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Published byMoris Barrett Modified over 9 years ago
A CTIVE T RANSPORTATION P ROGRAM (ATP) ATP Program Managers Teresa McWilliam Districts 6 – 9, 11 & 12 916-653-0328 Ted Davini Districts 1 – 5, 10 916-653-4335
Program Overview & Goals Program & Project Funding Solicitation Schedule Websites Eligible Applicants Eligible & Ineligible Funding a Plan Project Phases Corps ATP P RESENTATION T OPICS 2 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Lunch Cycle 1 lessons learned Application Part A Application Part B Application Part C My Project was selected Questions ATP P RESENTATION T OPICS - CONTINUED 3 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Office Chief April Nitsos Supervising TE Office Chief April Nitsos Supervising TE Caltrans Headquarters ATP staff ATP Manager Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 10 Ted Davini 916-653-4335 Sr TE ATP Manager Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 10 Ted Davini 916-653-4335 Sr TE ATP Manager Districts 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 & 12 Teresa McWilliam 916-653-0328 Sr TE ATP Manager Districts 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 & 12 Teresa McWilliam 916-653-0328 Sr TE Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Manager Paul Moore Sr TP Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Manager Paul Moore Sr TP Bicycle Transportation Account Coordinator & TE closeout Deborah Lynch Assoc TP Bicycle Transportation Account Coordinator & TE closeout Deborah Lynch Assoc TP ATP/HPP/Discretionary Program Assistant Evelyn Williams AGPA ATP/HPP/Discretionary Program Assistant Evelyn Williams AGPA ER/STIP /ATP Scoping Jaime Espinoza TE ER/STIP /ATP Scoping Jaime Espinoza TE ATP Program Support and Admin Dancy Yang AGPA ATP Program Support and Admin Dancy Yang AGPA SRTS Manager & Bike/Ped. Tech. Spec. Kevin Atkinson 916-653-6920 Sr TE SRTS Manager & Bike/Ped. Tech. Spec. Kevin Atkinson 916-653-6920 Sr TE ATP/SRTS Coordinator Mary Hartegan Assoc TP ATP/SRTS Coordinator Mary Hartegan Assoc TP 4 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Active Transportation Program is ACTIVE Modes of Transportation 6 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
– John A. Perez, Speaker of the Assembly “Over the coming years, the Active Transportation Program will increase the number of bicycling and walking trips in California, improve safety and mobility, help achieve greenhouse gas reductions.” 7 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
8 ATP Purpose and Goals As defined by the State Legislature and SB99 2380. There is hereby established the Active Transportation Program in the department for the purpose of encouraging increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. It is the intent of the Legislature that the program achieve all of the following goals: (a) – (f) (f) Provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many type of active transportation users. Infrastructure Projects Non-Infrastructure ProjectsPlans* SRTS; that improve safety of children Safe routes to transit Bikeways & Walkways: -New -Improved -Hazard elimination -Maintenance Secure Bike Parking ATP Bike Ped SRTS Education Programs & other NI projects that demonstrate effectiveness in increasing active transportation SRTS Projects: in accordance with Section 1404 of Public Law 109-59 Bike Carrying: In connection with Transit Rec Trails/Trailheads, Park linkages to corridors & rails- to-trails Traffic control devices: - New Ped Signals, RRFBs, Protected LT movements, Road Diets, etc Increased use of active modes of transportation ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop (a) Increase the proportion of trips accomplished by biking and walking (b) Increase safety and mobility for non- motorized users (e) Ensure that disadvantaged communities fully share in the benefits of the program (d) Enhance public health, including reduction of childhood obesity through the use of programs including, but not limited to, projects eligible for SRTS funding (c) Advance the active transportation efforts of regional agencies to achieve green house gas reduction goals as established pursuant to SB 375 (Chapter 728, Statutes of 2008) and SB 391 (Chapter 585, Statutes of 2009) *Plans are not specifically listed in the legislation
P ROGRAM G OALS Increase the proportion of trips accomplished by and Increase the safety and mobility of non-motorized users 9 Advance the ATP efforts of regional agencies to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals Enhance public health, including reduction of childhood obesity through the use of programs including, but not limited to, projects eligible for Safe Routes to School Program funding Ensure that disadvantaged communities fully share in the benefits of the program (a minimum of 25%) Provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of active transportation users ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
