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Summer, 2014 Prevention Council of Roanoke County Retreat Kerry J. Redican, MPH, Ph.D., CHES Professor of Public Health Department of Population Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer, 2014 Prevention Council of Roanoke County Retreat Kerry J. Redican, MPH, Ph.D., CHES Professor of Public Health Department of Population Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer, 2014 Prevention Council of Roanoke County Retreat Kerry J. Redican, MPH, Ph.D., CHES Professor of Public Health Department of Population Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine Virginia Tech David Salle,Ph.D. Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance Radford University Youth Risk Behavior Survey: 2014 Assessment

2 Roanoke County Schools has been assessing youth risk behaviors in grades 6-12 (all grades) every other year since late 1990s. The Prevention Council of Roanoke County works closely with Roanoke County Schools and re-examines the suitability of the YRBS questions. As a result, the YRBS has changed over a 12 year period to be more responsive to school and community concerns. Roanoke County Schools – Youth Risk Behavior Survey

3 2014 Roanoke County YRBS Scales Other Areas of Focus Demographics Personal Safety Violence Related Behaviors Substance Use Depression/Suicide Ideation Sexual Behavior Body Weight Nutrition Exercise Bullying Behaviors Technology Use Family and Community Factors “Discounting” Question Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, and Prescription Drugs 30 Day Use Age of Onset Perception of Peer Disapproval Perception of Parental Disapproval Middle School (n=2,916) Grades 6,7,8 High School (n=3,407) Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

4 CigarettesAlcoholMarijuana Prescription Drugs 30 day use4%7%5%3% Risk of Harm93%78%84%95% Perception of Peer Disapproval 86%79%86%97% Perception of Parental Disapproval 96%92%95%94% Roanoke County Middle School Comparisons 2014

5 CigarettesAlcoholMarijuana Prescription Drugs 30 day use17%33%20%10% Risk of Harm92%68%61%92% Perception of Peer Disapproval 62%46%53%83% Perception of Parental Disapproval 89%79%85%95% Roanoke County High School Comparisons 2014

6 High Schools 2002 High Schools 2004 High Schools 2006 High Schools 2008 High Schools 2010 High Schools 2012 High Schools 2014 Ever used alcohol 73.3%71.5%65.6%64.0%62.0%58.8%59.3% One drink or more last 30 days 45.6%43.0%39.2%36.7%36.3%32.2%32.9% Peer disapproval of alcohol use New question> 45.8% Drove while drinking 13.6%13.1%10.5%10.9%10.5%8.7%7.8% 5 drinks in a row last 30 days 27.8%26.2%25.4%24.0%23.1%19.9%19.0% Think risk of harm for drinking 1 or 2 drinks a day is great/moderate New Question> 66.8%68.6%68.1%64.4%67.9% HS Alcohol Use Trends 2002-2014

7 Middle Schools 2006 Middle Schools 2008 Middle Schools 2010 Middle Schools 2012 Middle Schools 2014 Ever used alcohol 33.1%24.8%23.7%23.2%18.7 One drink or more last 30 days 11.1%6.1%11.0%10.1%7.4% Peer disapproval of alcohol use New question>79.4% Think risk of harm for drinking 1 or 2 drinks a day is great/moderate 78.4%77.4%79.2%76.9%77.5% MS Alcohol Use Trends 2006-2014

8 High Schools 2002 High Schools 2004 High Schools 2006 High Schools 2008 High Schools 2010 High Schools 2012 High Schools 2014 Ever used marijuana 41.3%35.3%33.3%33.9%35.8%35.6%33.0% Used marijuana once or more in last 30 days 24.6%20.6%18.3%19%23.3%21.8%20.4% Peer disapproval of marijuana use New question 53.3% Think risk of harm for using marijuana regularly is great/moderate New>78.9%77.8%74.7%66.7%64. 5%60.6% Use of synthetic marijuana New question 21%15% HS Marijuana Use Trends 2002-2014

9 Middle Schools 2006 Middle Schools 2008 Middle Schools 2010 Middle Schools 2012 Middle Schools 2014 Ever used marijuana Used marijuana once or more in last 30 days 9.5%5.2%6.8%7.4%5.1% Peer disapproval of marijuana use New question85.5% Think risk of harm for using marijuana regularly is great/moderate 90.8%91.7%87.6%84.9%83.8% Synthetic marijuana use New question5.7%3.6% MS Marijuana Use Trends 2006-2014

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