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PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Doing Business with Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (State System) Supplier Overview October.

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2 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Doing Business with Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (State System) Supplier Overview October 10, 2014

3 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Office of the Chancellor Dixon University Center 2986 North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717-720-4000 Click on Business Partners (bottom of screen)* *This will open to the Strategic Sourcing page. Location

4 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Melodi S. Benson Director, Strategic Sourcing Linda A. Venneri Collaborative Contracts Manager Robert L. Gross Purchasing Manager—Dixon University Center Procurement Organization

5 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION I.University Level Each of the 14 state-owned Universities of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education has its own Procurement Department. Each University manages both construction and overall procurement needs for the University. Three Main Levels of Procurement at the State System

6 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION II.Construction Support Office (CSO) Is a component of the Facilities Management Office located in the Office of the Chancellor. Supports the State System’s 14 Universities with a variety of facilities design and construction procurement-related functions. Three Main Levels of Procurement at the State System

7 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION III.Strategic Sourcing Department Located at Dixon University Center. Collaborates and supports the State System’s 14 Universities by sourcing commodities and services based on volume spend inclusive across the System. Provides contract management support for the System. Provides all the Procurement requirements for the Dixon University Center. Three Main Levels of Procurement at the State System

8 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION First, if you are not already registered, go to the State System’s eProcurement website and register as a vendor. This will get you noticed by many of the Universities during solicitations. Please be certain to register under the correct service areas and NIGP codes. You do not need to be on this list to do business with the State System. As part of our procurement laws, we do open competitive bidding for procurements over $19,100. That means if you are a supplier that meets the requirements of the solicitation, you may bid. How to become a State System supplier

9 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Qualifying Solicitations Occasionally, Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are issued as Qualifying Solicitations (QCCs). This is done for predetermined commodities or services (e.g., Consulting Services, Temp Labor). The process requires that you must submit to the initial RFP and be selected for qualification in order to receive future requests for quotation (RFQs) for those items. How to become a State System supplier

10 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Become familiar with the State System policies and guidelines. These can be found on the System’s website. Solicitations are posted by both the Universities and the Office of the Chancellor. Ultimately, it is the supplier’s responsibility to look for bid opportunities. How to become a State System supplier

11 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Provide excellent customer service and value to the State System through negotiation and cost-saving initiatives. Provide quality products and services at the best value, e.g., price, quality, delivery, and supplier partnership. Demonstrate and support social responsibility within the Procurement organization. Always maintain the highest level of ethical and legal standards throughout all our business transactions and relationships. Our Mission

12 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Excellent Customer Service Quality Products The expectation is that suppliers will PARTNER with us to provide the best overall value. Each University should benefit from the volume provided through collaboration efforts of the Universities. Supplier Role

13 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Social Responsibility As an organization that promotes education, we believe in providing assistance to all small or diverse businesses who wish to do business with the State System. There are no diverse business set asides—however, if two suppliers are close in an evaluation process and one is a diverse supplier, we will typically award to the diverse supplier. Are you a diverse supplier or do you subcontract with diverse suppliers? Supplier Role

14 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Social Responsibility SUSTAINABILITY How can you support our sustainability initiatives? EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS How can you assist the State System and the surrounding communities in the event of an emergency? Supplier Role

15 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Ethical and Legal Standards Compete based on the quality of what you can offer! No back-door selling or lobbying. Positively no gifts! Be patient with the process. Work with the issuing office and they will guide you through the process if you have questions. The issuing office will generally provide debrief sessions upon request. This helps suppliers not selected understand how they can be more successful in the future. Supplier Role

16 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Definition:The enhancement added to a product or service by a company before the product is offered to customers. As a supplier, how can you help us demonstrate the best-value expenditure of the public dollar? Do you provide any training or process enhancements for our students, faculty, or staff? Do you support education through internships or scholarships? What kind of discounts or savings opportunities do you offer? (Do you offer collaboration, standardization, electronic payment method, procurement card payment, etc.?) Value-Added Services

17 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Effective July 2008, any procurement consideration greater than $5,000 must be uploaded to the Treasury website and available for public viewing. Beginning January 1, 2009, anyone can request contract information including unsuccessful bidder information. Suppliers must designate any information they believe is proprietary, but the final determination is made by the Open Records officer and Legal Counsel. Look at the website and click on ‘Strategic Sourcing— Right-to-Know Laws’ for additional information. Open Records—Right-to-Know

18 PENNSYLVANIA’S STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Suggestions on maintaining your business… Manage the relationship. Be proactive! Offer suggestions on improvements that will benefit the State System, e.g., quality, delivery, cost savings, time savings, new products. Have regular meetings with your State System and University contacts. If problems occur, address them immediately. Do not wait until your contract is about to expire before we hear from you. Make sure Procurement is aware of your organization contact. Provide detailed spend reporting. Offer additional reporting capabilities if available. Congratulations! You have the what?


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