10 Let’s get walking & rolling with ATP ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
$119.7M State Highway Account $34.2M State Highway Account $34.2M Federal Trust Fund $85.5M Federal Trust Fund $85.5M A NNUAL ATP FUNDING IS A COMBINATION OF S TATE H IGHWAY A CCOUNT (SHA) AND F EDERAL FUNDS 13 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
F UNDING D ISTRIBUTION Because a majority of the funds are in the ATP are federal funds most; if not all projects, must be federal-aid eligible. 14 For federally funded, on-system projects; FHWA is starting to enforce the requirement that the agency have a employee who full-time and in responsible charge of the project. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
D IFFERENCES BETWEEN F EDERAL FUNDS & S TATE - ONLY FUNDS Federal Has to be Programmed (usually) in the TIP E-76/Obligation/ Authorization package Environmental CEQA NEPA ROW- Certification required prior to CON funding request 15 State Was Programmed when the project was adopted State-only finance letter Environmental CEQA- Agency is Lead ROW- Agency self certifies ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
50% for Statewide $60M 50% for Statewide $60M 10% to Rurals Populations ≤ 200k $12M 10% to Rurals Populations ≤ 200k $12M 40% to MPOs Populations > 200k $48M 40% to MPOs Populations > 200k $48M A NNUAL F UNDING D ISTRIBUTION 16 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Non-Infrastructure (NI) 50% for Statewide $60M 50% for Statewide $60M Safe Routes to School (STRS) Safe Routes to School (STRS) NI funding is not limited to SRTS projects 17 F UNDING D ISTRIBUTION ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Cycle 2 does not have SRTS or NI minimums but ATP is committed to funding these elements.
$360M ATP F UND E STIMATE, C YCLE 2 Three years of funding awarded in cycle 2 (FY16/17, 17/18, 18/19) $ in Millions 18 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop It is important that your project schedule (Fiscal years) be accurate!
S TATEWIDE 50% C YCLE 2 $180 Million *All communities are eligible to apply to the Statewide Competition 25% min or $45M for disadvantaged communities 5% max or up to $9M for plans in disadvantaged communities 19 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
S MALL U RBAN & R URAL 10% C YCLE 2 25% min or $9M for disadvantaged communities $180 Million *Communities in rural regions or in urban regions with populations under 200,000 are eligible for the Small Urban & Rural Competition 20 $36 Million ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
C YCLE 1 FUNDED PROJECT S UB -T YPES 21 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
P ROJECT F UNDING Minimum Project Request Each project must request at least $250,000 in ATP funds Except for: non-infrastructure (NI) projects, Safe routes to schools projects Recreational Trails and Plans No cost increases or over-runs will be funded with ATP funds Any cost increases will be funded by the agency Large MPOs may elect to require a different minimum funding amount- Use of a minimum greater than $500,000 must be approved by the CTC. 22 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
P ROJECT F UNDING - CONT ’ D Matching requirements No Match is required for cycle 2. An agency may elect to provide a match and will be awarded up to 5 points for doing so. Matching funds may be any combination of local, private, state or federal funds* Large MPOs may elect to require a different match percentage- as approved by the CTC *generally you can’t match FHWA funds with FHWA funds 23 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Oct 2014Jan 2016Jan 2015Apr 2015Jul 2015Oct 2015 Statewide Call for ATP Projects- March 26, 2015 C YCLE 2 S OLICITATION S CHEDULE End Statewide Call for ATP Projects- (Postmarked) June 1, 2015 25 9/15/15 CTC Staff recommendations for Statewide and SU&R 10/22/15 CTC adopts Statewide and SU&R projects 12/10/15 CTC adopts MPO selected projects ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
C YCLE 2 S OLICITATION S CHEDULE - CONTINUED 26 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop If you are part of the “9 Large MPOs” it is important to check with them to see when their solicitation due date is and if they have any additional questions or informational requirements COFCG- Fresno Council of Govs. KCOG- Kern Council of Govs. MTC- Metropolitan Transportation Comm. SACOG- Sacramento Area Council SANDAG- San Diego Association of Govs. SJCOG- San Joaquin Council of Govs. SCAG- Southern California Association of Govs. StanCOG- Stanislaus Council of Govs. TCAG- Tulare County Association of Govs.
