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Treating Bipolar Disorder in the Primary Care Setting

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1 Treating Bipolar Disorder in the Primary Care Setting
Presented by: Jonathan Betlinski, MD Date: 10/16/2014 1

2 Learning Objectives Disclosures and Learning Objectives
Be able to name three treatments for mania/hypomania Be able to name three treatments for bipolar depression Be able to name three lifestyle treatments for bipolar disorder Disclosures: Dr. Jonathan Betlinski has nothing to disclose. 2

3 Review screening for Bipolar Disorder
Treating Bipolar Disorder in Primary Care Review screening for Bipolar Disorder Review treatments for mania/hypomania Review treatments for bipolar depression Review strategies for maintenance Next Week's Topic 3

4 Manic Episode Distractibility
Involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences Grandiosity or inflated self-esteem Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing Activity increase or psychomotor agitation Sleep need decreased Talkative or pressure to keep talking

5 Mania Hypomania Mania vs. Hypomania Lasts 7 days
OR requires hospitalization OR includes psychosis AND causes significant impairment Hypomania Only has to last 4 days Does not cause significant impairment

6 Bipolar I Disorder Bipolar II Disorder Cyclothymia
The Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder Manic Episode(s) +- depression Bipolar II Disorder Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes with Hypomanic episodes Cyclothymia Chronic cycling between hypomania and dysthymia Bipolar Disorder NOS

7 Screening Tools – MDQ and CIDI 3.0
15 Question written survey Score of 7 + Yes + Moderate/Severe = Specificity 0.93 CIDI 3.0 12 Question Interview Score of 9 = 80% risk

8 Treating Mania/Hypomania
Stop antidepressants (or inciting agents) Use a mood stabilizer first Lithium, Valproate Carbemazepine, Oxcarbazepine If psychosis occurs, use an antipsychotic Olanzapine, Risperidone, Asenapine? Aripiprazole, Ziprasidone, Quetiapine Consider short term use of a benzo

9 Treating Depression in Bipolar Disorder
Start with lithium or lamotrigine Quetiapine, olanzapine/fluoxetine “Antidepressant monotherapy is not recommended.” Add lamotrigine or bupropion if needed Paroxetine, Venlafaxine. Pramipexole? ECT if severely depressed or pregnant CBT and Behavioral Activation, too!

10 Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
4 or more mood episodes per year At least partial remission for 2 months OR switch to episode of opposite polarity Identify and treat comorbid contributors Hypothyroidism or drug/alcohol use Taper contributing medications Lithium, Valproate or Lamotrigine Combination treatment often required

11 Maintenance for Bipolar Disorder
Continue agent that helped in acute phase Taper benzodiazepines Taper antipsychotics when mood stable Lamotrigine may help ward off depression Lithium may be better at warding off mania Valproate, Olanzapine, Carbemazepine, Oxcarbazapine also evidence-based

12 Non-Pharmacologic Maintenance
Family Focused Therapy Fewer relapses and longer intervals Cognitive Therapy Fewer/shorter episodes and admissions Psychosocial interventions Extends remission, decreases recurrence Light/sleep management Omega-3 Fatty Acids

13 Lifestyle Changes for Bipolar Disorder
Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine Eliminate illicit substances (+cannabis) Regular exercise Balanced diet (Omega-3 Fatty Acids) Mood charts Avoid Blue Light (especially night lights) Sleep Hygiene!

14 Additional Resources Johns Hopkins Advanced Studies in Medicine
Harvard Pilgrim/UBH Clinical Practice Summary _0509.PDF Depression Bipolar Support Alliance Refer when needed

15 Pharmacology inevitably includes a mood stabilizer
Summary PCPs can provide life-changing psychiatric and medical treatment for bipolar disorder! Recognizing Bipolar Disorder is much easier using the MDQ and/or CIDI 3.0 Pharmacology inevitably includes a mood stabilizer Lifestyle management is important

16 Questions and Case Studies
The End! Next Week's Topic: Questions and Case Studies 16

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