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European Monetary Integration I.

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Presentation on theme: "European Monetary Integration I."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Monetary Integration I.
Dana Viktorová

2 History of European Monetary Integration
© Viktorová, 2004

3 History of European Monetary Integration
© Viktorová, 2004

4 Werner’s Report ( ) © Viktorová, 2004

5 European Exchange Rate Arrangement
© Viktorová, 2004

6 Optimum Currency Areas
© Viktorová, 2004

7 Optimum Currency Areas
© Viktorová, 2004

8 European Monetary System (1979 - 1999)
© Viktorová, 2004

9 EMS - Three Key Elements
© Viktorová, 2004

10 EMS - Three Key Elements
© Viktorová, 2004

11 European Monetary System
© Viktorová, 2004

12 European Monetary System
© Viktorová, 2004

13 European Single Market
© Viktorová, 2004

14 Delors’ Report (1989) © Viktorová, 2004

15 Three Stages Towards EMU
© Viktorová, 2004

16 Maastricht Treaty - The Treaty on European Union
© Viktorová, 2004

17 Maastricht Treaty © Viktorová, 2004

18 Timetable for EMU © Viktorová, 2004

19 Timetable for EMU © Viktorová, 2004

20 Timetable for EMU © Viktorová, 2004

21 Maastricht Criteria © Viktorová, 2004

22 Maastricht Criteria © Viktorová, 2004

23 Relationship between Maastricht Fiscal Criteria
© Viktorová, 2004

24 Maastricht Criteria Fulfillment, 1997 (12M to 3/2000 for Greece)
ERM 3/1996-2/1998, (3/1998-3/2000 for Greece) Although, DK and UK have an opt-out arrangement (thus are not involved in the Convergence Report), we might assess their Maastricht criteria fulfillment based on the data stated in 1997 Convergence Report. © Viktorová, 2004

25 © Viktorová, 2004

26 Convergence report © Viktorová, 2004

27 European Monetary Union
© Viktorová, 2004

28 European Monetary Union
© Viktorová, 2004

29 Euro Area Inflation Rate
© Viktorová, 2004

30 © Viktorová, 2004

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