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Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. Year 12 Higher Education Evening 26 th February 2015 What Parents and Students Need to Know for a Successful Higher.

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Presentation on theme: "Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. Year 12 Higher Education Evening 26 th February 2015 What Parents and Students Need to Know for a Successful Higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Altrincham Grammar School for Girls

2 Year 12 Higher Education Evening 26 th February 2015 What Parents and Students Need to Know for a Successful Higher Education Application

3 TONIGHT’S PROGRAMME 1.Introduction and The School Process for UCAS Applications Miss Miller, Higher Education Coordinator 2. Film of current Year 13 students talking about their UCAS experience 3.Finance Talk – Bernard Strutt, Head of UK/EU Student Recruitment, The University of Manchester 4.If I Had Only One Piece Of Advice to Give to Year 12 – AGGS Senior Head Girls: Sinead Gavin, Zoe Grainge, Helen Llambias-Maw, Isobel McKibbin, Harriet Ohemeng and Christina Preece. Colette McLoughlin from Connexions is also here this evening to answer any questions after our presentations.

4 The Sixth Form Team Mrs Galvin – Head of Sixth Form: Oxbridge applications Dr Welch – Assistant Higher Education Coordinator: Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine applications Miss Miller – Higher Education Coordinator: Overseas applications, Art Foundation, CUKAS, Law, Pharmacy and all other courses Form Tutors – for help and advice throughout the process especially Personal Statements Sixth Form Office – Mrs Quigley and Ms Egan for the checking of qualifications, exam boards, all sections of form correctly filled in, putting references onto the UCAS form

5 The UCAS Process 13 th March - UCAS Day 1- talks from Durham, Bangor, Newcastle and Sheffield Universities 8 th July – UCAS Day 2 Talk from an Admissions tutor and advice on writing Personal Statements. July – September. Continue working on UCAS application during summer and tutor time in school so that the form is ready as early as possible in the Autumn term of Year 13 UCAS forms checked and corrected and references added: 2- 3 week process.

6 Completed online with a password The student can work from any online computer The system administrator can check on the student’s progress at any stage The completed application is sent online to UCAS Students can follow the progress of their application through UCAS Track The UCAS form is the responsibility of the student; we will advise, but what goes on the form is up to the student. Applying through UCAS online

7 UCAS University Choices The number of University choices is 5. Individual universities do not see the student’s other choices Payment to UCAS by debit or credit card. Cost in 2014 – 2015 was £23.00

8 Additional Tests BMAT - for certain Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and related courses UKCAT - for Medicine or Dentistry LNAT - for Law STEP- for Mathematics

9 Admissions Tests Some universities may have additional admissions tests for certain courses. Visit the university websites for further information.

10 The UCAS Form This has sections on the following: Personal Details Universities and Courses applying for Qualifications Jobs and Work Experience Personal Statement School Reference

11 Words of Advice Don’t take university league tables as gospel – for one thing they are all different If you’re looking for independent information you might want to visit and Look carefully at the ‘new’ universities – for many subjects they offer really excellent courses and teaching In competitive areas like Medicine, English and Law make sure you apply for a spread of universities and typical offers – never focus only on the most prestigious ones.

12 University information Informed Choices latest – useful information including subjects required for different degree courses has information on careers, university profiles, league tables by region, advice on choosing the right course/university

13 The Russell Group

14 The Russell Group of Universities University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge Cardiff University Durham University University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Glasgow Imperial College London King’s College London University of Leeds University of Liverpool London School of Economics & Political Science University of Manchester Newcastle University University of Nottingham University of Oxford Queen Mary University of London Queen’s University Belfast University of Sheffield University of Southampton University College London University of Warwick University of York

15 Research Research, research and yes, you’ve guessed it, more research. USEFUL WEBSITES

16 Things to consider HE or HE in FE Private or public Cost / bursaries / scholarships Course content and options How taught Contact times/types How assessed Student body make-up Non-completion rates Teaching quality? Additional hurdles (eg interview/audition/admissions test/essay) Employment and work experience requirements/options Will I need to buy extras? (Cost?) Locations / venues / weather(!) Academic facilities Accommodation Transport options / costs Support mechanisms / facilities Leisure facilities and opportunities

17 University Replies Correspondence is always through UCAS. There may be an invitation to attend an interview, open day, audition or submit a portfolio. Most offers will be conditional on gaining certain grades or points at A level eg. AAB/ 340 points You follow the progress of your application on UCAS Track. When all offers are received you will need to fix on a ‘firm’ and an ‘insurance’ offer. The insurance choice should be a sensible, back up choice with lower grade requirements.

18 Key Dates 4 th September 2015 Internal deadline for all applications for:  Oxford and Cambridge Universities  Medicine  Dentistry  Vet Science UCAS deadline 15 th October 2015. Applications to be submitted to the Sixth Form Office by Form Tutor for checking and reference after having been seen by them

19 Key Dates 30 th October 2015 Deadline for all other applications. References to be written by tutors. You are advised to apply as early as possible as some popular courses fill up quickly. UCAS deadline 15 th January 2016. Applications to be submitted to the Sixth Form Office by Form Tutor for checking and reference after having been seen by them

20 Crucial Advice!.... From our current year 13 students!

21 Key dates 4 th March – Oxbridge Evening 11 th March – Biennial Careers Convention 13 th March – First UCAS morning (a.m. only) 25 th March – Evening for Medics, Dentists & Vet 8 th July – Second UCAS Day (all day)

22 Alternatives to university A series of talks have been organised by representatives from different employers and institutions to inform students about alternatives to university Speakers from Project Trust (GAP years) and Skills Solutions (apprenticeships) Employers including BBC, Network Rail, Rolls Royce, KPMG, Morgan Stanley, BA.

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