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EPC: baseline adaption. Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: baseline adaption Yearly accounting of energy savings - overview corrected energy costs costs.

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Presentation on theme: "EPC: baseline adaption. Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: baseline adaption Yearly accounting of energy savings - overview corrected energy costs costs."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPC: baseline adaption

2 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: baseline adaption Yearly accounting of energy savings - overview corrected energy costs costs water costs electricity costs heat Baselinesavings period X invoices for energy and water correction for cleared year prices of baseline year cleared year heat consumption electricity consumption water consumption m³ water consumpt. kWh electr. consumpt. kWh heat consumpt. climate correction utilisations correction I. II. III. A IV. V. III. B

3 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation c hanges during contracts runtime  examples:  loss of buildings  changes on the building (if not done trough the EPC)  changes in opening hours / work time  other user / more employees working in the building  changes in IT-equipment  special events  changes in room temperatures / comfort level improvement ... many more!

4 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation changes during contracts runtime  consumption is depending on utilisation of each building  to calculate the savings in comparison to the baseline, a neutralisation of changements in utilisations has to be done  documentation of all energy related changements over the year form in contract annex  calculation by technical terms, discussion between client and contractor neutralisation 1. baseline adaption2. calculation in annual account  neutralisation in kWh – not in factors or costs (comparability)  typical calculation schemes as part of the EPC contract

5 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation baseline adaption vs. annual accounting baseline adaption  contract indorsement in necessary (new baseline is fixed)  in case of enduring changements with relevant effects  example: loss of buildings, wide comfort level improvements, changes on the building  procedure: 1. due information of contract partners 2. discussion and calculation of influences by technical schemes 3. agreement of a fair compensation 4. implementation and baseline adaption 5. determination in contract indorsement  helpful: typical calculation schemes and procedure fixed in EPC contract

6 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation baseline adaption vs. annual accounting baseline adaption  calculation example: loss of building A  compensation payment is done annual or once (inkl. discount)  new baseline = old baseline – energy costs building A

7 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation baseline adaption vs. annual accounting annual accounting  no influence on the contract, fixing just by minutes of the yearly accounting  in case of temporary changements or marginal changements  example: reconstruction activities, changes in IT-equipment, special events  procedure: 1. collection of all relevant information by a form 2. calculation of effects during the annual accounting (by using calculation schemes from contract) 3. discussion with client 4. neutralisation on the years consumption 5. calculation of the saving result  helpful: typical calculation schemes and procedure fixed in EPC contract, data sheet

8 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation baseline adaption vs. yearly accounting annual accounting  calculation example: more IT equipment  consumption = consumption billing – 8.000 kWh  standard calculation in data sheet

9 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Thank you for your attention!

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