Oct 2015Jan 2017Jan 2016Apr 2016Jul 2016Oct 2016 C YCLE 2 D ELIVERY S CHEDULE 27 10/22/15 CTC adopts Statewide and SU&R projects 12/10/15 CTC adopts MPO selected projects ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop An Allocation request package must be submitted to your district about 2 months prior to the CTC meeting Go to for the 2016 “Preparation Schedule” The CTC does not meet monthly... the CTC will, in the last quarter of the fiscal year, allocate funds to projects programmed in a future fiscal year on a first-come, first served basis. If there are insufficient funds, the Commission may delay the allocation of funds to a project until the next fiscal year... 7/1/2016 Begin Cycle 2
Oct 2018Jan 2019 Apr 2019Jul 2019Oct 2019 C YCLE 2 D ELIVERY S CHEDULE - CONTINUED 28 5/?/19 Submit allocation request package to your district. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Go to ctcliaison.htm for the Preparation Schedule” ctcliaison.htm The CTC does not meet monthly 6/30/2019 End of Cycle 2 Allocation Requests PA&ED, PS&E and ROW allocations must be expended by the end of the 2 nd fiscal year, after the fiscal year in which the funds were allocated. CON allocations have 6 months to award contract and 36 months from award to complete Construction.
March 26 2015 16/17, 17/18 & 18/19 29 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
June 1 1 2015 30 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
32 Go here to review the CTC Guidelines Go Here for Call for Projects info You can sign up for notifications when our website is updated here: (CTC) 32 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Local, Regional or State Agencies* Transit Agencies Natural Resource or Public Land Agencies Public schools or school districts Tribal Government- Federally-recognized Native American Tribes Private nonprofit tax-exempt organization- for Recreational Trails Any other entity- with responsibility for oversight of transportation or Recreational Trails that the CTC determines to be eligible * Caltrans & MPOs (except MPOs that are also RTPAs) are not eligible project applicants for the federal TAP funds. All applicants must be able to enter into a Master Agreement (MA) with Local Assistance or do a fund transfer to an eligible federal agency. (i.e. FTA) If an applicant does not currently have a MA with Caltrans- the audit process will take about 6 months and the applicant is not guaranteed to be determined to be eligible. 34 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
E LIGIBLE F UND T RANSFERS 35 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop FTA & BIA transfers are allowed for ATP projects. Four important items to remember when transferring ATP projects to FTA & BIA: 1-CTC will still require separate allocations for each phase so transfers will occur after each allocation 2-Information to fulfill ATP reporting requirements will still be required from the sponsor 3-Use of Corps will still be tracked by Caltrans on transferred projects 4-Projects will still be subject to auditing requirements of the program
P ARTNERING Entities that are unable to apply for ATP funds, or that are unable to enter into a Master Agreement with the State must partner with an eligible applicant that can implement the project. Agencies who are unfamiliar with the federal funding process are encouraged to partner with an experienced agency. No agency is guaranteed to pass the pre-agreement audit process! The Implementing agency will be responsible and accountable for the use and expenditure of program funds. 36 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
D ISADVANTAGED C OMMUNITY D EFINED A project must clearly demonstrate a benefit to a Community that meets one of the following; in order to qualify as a Disadvantaged Community: The median household income is less than 80% of the statewide median, based on the current census tract data. An area identified among the most disadvantaged 25% in the state according to CalEnviroScreen scores. At least 75% of public school students in the project area a eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), or The applicant can submit for consideration a quantitative assessment of why the community should be considered disadvantaged. 37 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
D ISADVANTAGED C OMMUNITY D EFINED - CONTINUED At least 75% of public school students in the project area a eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) This option can be used on non-SRTS projects, as long as the application explains how the project will be a benefit to students in the area or, for a project not directly benefiting school students, explain why this measure is representative of the larger community. 38 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop You must document the school name and the % for each school in the project area, and show that % average is 75% or higher.
E LIGIBLE P ROJECTS All projects must increase use of active modes of transportation and meet 1 or more of the previously listed program goals. Projects can be: Infrastructure (I)- Capital improvements that will further the goals of the program- including planning, design, and construction Non-infrastructure (NI)- Education, Encouragement, enforcement and planning activities that further the goals of the program Pilot or start-ups that demonstrate funding for ongoing efforts NI is not limited to projects that benefit students Combined I & NI Plans- Must be stand alone 40 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
E LIGIBLE P ROJECT E XAMPLES Eligible ATP projects consist of but are not limited to: Development of bikeways & walkways. Improvements to existing bikeways & walkways Elimination of hazardous conditions on existing facilities Preventative maintenance with the primary goal of extending the service life of the facility Installation of bike/ped traffic control devices and lighting that improves the safety of non-motorized users Establishment or expansion of a bike share program. Bike-carrying facilities on public transit Functional Landscape- Landscaping projects will not score well Protective planters Shade at a bench or median Ped. Refuge area 41 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Recreational trails- Trails Trailheads Park projects that facilitate trail linkages or connectivity to non-motorized corridors, and conversion of abandoned railroad corridors to trails 42 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop E LIGIBLE P ROJECT E XAMPLES - CONTINUED Purely recreational trails that do not have a destination(s) did not score well in Cycle 1.
