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2 Notice that water takes many different forms on Earth:
Example of CBI/T-CLIL-AICLE (D. Madrid & N. McLaren: Making Friends. Valladolid. La Calesa) Forms of water Notice that water takes many different forms on Earth: Where can you see water vapor? And clouds? Where can you see seawater? Is there ice or snow? Where? When does water come from the sky? Find examples of evaporation, precipitation, and runoff.

3 Rotation movement of the earth
Rotation and translation movements of the Earth From: Ladybird Learners: Space From: D. Madrid & N. McLaren: Making Friends. La Calesa Rotation and Revolution The earth rotates from west to east about a line (its axis). The period of one complete rotation is a day; the rotation of the earth is responsible for the alternate periods of light and darkness (day and night). The earth revolves about the sun once in a period of a little more than 365 1/4 days (a year). - Find the rotation and revolution movement in the picture

4 Examples of CLIL activities.
A) Content: Houses From: N. McLaren & D. Madrid: Making Progress. La Calesa. Examples of CLIL activities.

5 Materials from textbooks
From: D. Madrid & N. McLaren: Let’s Write. Miñón. 2. Find the picture

6 More materials Find the different types of pollution in the pictures
More materials From: D. Madrid & N. McLaren. Making Progress. La Calesa. Pollution is the release of environmental contaminants. The major forms of pollution include: Air pollution, the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground storage tank leakage. Radioactive contamination, added in the wake of 20th-century discoveries in atomic physics. Noise pollution, which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise. Light pollution, includes light trespass and over-illumination Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway indications, etc. Thermal Pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence More materials Find the different types of pollution in the pictures

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