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Starting a project 1 Starting a Project Where do we now start? Where are we going? Will we know when we arrive?

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Presentation on theme: "Starting a project 1 Starting a Project Where do we now start? Where are we going? Will we know when we arrive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting a project 1 Starting a Project Where do we now start? Where are we going? Will we know when we arrive?

2 Starting a project 2 Client Statement (need) Final Design (fabrication specifications & documentation) Problem Definition clarify objectives establish user requirements identify constraints establish functions Conceptual design Preliminary Design Detailed Design Design Communication document design establish design specifications generate alternatives model or analyze design test and evaluate design refine and optimize design Product (designed object) Validation Verification Before BL After BL Always recognizing need for Standards and Standardization

3 Starting a project 3 Client Statement (need) Problem Definition clarify objectives establish user requirements identify constraints establish functions Conceptual design Establish design specifications generate alternatives Conceptual Design Verification

4 Starting a project 4 Client’s Statement (opportunity Statement) “I would like your team to design me a CD rack.” “I would like your team to design me a CD rack.” Task Task –Each team pick a person to be the client. –Rest of team organize to function as a team. –Use the team and team skills to acquire further knowledge about the problem. Translating and clarifying client’s wants.

5 Starting a project 5 WantsNeeds Problem Revised Problem

6 Starting a project 6 Further Clarifying Wants Desired features and attributes Desired features and attributes Desired functions Desired functions Features, attributes, and functions of competing products Features, attributes, and functions of competing products

7 Starting a project 7 Features, Attributes, and Functions Organize and modify Needs Objective List/Tree

8 Starting a project 8 Obj 1 Obj 1.2.2 Obj Obj 1.2 Obj Obj 1.2.1Obj 1.1.2Obj 1.1.1 Obj 1.1 Objective Tree

9 Starting a project 9 Constraints Client’s external constraints Client’s external constraints Project team’s internal constraints Project team’s internal constraints

10 Starting a project 10 Goals What the team hopes to achieve What the team hopes to achieve Based on their understanding of the problem Based on their understanding of the problem Developed by combining the objectives and constraints Developed by combining the objectives and constraints

11 Starting a project 11 Obj 1 Obj 1.2.2 Obj Obj 1.2 Obj Obj 1.2.1Obj 1.1.2Obj 1.1.1 Obj 1.1 Objective Tree Goal Constraint

12 Starting a project 12 Formal Mission Statement A concise and carefully developed statement that tells A concise and carefully developed statement that tells –Who is doing the project –Where it is located (your client, location) –What is being done –When it will be completed –Why it is important to do it The “How” will be defined by your project management plan, conceptual design activities, preliminary design activities, and final design activities. The “How” will be defined by your project management plan, conceptual design activities, preliminary design activities, and final design activities.

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