Secure public bike parking at Employment centers Park & ride lots Rail & transit stations Ferry docks & landings Decorative Items landscape*, art and hard-scapes 5% of the project cost. Decorative Landscaping total shall include all irrigation, excavation and any other components necessary to install the landscaping. E LIGIBLE P ROJECT E XAMPLES - CONTINUED 43 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop The SB99 legislation allows for Urban Forestry projects to offset vehicular emissions under the Environmental Enhancement & Mitigation Program, which is administered under the Natural Resources Agency. Contact:
E LIGIBLE P ROJECT E XAMPLES - CONTINUED SRTS projects that improve the safety of non- motorized students, the project must: Increase safety & convenience for public school students to walk and/or bike to school Infrastructure projects must be located within 2 miles of any public school, or Within the vicinity of any public school bus stop Safe routes to transit projects 44 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
E LIGIBLE P ROJECT E XAMPLES - CONTINUED Education programs to increase biking & walking Development of bike and/or walk-to-work/school day/month Bike/Ped. Counts, walkability/bikeability Bike/Ped. safety analysis Bike/Ped. safety education programs Developing walking & biking maps Developing “walking school bus” or “bike train” programs School crossing guard training School bike clinics All ATP facilities projects must be open to the public 24/7 45 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
E LIGIBLE ITEMS FOR N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI) PROJECTS Operating ExpensesItems Staff & Benefits Examples of allowable staff include: Salaries and benefits for agency staff needed to support an awarded ATP NI project Costs to engage the services of a consultant (either non-profit or for- profit) to support an awarded ATP NI project. A SRTS Program Manager. A Program Manager is a person who runs an entire city, county, or some other area wide division that includes numerous schools. Costs to engage the services of a consultant (either non-profit or for- profit) to manage a SRTS program- see Program Manager description above. Local school SRTS coordinator(s) to conduct outreach/education efforts. Costs for law enforcement on school routes, during regular school hours. Pay for a substitute teacher when SRTS faculty is attending SRTS functions during school hours. Staff Training Training, if necessary, should be limited to specific area of training needed. Training should utilize available SRTS-TARC materials as applicable. Training for crossing guards is allowable, but crossing guard salaries is not an eligible expense. General attendance at conferences is not an eligible expense. (See Travel). Note : Persons hired as a SRTS coordinator should have the skills necessary to deliver the program. 46 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Eligible NI items include but are not limited to the following:
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED Operating ExpensesItems Stipends for parents, volunteers, or staff coordinators Stipends may be used to reimburse volunteers for materials and expenses needed for coordination and training efforts. The intent is not to pay volunteers for their time. Communications Phone Postage/shipping Webinar service Website design and maintenance/updates Office Supplies Including but not limited to: Paper Pens Printer ink, etc. Travel Mileage/airfare/hotel/per diem/parking/ taxi fare ( For necessary staff travel only, not to be used as an incentive ). Auto insurance (e.g. to move bicycle fleets). General attendance at conferences is not an eligible expense. Out of State travel is not an eligible expense. Travel should conform to State’s or the responsible agency’s reimbursement rates. Meeting Costs Meeting/training rental fees, food for working lunch Small procurement procedures must utilized as appropriate Food must be “healthy” and of reasonable cost 47 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED Operating ExpensesItems Material Production Graphic design and printing costs associated with education and encouragement materials It is encouraged to use educational materials already developed for SRTS by the National Center for SRTS and the California SRTS TARC** Small procurement procedures or RFQ/RFP/PIF must be utilized as appropriate. **Expenses to design/develop alternative SRTS materials (material already available from the National or California SRTS websites) must be approved by the Caltrans HQ SRTS Manager. (Exception: school walking and/or bicycling route maps.) Indirect Costs Should have an approved agreement with Caltrans in order to be reimbursed Can have an Acceptance letter from A&I affirming a provisional ICAP rate. Ineligible ExpensesThese types of items are not eligible operating expenses: Cash, Gift Cards, Gift Certificates Electronic Equipment: (Computers, laptops, iPads/tablets, iPods/MP3 