Billing Documentation Participant-billable charges per Billing Documentation Charge correction Reviews and analyzes charges daily in Epic Error WQs Re-pricing of study billable charges Identifies and tracks charge error trends Review of specific charge flow for root cause of error

22 Role of Clinical Research Billing Trainer
Develops and provides research revenue cycle training to study and clinical staff General training One-on-one training Team training Department training Remedial training based on charge analysis root causes Operational/workflow issues Examples: Participants not associated with study Appointments not linked, incorrect study codes used Checklists not received Follow-up post training Escalates compliance risks to SCCA Corporate Integrity Office Confidential

23 Role of Research EAP Coordinators
Reviews and analyzes charges daily in Epic Error WQs re-pricing of study billable charges based on the Research Fee Schedule  Maintains the Research Fee Schedule and research pricing for all SCCA activities Provides research pricing quotes to study staff during implementation Confidential

24 Role of SCCA Research Invoicing
This position/role resides in the Patient Accounting Office Generates invoices to study team for review and payment RRR Billing Cycle is open for one month at a time Invoices are printed 15 days after the monthly billing cycle ends Triages study team communication related to Incorrect or disputed charges on the study invoice “Expected but missing” charges not reflected on the study invoice Charges billed to the participant in error Performs collection activities for outstanding study invoices Collaborates with Clinical Research Billing on issues and training needs

25 Role of SCCA Integrity/Compliance
Performs audits of Research Study Accounts and related Participant Accounts Performed by Integrity/Compliance Office Typically retroactive in nature Billing has already occurred Payments have already been received Can span dates of service as far back as two years Remediation (charge corrections) communicated to: Principal Investigator and study team Clinical Research Billing and Training Confidential

26 System Training for Revenue Cycle
Epic Fundamentals training basics of the Epic system Epic Research Participant Linking training association of patients to studies in Epic Epic Clinical Trials Referral training creation of referrals for financial clearance of the participant Questions about Epic Training? Send an to or call (206) PATS training entry of accrual information Confidential

27 Projects/Workgroups to Watch in 2014/2015
SCCA CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry) Will automate the entry of orders including research orders Will facilitate the production of research related scheduling orders and requisitions SCCA Research Business Lifecycle (RBL) Ongoing review of SCCA workflows, systems and requirements related to research-related billable services sRAMP – coming ‘soon’ - SharePoint site to initiate the implementation review process and obtain research pricing for new study submissions Introduction of Patient-Billable ‘RS’ modifier and change to scheduling indicators UW Enterprise (UW Medicine, UW Physicians and SCCA) Research Revenue Cycle Workgroup – focused on shared workflows and Epic system “Single Study Code” – planned move to single “RG” study code for existing “RS, RU or RH” studies Confidential

28 Key Websites and Contacts
SCCA Clinical Research Billing (Issues and requests for Training) Kris Pedersen: Sakuntra Fulgenzi: David Wiens: Elham Lawson: Azure Kraxberger, Clinical Research Education Specialist, , SCCA Clinical Trial Invoicing/Collections Joy Westgate: , SCCA Research EAP Coordinator Abby Bixby, SCCA Research Coding Team SCCA Research Implementation Office Steve Johnson: , Gina Roper: , Website: CRBB – Clinical Trial Budgeting and Billing Office General Questions: UW Research Billing Questions: UWP – University of Washington Physicians Confidential

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