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Work based Learning A practical view from “in-between” RO and AUT Budapest: June 11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Work based Learning A practical view from “in-between” RO and AUT Budapest: June 11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work based Learning A practical view from “in-between” RO and AUT Budapest: June 11, 2015

2 Elements of success in Austria Social partnership Dual system - ponderance towards company: Company-based 80%; School-based 20% High reputation of VET within the educational system and in public Teachers with experience from real-life-businesses (often SMEs) Special support for groups-at-risk Etc.

3 Similarities Curricula increasingly based on labor-market-needs; cooperation with employers/social partners Wide range of work based learning pathways/elements Differentiated educational offer on secondary level Vertical mobility: Hardly any dead-end-pathways

4 Challenges in practice Clarifying terminology: What does “dual” really mean? Limitations by demands of compulsory education Aligning theoretical education and practical training Players (companies and schools) both willing to learn and listen

5 What worked … Lighthouse/Flagship project(s) Entrepreneurship learning: e.g. ECONET Spin-Offs: e.g. Business Plan Competition

6 Transferability … Establishing practical stages and implementing dual-elements Introducing courses for entrepreneurship learning (also for virtual companies) Defining qualifications together with respective industry/service sectors Higher VET-reputation by improved vertical transition towards university Special approach for groups at risk: e.g. Case Management + Jobcoach + Learncoach systems

7 Thank you for your attention! Christian Estermann Austrian Educational Coordinator On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and Women's Affairs email:

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