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DepED Rationalization Program: Updates and Next Steps

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1 DepED Rationalization Program: Updates and Next Steps
21 July 2014 Ria Roa, Program Specialist Office of USec for Regional Operations CMT Secretariat

2 Updates on the Rationalization Program (RP)
DepED-wide Placement Results submitted to DBM Items vis-à-vis Rationalized Staffing Pattern (RSP) with summaries List of Retirees and Computation of Incentives Figures CO Field* DepED-Wide Abolished items: 488 7,193 7,681 Items for Creation: 500 9,144 9,644 Transferees: 27 514 541 CTI status: 257 9,385 9,642 Retirees: 242 2,595 2,837 Processing of Budget Request for Incentives Dialogue with CSC re: hiring process applicable to RP Preparing for Transition * Field = 16 RO-proper & 206 SDOs

3 On-going Activities After DBM Submission
AREA ACTIONS TO BE SUBMITTED BY: SUBMIT TO WHOM: RETIREES To fast-track the process, submit the supporting documents to the request for EO 366 incentives based on DBM BC dated April 12, 2013 * include a copy of the regional consolidation of the request for incentives DepED regional office DBM Regional Office TRANSFERS TO OTHER OFFICES (based on Annex D) List of employees who will transfer to schools, other DepED offices, and agencies outside DepEd to be submitted to the CSC counterpart office Types of Transfers: Within DepED & within the region – DepEd shall inform the current CSC field office Within DepEd & across regions – current CSC field office will endorse to the receiving CSC regional / field office Outside DepEd – for CSC to process and coordinate with the recipient office/s * Report should include the RO-proper and division offices of the region CSC regional office CIVIL SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Submit the updated list of employees interested to obtain eligibility (Prof or Sub-Prof; Computer-based or Paper-and-pen) (DepED Memorandum No. 62 s. 2014) cc: CO CMT Secretariat

4 Clarifications on EO 366 Retirees
As per EO 366 sec. 14, Retiring/Separating Employees CAN STILL continue working and receive salaries, with the ff. provisions: AREA REMARKS FUND SOURCE MOOE RATE Basic salary + Personal Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) Ex. Php 10,000 + Php 2,000 = Php 12,000 (rate of salary to be indicated in the contract) DURATION Renewable until the employee 1) receives both the GSIS benefits and EO 366 incentives OR 2) s/he reaches compulsory retirement * Contracts to be renewed after June 30, 2014 Work Assignment / Terms of Reference To be discussed and agreed upon by the employee and head of office PS realignment to MOOE DBM suggests that the realignment requests should be done by region and NOT by division, and submitted to the DBM regional office counterpart Attach the letter from DBM re allowing the realignment We want to clarify some matters relevant to our retiring/separating employees. FUND SOURCE: The DBM did not approve our request to continue charging the salaries of the retiring employees to the PS fund. Salaries shall be charged to MOOE funds SALARY : should be equivalent to Basic Salary + PERA, not minimum wage or the job order rate. DURATION of contract engagement: As mentioned earlier, the retiring and separating employees may continue to work until they receive both their GSIS benefits and the EO 366 incentives. However, since contracts are now charged against MOOE, we will also follow the existing policy that contract periods are from January-June and July-December for the contract of service (COS) personnel. Contracts should not be renewed once the employee receives the incentives OR s/he reaches 65 years old, the age of compulsory retirement for government employees. TOR: the head of office and the employee should come to an agreement on the terms of reference for the contract. It should be clear to the retiring employees what they will do so that they can still be productive. PS REALIGNMENT TO MOOE: we have received information that there are some division offices whose requests were not approved by the DBM regional office. The DepED regional office shall consolidate all requests from the RO-proper and its division offices, and submit these to the respective DBM regional office. REMINDER: please make sure that all the retiring employees who wish to continue working have their contracts so that their salaries will not be delayed

5 Preparing of Transition Plan
Next Steps Placement Feedback placement results to mid-management, CMT, and staff Facilitate Transfers of DepED employees to other offices (outside DepED) Clarification with CSC re Filling-up of vacant positions Address issues and complaints re placement and concerns of specific groups Preparing of Transition Plan Reconstitute the DepEd Change Management Team (CMT) to fit Transition requirements Form committees for the transition National Guidelines for the Transition Phase Transition Plan (CO and Region levels) – to include Plans for the transition areas Re-Activate the HelpDesks

6 Transition - Areas to work on:
Physical: Office Lay-out, furniture, equipment HR Placement to the Rationalized Staffing Pattern (RSP): Hiring to fill vacant items in the RSP Movement: Retained, Placed, CTI and transferees  Preparation and issuance of appointment papers and assignment orders Preparing People for the Change Cognitive and Affective preparation for Change Understanding of functions: by office and individual HR/OD competence Competence building Creating high performing teams Finance: adjustments in the Budget allocations Systems and Work Processes Technologies (ICT-based and non-ICT-based to support systems and work processes) Policies (e.g. transfer of accountabilities previously given to defunct offices, adjust office mandates such as NEAP)

7 Proposed Sub-committees for Transition (based on areas):
Leadership of Change (DepED-wide) Ensure smooth and seamless transition by providing directions, enabling issuances and resources, and inspiring presence Communication Facilitate smooth and seamless transition by managing expectations of internal and external stakeholders Policies Ensures appropriate accountabilities are aligned to the new structure by issuing adjusted or enabling policies for effective and efficient delivery of services Physical Structure and Resources; Ensures smooth transfer of offices from the current physical lay-out to new locations and Technologies Ensures the support to work processes and systems through provision of appropriate ICT-based and non-ICT –based technologies Systems and Work Processes Facilitate synergy amongst offices and delivery of services through adjustment/development of systems and work processes Human Resource and Change Management Ensures effective delivery of services by facilitating the smooth adjustment of personnel to new functions and offices ; and acquisition of committed and competent personnel

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