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Derivatives Tree Project! Latin I Latin II Hon. Latin III October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Derivatives Tree Project! Latin I Latin II Hon. Latin III October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derivatives Tree Project! Latin I Latin II Hon. Latin III October 2014

2 Derivatives Tree!---Latin 1 (1 st period) Pick a Latin word from vocab lists 1-3. Find 5 English derivatives from that word. (Check with me to be sure they’re correct.) Look up the meanings of the English derivatives. ( Draw a tree (or other visual) showing the Latin word on the trunk and the English words/meanings on the branches. Summative grade!

3 Derivatives Tree!---Latin 2 (periods 2, 3, 6, 7) Pick a Latin word from vocab lists 22-24. Find 5 English derivatives from that word. (Check with me to be sure they’re correct.) Look up the meanings of the English derivatives. ( Draw a tree (or other visual) showing the Latin word on the trunk and the English words/meanings on the branches. Summative grade!

4 Derivatives Tree!---Latin 3 (4 th period) Pick a Latin word from vocab lists 1-4. Find 10 English derivatives from that word. (Check with me to be sure they’re correct.) Look up the meanings of the English derivatives. ( Draw a tree (or other visual) showing the Latin word on the trunk and the English words/meanings on the branches. Summative grade! You may work in groups of 2 or 3.

5 Aqua--water Aquarium---a tank that holds water and fish Aquamarine---a blue- green gemstone

6 Rubric Latin I and II Colorful visual: 20 points Clarity: 20 points Latin word + meaning: 10 points English words + meanings: 10 points (5/5) each = 50 points. (5 words)

7 Rubric Latin III Colorful visual: 15 points Clarity: 10 points Latin word + meaning: 5 points English words + meanings: 7 points each = 70 points. (10 words)

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