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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear in our lives 1000 800 600 400 200 SPACE EXPLORATION NUCLER APPLICATIONS NUCLEAR MEDICINE Final Jeopardy NUCLEAR ENERGY FOOD AND WATER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nuclear in our lives


4 Nuclear Energy 200 Points At the centre of nuclear reactors are these (which are no bigger than the tip of your finger).

5 Nuclear Energy 200 Points Back to question board What are fuel pellets?

6 CANDU nuclear fuel pellets are made from this. Nuclear Energy 400 Points

7 What is naturally occurring uranium? (Mined in Canada) Nuclear Energy 400 Points Back to question board

8 Nuclear Energy 600 Points Fission occurs when this part of the atom is split.

9 Nuclear Energy 600 Points What is the nucleus? Back to question board

10 Nuclear Energy 800 Points If the neutrons released during nuclear fission can be made to split more atoms, it is called this.

11 Nuclear Energy 800 Points What is a chain reaction? Back to question board

12 Nuclear Energy 1000 Points There are this many operating CANDU reactors in Canada.

13 Nuclear Energy 1000 Points What is 19 (at four sites)? Back to question board

14 Nuclear Medicine 200 Points Radiation therapy works by damaging this in a cell.

15 Nuclear Medicine 200 Points Back to question board What is DNA?

16 Nuclear Medicine 400 Points In 1951, two of this type of machine first started treating cancer using radiation.

17 Nuclear Medicine 400 Points Back to question board What are Cobalt-60 therapy units (also known as Cobalt “bombs”)?

18 Nuclear Medicine 600 Points Nuclear medicine began in the 1950s by doctors who were focused on treating this.

19 Nuclear Medicine 600 Points Back to question board What is thyroid disease?

20 Nuclear Medicine 800 Points This is the most widely used diagnostic medical isotope.

21 Nuclear Medicine 800 Points Back to question board What Technetium-99m?

22 Nuclear Medicine 1000 Points In this form of treatment, radiation sources can be inserted directly into or beside tumours to kill cancer cells.

23 Nuclear Medicine 1000 Points Back to question board What is brachytherapy?

24 Nuclear Applications 200 Points Photocopiers use small amounts of radioactive material to do this.

25 Back to question board What is eliminate static and prevent paper from sticking together? Nuclear Applications 200 Points

26 This method of testing a structure does not cause damage to the structure. Nuclear Applications 400 Points

27 Back to question board What is non-destructive testing or NDT? Nuclear Applications 400 Points

28 This type of measuring tool uses radiation to make very precise measurements. Nuclear Applications 600 Points

29 Back to question board What is a nuclear gauge? Nuclear Applications 600 Points

30 This is the radioactive material usually used in smoke detectors. Nuclear Applications 800 Points

31 Back to question board What is americum-241? Nuclear Applications 800 Points

32 This method for checking the quality of welding uses radioactive materials. Nuclear Applications 1000 Points

33 Back to question board What is industrial radiography? Nuclear Applications 1000 Points

34 Food and Water 200 Points Food irradiation can help prevent these from being transported across borders.

35 Back to question board Food and Water 200 Points What are insects?

36 Food and Water 400 Points Taking salt out of water is known as this.

37 Back to question board Food and Water 400 Points What is desalination?

38 Food and Water 600 Points Radiation can help do this to harmful insects so that offspring are not produced.

39 Back to question board Food and Water 600 Points What is sterilize?

40 Food and Water 800 Points This food preservation process is similar to x-raying luggage at the airport.

41 Back to question board Food and Water 800 Points What is food irradiation?

42 Food and Water 1000 Points This type of desalination is currently used in Kazakhstan, India and Japan.

43 Back to question board Food and Water 1000 Points What is nuclear desalination?

44 Space Exploration 200 Points Nuclear rocket engines offer this big advantage over chemical rocket engines.

45 Back to question board What is much lighter fuel? Space Exploration 200 Points

46 This type of power source was first used on a US Navy satellite in 1961. Space Exploration 400 Points

47 Back to question board What is a radioisotope thermo- electric generator (RTG)? Space Exploration 400 Points

48 NASA launched this RTG-powered space probe to study Saturn in 1997. Space Exploration 600 Points

49 Back to question board What is Cassini? Space Exploration 600 Points

50 Radioisotope thermo-electric generators (RTGs) convert the heat generated by this into electricity. Space Exploration 800 Points

51 Back to question board What is the decay of plutonium-238? Space Exploration 800 Points

52 The New Horizons probe, which uses RTG technology, was launched in 2006 to look at this object in space. Space Exploration 1000 Points

53 Back to question board What is Pluto? Space Exploration 1000 Points

54 The Category is: Food Irradiation

55 Many food irradiation machines use this as their source of radiation.

56 What is cobalt-60?

57 …and thank you for playing CONGRATULATIONS! The team with the most points is…..

58 Go to question


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