Players, cell phones, smart boards, or other electronic equipment.) Other similar items 48 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED 49 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Program Related ExpensesItemsEstimated Cost Equipment* For training/ educational purposes only, not to be used for incentives, prizes, or giveaways, etc. A limited # of bikes and helmets may be provided to allow students to participate in training / events if they do not have their own equipment. The amount of equipment purchased for such purposes should be reasonable for the size of the event/training session anticipated. (See notes) Bicycles (See notes) Bicycle cost is limited to $250/ bicycle (excluding tax) Bike Helmets (See Notes) Helmet cost is limited to $20/ helmet (excluding tax) Bike locks and cables Bike Repair Stand Bike tire patch kit Bike lights Bike lubricants Bike saddle bags Bike tire / tubes Bike wrenches Hydration Equipment and bottle cages Barcode scanner and related equipment (see ineligible equipment) $/$$$$+ Funding Key $ $ 0-5 per item $$ $ 6-10 per item Funding Key $$$ $11-25 per item $$$$ $ 26-50+ per item
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED 50 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Program Related ExpensesItemsEstimated Cost Safety Gear* Allowable for staff, trainers, and volunteers. Gear must be necessary for the staff member to complete the program work/duties. Bike helmets Rain Gear (including umbrellas) Safety vests Stop paddles Safety cones ID badges/ pins/ sashes $/$$ Incentives- Minor Items* *(1) Incentives should be used as rewards for participation, not given to the entire student body whether or not they participate in a SRTS activity. *(2) Incentives should be limited to items that have a direct impact on the safety or ability of the students to walk or bike to school. *(3) All material must include a safety message Bike reflectors Sun visors Water bottles Pedometers Flashlights Reflective zipper pulls Reflective show tags Reflective back pack belt wraps Punch card holders Pins or badges Scanning tags or punch cards Pencils, stickers Award Certificates (not gift certificates) Healthy snacks T-shirts (for walking school bus or bike train programs) $ Note: Total value of incentives should be limited to no more than $10 per participating individual. Donated items do not have a value limit. Funding Key $ $ 0-5 per item $$ $ 6-10 per item Funding Key $$$ $11-25 per item $$$$ $ 26-50+ per item
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED 51 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Program Related ExpensesItemsEstimated Cost Incentives- Major Items* *(1) May be used as reward for outstanding participation or achievement in the SRTS program over the course of a school year. *(2) Incentives should be used as rewards for participation, not given to the entire student body whether they participate in a SRTS activity. Bikes* (see Notes) Bike cost is limited to $100/bike (excluding tax). Limited to a maximum of 1 bike per grade level, per school, per school year. Bike Helmets* (see Notes) Helmet cost is limited to $20/helmet (excluding tax). Limited to a maximum of 2 helmets per grade level, per school, per school year. * Donated incentive items are not included in the limit. $$$ Educational Materials* * Also see Operating Expenses- Material Production Educational material must be specific to walking and biking to school. (Transit related items are not an eligible component of the STRS Program). Curricula (e.g. traffic safety, personal safety, violence prevention) Brochures DVDs/movies Walking school bus guides $/$$ Funding Key $ $ 0-5 per item $$ $ 6-10 per item Funding Key $$$ $11-25 per item $$$$ $ 26-50+ per item
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED 52 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Program Related ExpensesItemsEstimated Cost Incentives- Major Items* *(1) May be used as reward for outstanding participation or achievement in the SRTS program over the course of a school year. *(2) Incentives should be used as rewards for participation, not given to the entire student body whether they participate in a SRTS activity. Bikes* (see Notes) Bike cost is limited to $100/bike (excluding tax). Limited to a maximum of 1 bike per grade level, per school, per school year. Bike Helmets* (see Notes) Helmet cost is limited to $20/helmet (excluding tax). Limited to a maximum of 2 helmets per grade level, per school, per school year. * Donated incentive items are not included in the limit. $/$$$ Educational Materials* Educational material must be specific to walking and biking to school. (Transit related items are not an eligible component of the STRS Program). $/$$ Funding Key $ $ 0-5 per item $$ $ 6-10 per item Funding Key $$$ $11-25 per item $$$$ $ 26-50+ per item
