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From Scatter Plot to Line Graph Guidelines to Organizing Your Plot PRESENTATION BY: Anastasia Marie, using Michael Hauge’s S ix S tage P lot S tructure.

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Presentation on theme: "From Scatter Plot to Line Graph Guidelines to Organizing Your Plot PRESENTATION BY: Anastasia Marie, using Michael Hauge’s S ix S tage P lot S tructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Scatter Plot to Line Graph Guidelines to Organizing Your Plot PRESENTATION BY: Anastasia Marie, using Michael Hauge’s S ix S tage P lot S tructure

2 STAGE ONE: Set Up IIntroduction Old World vs. New World Hero EEmpathy creation Reader must empathize hero/protagonist

3 TURNING POINT ONE (TP1) TThe hero is presented with an opportunity Make a difference, leave a legacy

4 STAGE TWO: New Situation HHero moves from Old world into New - Trials - Glimpse Essence (true self) when confronted with difficult situation

5 TURNING POINT TWO CChange of plans HHero must make a plan of action and an ultimate goal

6 STAGE THREE: Progress HHero approaches goal(s) Obstacles IIdentity and Essence in state of flux

7 TURNING POINT THREE PPoint of No Return MMidpoint of Story HHero must continue on, no matter the cost (so do you!)

8 STAGE FOUR: Complications DDifficulties EEssence Progression GGoal becomes important HHero has more to lose AAcknowledge missing piece


10 STAGE FIVE: Final Push PProtagonist has earned honor of being a hero FFaces biggest fear DDark moment (realization) RRetreats into Identity, then Essence fully revealed

11 TURNING POINT FIVE CClimax HHero achieves or fails goal

12 STAGE SIX: Aftermath HHow far the hero has come RReturn with TREASURE FFully in essence

13 THE END  End with a punctuation (!?)  Cliffhanger?  Victory!

14 Stage I: SETUP Fully in identity Stage II: NEW SITUATION Glimpses essence Stage III: PROGRESS Vacillates between identity and essence Stage IV: COMPLICATIONS & HIGHER STAKES Moves steadily into essence Stage V: FINAL PUSH Retreats to identity, then returns fully to essence Stage VI: AFTER- MATH Transformed existence Turning Point #4: Major Setback Turning Point #3: Point of No Return Turning Point #2: Change of Plans Turning Point #1: Opportunity Turning Point #5: Climax Act I Act II Act III  2005 Michael Hauge (818) 995-4209 0%10%25%50%75%90%-99%100% Michael Hauge’s S ix S tage P lot S tructure

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