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OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15 Webinar #7 April 7,

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15 Webinar #7 April 7,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15 Webinar #7 April 7, 2015

2 April 7, 2015 | Slide 2 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Today’s Topics  General Updates  Communication Updates  11 th Grade Test Results  Running Start  Technology  Score Reports  Documenting Basic and Refusal  System Downtimes  Fall Retakes

3 April 7, 2015 | Slide 3 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION General Updates  As of April 6, 150,000 test parts administered  Two parts to every test (CAT/PT) in two content areas (ELA/math)  Over 50 % were 3 rd grade ELA  Isolated issues reported; No system-wide issues with items or engine  Science operational tests will be loaded April 17-19  Science Practice tests are available

4 April 7, 2015 | Slide 4 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Communications  New communications resources for your Toolkit are available in WAMS to district and school administrators  These resources are loaded to WAMS, because some of the information is not public-facing friendly  Q/A documents help district administrators answer questions from parents/press  The resources will be listed on the Portal with links to WAMS

5 April 7, 2015 | Slide 5 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Communications  Communications Toolkit for Spring 2015  Communications Tips  Connecting Learning to Life Handout  How to Edit Parent Handout  New Future, New Test (with talking points)  Principal Newsletter Blurbs  Roadmap for Powerpoint  Roadmap for Print  Role Play Cards With Instructions

6 April 7, 2015 | Slide 6 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11 th Graders and Post Secondary Ed  Washington Student Achievement Council and OSPI have addressed college placement opportunities for students who take the Smarter Balanced assessments in a recent letter.  All public baccalaureate institutions, community and technical colleges, and most independent colleges (in WA) have agreed to use scores of Level 3 or Level 4 for placement into math and English college-level coursework.  Included in the communication is a letter to High School Juniors explaining the opportunity.  Letters to students will be translated

7 April 7, 2015 | Slide 7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Running Start 11 th Graders  OSPI and State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) collaborated on guidance information for schools to coordinate Running Start (RS) student participation in Smarter Balanced  RS students are enrolled by the district and therefore counted in school’s participation numbers for AYP  Challenges identified in the guidance document  Districts should coordinate with community and technical colleges to arrange for test administration  Guidance document sent to districts and community colleges

8 April 7, 2015 | Slide 8 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Technology Updates & Issues  iOS 8.2 and Chrome OS 41 are now supported for use with Secure Browser (Chrome OS 41 has enhanced support for kiosk applications).  ChromeVox (accessibility feature that reads menus and text) is built into Chrome OS, can be activated by keyboard shortcut (CTRL-ALT-Z), and is not blocked by Secure Browser. Proctor will need to de-activate with same keyboard shortcut.

9 April 7, 2015 | Slide 9 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Score Reports: ISRs  Individual student reports available through ORS:  Overall score, level, and ALDs  Comparison to district and state for on-grade tests  Claim performance (3 levels)  ORS: Same layout as ICA reports and accessed the same way (see Feb. 10 webinar or ORS webinar)  Next week; requires one day ORS downtime for OSPI testing  Hard copy reports will be printed by AIR and shipped to districts for distribution to families – ONE hard copy  Delivery late summer, TBD

10 April 7, 2015 | Slide 10 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Score Reports – ORS Generated Math/ELA (on- and off-grade)

11 April 7, 2015 | Slide 11 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Score Reports – ORS Generated HSPE HSPE and MSP Same layout as Smarter reports EXCEPT: All text is pulled directly from previous years’ HSPE reports, Strands, not claims (with percentages, not levels), Same scale score ranges as previous years

12 April 7, 2015 | Slide 12 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Score Reports: Hard Copy ELA Mockup

13 April 7, 2015 | Slide 13 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Score Reports: Hard Copy math Mockup

14 April 7, 2015 | Slide 14 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Ongoing Data Management  TIDE records – split SSIDs  Ignore old records without any test data  Working with AIR to reattribute test data associated with old SSIDs to new ones (and just in general) Stay tuned…  “Test Incident Codes”  Absences, refusals, NNEP  Homebased/Private/F-1Visa for walk-ins  L2-Basic (impacts family report; not ORS)  NOTE: Test labels are messy; crosswalk to TDS labels available until labels are updated to match TDS  Speaking of TDS labels…  Naming structure in TDS: Grade, subject, category, detail

15 April 7, 2015 | Slide 15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION System Downtimes  April 17-19 for science upload  Both ORS and TDS unavailable April 17-19  ORS unavailable Thursday, April 16.  The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment, Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA), Interim Block Assessment (IAB) and Practice and Training tests will all be unavailable during this downtime.  April 10 for ORS UAT  Impacts only ORS to conduct the UAT.

16 April 7, 2015 | Slide 16 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Fall Retakes (Smarter Balanced, Off- Grade, HSPE)  Moving August retakes to November  Off-Grade Level  Testing window November 2-20  ELA/Math Online only  Science Online or P/P

17 April 7, 2015 | Slide 17 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Fall Retakes (HSPE, Off-Grade, Smarter)  Smarter Balanced ELA/Math  Testing window November 2-20  Online only  HSPE  State mandated dates November 3-5  Paper/Pencil only

18 April 7, 2015 | Slide 18 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Contacts  AIR Help Desk for Technical, Network, and password issues  AIR Help Desk: 1-844-560-7366 AIR Help Desk:  OSPI Assessment Analysts for student data issues  OSPI Assessment Analysts:  OSPI Assessment Operations for assessment policy and test materials  Assessment Operations (800) 725- 4311, press option


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