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED 53 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Program Related ExpensesItemsEstimated Cost Bike Rodeo / other SRTS Event Related Expenses Event Insurance Stipends – The intent is not to pay volunteers for their time. (go to this document’s link for more information) Costs for law enforcement needed SRTS activities. Overtime is only allowed for SRTS special events, and must be justifiable Supplies- including but not limited to: Chalk Chalk Sticks Cones Barriers/Fences for safe bike traffic flow Tables/Chairs for sign-in areas Shade tents Easels Supplies must meet all other expense requirements contained herein. $/$$$ Funding Key $ $ 0-5 per item $$ $ 6-10 per item Funding Key $$$ $11-25 per item $$$$ $ 26-50+ per item
E LIGIBLE N ON -I NFRASTRUCTURE (NI)- CONTINUED 54 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop Program Related ExpensesItemsEstimated Cost Ineligible Expenses These items are not eligible program expenses: Cash, Gift Cards, Gift Certificates Electronic Equipment (Computers, laptops, iPads/tablets, iPods/MP3 Players, cell phones, smart boards, or other electronic equipment). Skateboards, Scooters Incentives (Major or Minor) used for non- SRTS event Incentives intended to reward simply attending events, but not requiring participation in the program Similar items Not Allowed Funding Key $ $ 0-5 per item $$ $ 6-10 per item Funding Key $$$ $11-25 per item $$$$ $ 26-50+ per item “NI Eligible costs”
I NELIGIBLE P ROJECTS OR E LEMENTS Ineligible ATP projects or elements, include but are not limited to- Feasibility studies or other pre-PA&ED studies* Installation or repair of bus or transit facilities Median landscaping, except at ped. Refuge locations Gateway elements Museums or museum displays Enhanced hardscapes (over the 5% allowable) Stamped concrete Pavers Street lighting Street lighting costs can be prorated non-motorized versus motorized use. 55 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
*O THER AVAILABLE P LANNING F UNDS Since Feasibility studies or other pre-PA&ED studies are not eligible- there are other Planning funds either through your Regional Agencies and through Caltrans Planning, their link is: The Office of Sustainable Community Planning: 56 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
I NELIGIBLE P ROJECTS OR E LEMENTS - CONTINUED General recreation & Park facilities: Playground or Park exercise equipment Sports fields Campgrounds Picnic areas & Pavilions Biking or walking “loops” Promotional activities- except as allowed under SRTS 57 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
I NELIGIBLE P ROJECTS OR E LEMENTS - CONTINUED Any work that is not attributable to non-motorized travel or safety, such as: Vehicular portions of roadway or bridge construction or rehab, including traffic signals Bus or transit stops** Roadway widening beyond proposed bike/ped facilities Drainage facilities beyond proposed bike/ped facility needs Roadway repaving- not attributable to non-motorized use Vehicular parking lots 58 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
** B US AND TRANSIT STOP FUNDING Bus and Transit Stop funding Public Transportation Account (PTA) The Public Transportation Account (PTA) provides funding for local transit, as outlined in the Transportation Development Act. The sole source of revenue for this Account is from the state sales tax on diesel fuel. The sales and use tax on diesel fuel is an additional 1.75% on top of the base sales tax (7.50%) for FY 2014-15 and thereafter according to Revenue and Taxation Code 6051.8, 6201.8, and 60050. This equates to a total sales tax rate of 9.25% for diesel fuel. 59 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
Especially ones with a lot of plants or other visual interest. R OUNDABOUTS - M AY N OT BE GREAT FOR N ON -M OTORIZED USERS 60 The safest way for a bicyclist to transit this facility is by “taking a lane” and acting like a car. Taking a lane is not recommended elementary school age behavior. ATP will only fund the non-motorized function of roundabout construction. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
B IKE R EPAIR S TATIONS 61 ATP will not fund the stocking, maintenance, repair or replacement of Bike Repair Stations Even the air pump hose has Been cut so it can’t be used ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
H ARDSCAPE 62 This is an excessive use of pavers. They are not a comfortable surface for rollers of any kind. The Eligible/Incidental (it should also have non- participating) column is useful during project evaluation. Cycle 1 had 10% Incidentals, Cycle 2 will have 5% Decorative. Which item are the pavers in? The Curb & Gutter item may be fully Eligible ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
H ARDSCAPE - CONTINUED 63 Colored concrete/asphalt (but not textured) on curb extensions or bulb- outs is a good way to help them standout. ATP will fund 5% of the decorative (enhanced) lights and potted plants. Remember to account for drainage and turning radii on bulb-outs. Should bulb-outs protrude into bike lanes? ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
