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Open Council Meeting SBSS Executive Election Proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Council Meeting SBSS Executive Election Proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Council Meeting SBSS Executive Election Proposal

2 Existing System Open Election

3 Student Representation Longevity

4 Decreasing Voter Turnout On Average 61% of Candidates Run Unopposed ‘Popularity Contest’


6 OBJECTIVE To establish a system that mitigates the presence of bias and supports the most qualified candidates for the SBSS Executive Team. HYBRID SYSTEM

7 OVERVIEW All candidates complete an application President voted in through election VP’s selected through interviews with B.O.D. HYBRID SYSTEM

8 Application Position specific requirements Evaluation of experience and ability 20 signatures of Sprott student support Signature of approval by existing executive HYBRID SYSTEM

9 Presidential Election Candidates application is approved Week-long campaign period Two day online voting period HYBRID SYSTEM

10 VP Selection HYBRID SYSTEM Candidates application is approved Candidates are individually interviewed by Board of Directors Positions lacking a qualified candidate are re- opened

11 Board of Directors HYBRID SYSTEM Incoming President Sprott Student Success Officer BCMC Member/Associate Dean


13 Existing HYBRID SYSTEM “The Council includes the Executive, who are voted in by all the Members of the SBSS on a yearly basis…”

14 Proposal Executive The Council includes seven Executives; President, Vice President Finance, Vice President Internal, Vice President External, Vice President Academics, Vice President Student Life, and Vice President Marketing. All members of the SBSS are responsible for voting in the President on an annual basis. The six Vice Presidents are to be selected from a pool of applicants by the Board of Directors. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is to consist of the Incoming SBSS President, the Sprott Student Success Coordinator, and a member of BCMC or the Associate Dean depending on availability. The Outgoing SBSS President is to sit in on all Vice President interviews in order to help guide the Board of Directors in their decision-making. The Board of Directors is a temporary entity, assembling only for the purpose of SBSS Executive hiring and dissolving immediately afterwards.

15 Mitigate Risks of an Unopposed Candidate Greater Team Cohesion and Goal Alignment Elimination of the ‘Popularity Contest’

16 HYBRID SYSTEM Limiting Direct Student Input to One Executive Member Greater Emphasis on President and Faculty Input


18 OBJECTIVE To establish a system that mitigates the presence of bias and supports the most qualified candidates for the SBSS Executive Team. HYBRID SYSTEM


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