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O/o the Principal Accountant General (A&E) Assam.

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1 O/o the Principal Accountant General (A&E) Assam


3  This office is responsible for calculation and authorization of pension / family pension benefits of retired/deceased employees of GOA (excepting Provincialised School & Panchayat employees.

4 Superannuation Pension  Head of office/Pension sanctioning authority to start processing pension papers 2(two) years before retirement.  Forward to Pr. Accountant General (A&E) in correct & complete shape not later than 6(six) months before retirement. Family Pension  Complete & forward to Pr. Accountant General (A&E) within 1(one) month from the date of death after sanction/payment of provisional family pension/provisional gratuity.

5  Large number of pension cases are forwarded long after the date of retirement.  Besides family pension cases are too received long after the date of death of the Government servant and with a view of authorization of pension/family pension claims within shortest possible time. The following remedial measures have already been circulated to the all Commissioner and Secretary / Head of the Department.  Do’s and Don’ts in the form of guidelines have already been circulated  Same has already been published in this office’s website for compliance by all Pension Sanctioning Authorities/Heads of Offices.

6 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 1.Incomplete shape of Service Book/Service Roll No pension of family pension cases should be submitted to the O/o Pr. A.G.(A&E), Assam where deficiency in the Service Book or Service Roll is existed which results return of the case and delay in settlement. DDO has to check Service Book/ Service Roll before sending it to the A.G. office for final pension and DCRG in the following manner:- i.Whether entries made in the Service Book are duly attested along with service verification. ii.Whether the fixations of pay and increment given are done correctly with attestation. iii.Whether the Service Confirmation order has been noted with date and order No. and the same is duly attested.

7 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 1.Incomplete shape of Service Book/Service Roll iv.In case the date of retirement has been extended in terms of O.M. No. FEG.26/2012/29, dated 31/10/2012 and if so, whether the date of birth has been corrected in the Service Book accordingly under attestation, keeping a copy of HSLC in the Service Book for verification. v.Whether the ACP is admissible, if so, whether the same is allowed correctly quoting the order of the Competent Authority in the Service Book. vi.Whether the GPF A/C No. has been noted in the Service Book under attestation. vii.Whether the date of retirement / death has been noted in the Service Book along with order of retirement/ death certificate as the case may be under attestation.

8 Sl. No.Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 1.Incomplete shape of Service Book/Service Roll viii.In case the Service Book is re-constructed, the order of the Competent Authority has been obtained and noted in the first page of Service Book under attestation along with a copy of the order for verification. 2.Deficiency in pension papersi.Service Book not in complete shape. ii.Form-I (Revised) not enclosed / filled up properly and duly attested by the Head of Office. iii.Form-2 (Revised) not enclosed/filled up properly and duly attested by the Head of Office. iv.Form – 1A (Revised) not enclosed or not showing the details of Family members (in Capital letters) including date of birth in the format DD/MM/YYYY and relationship with retired/deceased official.

9 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 2.Deficiency in pension papers v.Form – 19 not enclosed/filled up properly and duly attested by the Head of Office. All the columns of Form No. 19 are to be filled up duly including the details of Provisional Pension and DCRG paid, if any. The sanction copy of Provisional Pension and DCRG must be enclosed. vi.NDC from Estate Officer. vii.Descriptive Roll in triplicate (duly attested) showing the particulars of height and identification mark. viii.3 (three) copies of joint photographs duly attested by Head of office. ix.3 (three) copies of specimen signature. In case of illiterate Government Servant two slips bearing the left thumb impression duly attested.

10 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 2.Deficiency in pension papers x.Particulars/ Service statement / Service Roll in case non- gazetted Government Servant specially Muster Rolls employees from date of engagement till the date of regularization. xi.For missing Government employee copy of the FIR and Police Report (final) should be invariably furnished along with the Pension Papers. xii.M.R. Labour cases are to be sent through Government. xiii.In case, the retired Govt. servant has more than one wife, the name, date of birth and date of marriage should be indicated clearly in Form No. 1A (List of family details) and in Form No. 2 in the space provided for the purpose.

11 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 2.Deficiency in pension papers xiv.In case of any overdrawn of pay and allowances due to wrong pay fixation, if any, the due and drawn statement duly certified by the Head of Office is to be accompanied with the pension case for adjustment of the same from pensionery benefit. Total quantum of overdrawal should be reflected in Form 19. xv.Annexure–A (Departmental Data Sheet). No column therein should be left blank and be attested by the DDO. xvi.LPC (Last Pay Certificate) of the retired Government servant along with GPF A/c No. quoting thereto.