F UNCTIONAL L ANDSCAPE 64 The previous slide says that ATP will not fund potted plants... ATP will fund planters that also function as pedestrian and/or bike protection from vehicles. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
H ARDSCAPE - CONTINUED 65 These small low bulb outs or micro islands are not being seen by motorists and bicyclists. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
I LLUMINATED C ROSSWALKS VS. RRFB S 66 The Illuminated Crosswalks appear to be a pricey maintenance issue at this point in time. Whereas the Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFBs) are reliable and less expensive. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
B OLLARDS AND OTHER O BSTRUCTIONS 67 Consider speed, sight distance, and end treatment 5’ min Face to face ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
B OLLARDS AND OTHER O BSTRUCTIONS 68 Definition- A device that p revents unauthorized vehicle entry to bike paths The average bike can’t fit through these bollards; and the top piece is hard to see at faster speeds. The sidewalk isn’t wide enough for 2 way bike travel. Fold down obstructions are very unsafe The fire hydrant is also an obstacle for bicyclists ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
L IGHTING ELIGIBILITY 69 ATP will fund: o Pedestrian and o Bike lighting, o or will pro-rate vehicular lighting Does median placed lighting benefit Non-motorized users? The ATP supports the use of LED and “dark skies” fixtures! ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
T HE CTC HAS POSTED ALL OF THE A PPLICATIONS THAT WERE A WARDED AT : 70 _Apps.html We have not made major changes to the application questions, so please take some time to go to this website and review a few of these documents. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
F UNDING A P LAN - C YCLE 2 P LANS MUST BE STAND ALONE Funding for community wide Plans In a disadvantaged community only ATP may fund the development of a Bike plan Pedestrian plan Safe routes to schools plan or Active transportation plan Also CTC will set aside up to 5% of the statewide funds for active transportation MPOs may also have a 5% planning set aside 72 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
F UNDING A P LAN - CONT ’ D Funding for Plans- continued The 1st priority for funding of active transportation plans will be for Agencies that don’t have: A bicycle plan or a Pedestrian plan or a Safe routes to schools plan or an Active transportation plan The 2nd priority will be for funding of active transportation plans for Agencies that have either: A bicycle plan or a pedestrian plan But not both The lowest priority is for funding ATP plan updates of : Existing plans older than 5 years See the ATP guidelines for the ATP Plan requirements 73 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
ATP P ROGRAMMING P HASES Permits & Environmental Studies (PA&ED) Plans, specs & estimates (PS&E) Right-of-way (ROW) Construction (CON) PE or Preliminary Engineering* 75 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop *Federally funded components ROW capital outlay* Support for ROW acquisition* CON capital outlay* Construction Engineering (CE)*
ATP P ROJECT P HASES - CONTINUED When proposing to fund only preconstruction components for a project the applicant must demonstrate the means by which it intends to fund the construction of a usable segment, consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan. 76 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
ATP P ROJECT P HASES - CONTINUED Through your application, you’ll need to specify which phases and State Fiscal years (July 1 through June 30) you’re requesting funding for in this cycle, FY16/17, FY17/18 and FY 18/19. If any phases are outside of those years, future ATP funds can be identified for them. You will, however, need to reapply in future ATP cycles to secure funding for those phases. Other construction funding sources at acceptable as well. Be aware that if you have not gone to construction within 10 years FHWA will require you to pay back the funds or get forgiveness approval. 77 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
78 Project Programmed PA&ED Allocation Request EX 22 N & O “LAPG” Prelim Enviro Study Form (PES) (CH 6) Conduct Field Review Authorize/Obligate/E-76 PA &ED funds Approx 6 weeks (CH 3) PA&ED Allocation Request Approved Begin PA&ED Phase End PA&ED Phase Project Agreement(s) Invoice(s) Federal & maybe State funds Enviro Doc NEPA * (CH #) refers to Chapters of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual “LAPM” Boxes with dashed boarders indicate processes that are only required for Federally funded projects PS&E Allocation Request EX 22 N & O “LAPG” Field Review Form (CH 7*) PS&E Allocation Request Approved Authorize/Obligate/E-76 PS&E funds Approx 6 weeks (CH 3) End Final Design Begin PS&E Phase State or Federal funds End PS&E Phase ATP project selected If the Implementing agency does not have a MA With Caltrans Insert 6 to 12 months here For State funded PA&ED- the Implementing agency self certifies CEQA environmental Begin Final Design Invoice(s) ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
79 Begin ROW Phase End ROW Phase Federal funds Only ROW Allocation Request EX 22 N & O ROW Allocation Request Approved Authorize/ Obligate/E-76 ROW (Utilities if needed) funds (CH 3) Authorize/ Obligate/E- 76 ROW (Capitol Costs) funds (CH 3) Invoice(s) ROW Certification (Required for all Fed funded Infrastructure Projects) * (CH #) refers to Chapters of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual “LAPM” Boxes with dashed boarders indicate processes that are only required for Federally funded projects For State-only funded projects- the agency self certifies that ROW is complete in Question #9 of Exhibit 22-N “ Funding Allocation Checklist” For all Federal funded projects, a ROW certification is required as part of the CON allocation request package! For these projects that do not have any ROW takes or easements, the agency can do the ROW request as part of PE. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
80 CON Allocation Request EX 22 N & O “LAPG” Authorize/Obligate/E-76 CON funds Approx 6 weeks (CH 3) CON Allocation Request Approved Begin CON Phase End State or Federal funds Advertise & Award (CH 15) Agency’s shall not advertise prior to being “Authorized to Proceed” by Caltrans Invoice(s) Boxes with dashed boarders indicate processes that are only required for Federally funded projects * (CH #) refers to Chapters of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual “LAPM” CON Phase continued Project Completion (CH 17) Final Report of Expenditures Final ATP Counts/Report ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
P ROJECT SCOPING & E LIGIBILITY Onsite project scoping by Caltrans for all projects exceeding $5M, that are being considered for award. Other projects will be randomly selected for scoping at the discretion of Caltrans Project scoping will focus on the following: Will project meet proposed scope Can the project limits accommodate all ADA requirements Will the project require any design exceptions Will the existing or proposed Right-of-Way accommodate all of the proposed features Potential utility conflicts 81 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
C ONSERVATION CORPS.- CTC GUIDELINES Use of the California Conservation Corps or a qualified community conservation corps, as defined in Section 14507.5 of the Public Resources Code, as partners to undertake or construct applicable projects in accordance with Section 1524 of Public Law 112-141. Points will be deducted if an applicant does not seek corps participation or if an applicant intends not to utilize a corps in a project in which the corps can participate. 83 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
C ONSERVATION CORPS. CTC G UIDELINES - CONTINUED Direct contracting with the California Conservation Corps or a qualified community conservation corps without bidding is permissible provided that the implementing agency demonstrates cost effectiveness per 23 CFR 635.204 and obtains approval from Caltrans. The CTC guidelines state “A copy of the agreement between the implementing agency and the proposed corps. must be included in application supporting documentation”. The Agreement will be required prior to the Request for Authorization (RFA) for construction funds. 84 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
A CTIVE T RANSPORTATION U SE OF THE C ALIFORNIA C ONSERVATION C ORPS (CCC) AND C ALIFORNIA A SSOCIATION OF L OCAL C ONSERVATION C ORPS (CALCC)- CONTINUED 85 Once the project is funded: Applicant will need to justify Public Interest Finding (PIF)- must show that the corps can do the work for less than the project estimate. If PIF is not justified, conservation corps cannot be used on the project. Once PIF is justified, conservation corps will enter into contract agreement with the applicant. If applicant indicated on application that they intended to use either the CCC or CALCC, then fail to use/chose not to use corps after funding was received, the entity will receive negative points on the next ATP application Cycle. ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
CALTRANS IMPROVES MOBILITY ACROSS CALIFORNIA California Department of Transportation Division of Local Assistance Office of Active Transportation & Special Programs 1120 N Street, MS 1 Sacramento, CA 95814 April Nitsos, P.E. Office of Active Transportation and Special Projects- Chief Office (916) 653-8450 FAX (916) 653-1905 CALTRANS IMPROVES MOBILITY ACROSS CALIFORNIA California Department of Transportation Division of Local Assistance Office of Active Transportation & Special Programs 1120 N Street, MS 1 Sacramento, CA 95814 Kevin Atkinson, P.E. SRTS Manager & Bike/Ped. Tech. Specialist Office (916) 653-6920 FAX (916) 653-1905 86 ATP Cycle 2 Caltrans Workshop
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