12 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 3.Deficiency in family pension papers Family Pension case are to be forwarded to the A.G.(A&E), Assam along with the following documents within 1 (one) month of receipt of the claim. i.Service Book in complete shape. ii.Form-10 (Revised) – Application for Family Pension to be duly signed by the claimant of family pension and if the claimant is minor family member, the said form is to be signed by the Legal Guardian to be appointed by a Court of law. Further, DOB of the surviving family members should be indicated clearly in item No. 2 (Column No. 4) in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

13 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 3.Deficiency in family pension papers iii.Form-20 (Revised) – Part-I- Section I – Details of Service and other particular for assessing Pension & DCRG duly signed by the Head of Office. Section – II – Details of Provisional family pension & Gratuity sanctioned/paid by the Head of Office along with other recoverable Government dues, if any is to be duly signed by the Head of Office (with office seal). A copy of sanctioning letter for payment of provisional family pension and DCRG is also to be accompanied with the family pension case. Any column in Form 20 should not be left blank under any circumstances.

14 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 3.Deficiency in family pension papers iv.Form-21 (New) – forwarding letter by Head of Office. v.Nomination for Gratuity in Form – 12 or 13, 14 or 15 as the case may be and to be duly signed by the Government Servant before the event of death and to be accepted and countersigned by the Head of Office. vi.Family pension claims of minor son/daughter of the deceased Government Servant should be submitted through the Legal Guardian to be appointed by a Court of Law in High Court form (J) 52 or in High Court Form (J) 58 and Legal Guardianship.

15 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 3.Deficiency in family pension papers vii.Last Pay Certificate of the deceased Government servant along with GPF A/c No. quoting thereto. viii.Form-3 (Revised) Application for gratuity duly signed by the spouse of the deceased Government Servant or by the legal guardian, which is to be duly attested by the Head of Office/ Gazetted Officer. ix.Duly attested Photographs, Descriptive Roll, Specimen Signature (all in 3 copies each and to be duly attested by the Head of Office of the deceased Official) of the Family Pensioner should be accompanied with the family pension case.

16 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 3.Deficiency in family pension papers x.Copy of Death Certificate (duly attested) of the deceased Government servant issued by the Competent Authority. xi.Copy of birth certificate issued by the Competent Authority is respect of minor son(s) and daughter (s), where the claimant for family pension is minor. xii.Legal Heir Certificate from the Court of Law is to be accompanied with the family pension claim where the claim for arrear pension is involved. xiii.Copy of service confirmation order where the deceased Government servant has rendered below 20 years of service and the details of service confirmation order is to be recorded properly in the Service Book/ Service Roll of the deceased Government servant.

17 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 3.Deficiency in family pension papers xiv.In case of any overdrawn of pay and allowances due to wrong pay fixation, if any, the due and drawn statement duly certified by the Head of office is to be accompanied with the family pension case for adjustment of the same from family pensionery benefit. xv.Annexure – A (Departmental Data Sheet). No column therein should be left blank and be attested by the DDO.

18 Sl. No. Deficincies in Service Book or Service Roll and Pension Papers Suggested remedies/Checklist 4.Government of India have taken over the entire pension liability w.e.f. 1-4-2008 of AIS Officers who had already retired or would be retiring either from the State Government or from the Central Government vide OM No. 25014/2/202-AIS(II) dated 11/4/2007. W.e.f. 01-04-2008 the pensionery benefits of AIS Officers are debitable to “8658 Suspense Accounts” 101 PAO Suspense (1) (AIS Pension) Transaction adjustable by PAG (A&E) Assam through claim from the CPAO, New Delhi. As such, vouchers/bank scrolls for AIS pension, family pension, DCRG, Commutation of pension and Leave encashment payment is to be sent separately along with monthly accounts indicating the Major Head 8658 Suspense Account 101 PAO Suspense (1) (AIS Pension) to enable this office to segregate the same and preferring claims from CPAO, New Delhi. But it is observed that the Treasury Officers/Banks are not debiting the expenditure accordingly. As such this office finds difficulties to segregate vouchers of Pension payment of AIS Officers to claim the same from the CPAO.

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