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16 B. 25 C. 36 D. 49 Math Core 1 Foundation
Which of these square numbers also happens to be the sum of two smaller square numbers? 16 B. 25 C. 36 D. 49 Rob Stephenson STEM Consultant Ingham Intermediate School District
Stand up if you…. Have traveled outside of North America.
Are excited by the new school year. Have met a celebrity….. Remain standing if you admire that celebrity. Plan to attend the MSU homecoming parade. Incorporate Guided Math/Math Workshop in your current practice. Want to provide better differentiated math experiences for your students.
Agenda: 9:00 Welcome, Learning targets & defining better math 9:30 Foundational principles of guided math 9:45 Guided math stations 10:00 Exploring Math Core Lesson Resources 10:30 Break 10:40 Exploring Assessment Resources 11:25 Independent Stations & Fact Fluency 12:10 Lunch 1:10 Exploring Online Interactive Activities 1:45 Exploring Game/Center Resources 2:20 Break 2:30 Guided math in action 2:55 Sample schedules 3:15 Final Action Planning 3:30 Adjourn
What are your goals for today?
Learning Targets: I can describe the components and benefits of guided math models I can access resources for core instruction, assessments, online interactive games, and center activities that support my grade level I can describe guided math schedule options and how to organize the classroom to support math workshop I can explain the importance of math reasoning with balanced procedural and conceptual math practice Additional Goals: Learn collaboratively Develop an action plan for guided math implementation Have some fun!
So what does better math look like?
BETTER Math Instruction Definition in your own words?
What does a student experience?? BETTER Math Instruction What does a teacher experience? ISN activity. 60 BPM music Share using inside/outside circle What it is not?
Plicker Pole Time Which of these square numbers also happens to be the sum of two smaller square numbers? 16 B. 25 C. 36 D. 49
Why should we analyze our mathematics programs?
78% of adults cannot explain how to compute the interest paid on a loan. 71% cannot calculate miles per gallon on a trip 58% cannot calculate a 10% tip for a lunch bill Phillips, G. 2007 (And this college student should have had $16,000!)
To more effectively teach math, we must…
reach students at all levels of achievement provide diverse methods of learning allow more opportunities for observation and communication by students encourage active engagement by students empower students
The Foundational Principles of Guided Math
All children can learn mathematics A numeracy-rich environment promotes mathematical learning Learning at its best is a social process Learning mathematics is a constructive process An organized classroom environment supports the learning process Effective math programs include number talks, modeling, think alouds, and purposeful conversations Effective math programs empower students with responsibility for their learning Adapted from Principles of Guided Reading developed by Fountas and Pinnell
Turn and Talk Talk to your shoulder buddy about how math is taught in your building (think about the differences in classrooms & grade levels). Are these components part of the math instruction? ____ whole group instruction ____ mini-lesson ____ debrief ____ small guided math group ____ workstations
Guided Math Infrastructure
Concrete (base-ten blocks, cubes, counters, etc.), Pictorial (model of thinking – pictures, drawing, diagrams, tables) Abstract (number sentences, equations, expressions) Why is it important to incorporate each?
Guided Math Common Practices
Classroom Environment of Numeracy Math Warm-up/Calendar Board Individual Conferences Ongoing Assessment Whole Group, Small Group, & Math Workshop Instruction Students learn in small differentiated flexible groups based on their readiness level Students practice with the teacher, with each other, and by themselves So what does it look like?
Reactions to the Video Clip
Questions? Reflections? Barriers?
Guided Math Stations: Generally, there are four rotations:
Teacher table Independent work Center/Games Online Interactive Practice
Guided Math Stations Teacher Table
This is where the teacher will do direct instruction on the concept from the core program, model it, and allow for the students to practice with guidance in their small ability groups. Teachers can introduce the core lesson in smaller homogenous groups
What are the benefits of small groups for that core instruction?
Gives children the chance to develop their own strategies for solving problems. Supports differentiated instruction. Fosters student articulation about a problem. Provides opportunity to assess each student’s needs.
Guided Math Core Lessons
What math program do you presently use? enVisionMath Everyday Math A collection of CCSS Resources Other
How can your current program be delivered in a guided math format?
My district’s math program is aligned with the CCSS.
True False
Let’s Explore Core Math Resources
Introduce Engage New York and Math Core Lessons
How could those resources support your current instruction
How could those resources support your current instruction? In what standards does your current program fall short?
Let’s take a 10 minute break.
Next we’ll take a look at resources for Establishing Flexible groups.
Establishing Flexible Groups
Students can be grouped based on their mastery levels of goals/objectives, skills, concepts or strategies being developed.
Flexible Grouping Students move in and out of groups based on need. In geometry Parker could be in group 1 and in measurement he could be in group 5.
What formative assessment resources do you have to establish your flexible groups?
Table Talk
Analyzing Student Pre-Test
Grade student pretest Sort into four groups or stacks with like errors. These become the math groups. Group 1 Sort #3 – Math - Computation vs. Concepts & Application For this particular sort, we use the data from the AIMSweb mathematical measures. DIBELS currently has a math test. I have not used it, so I am not sure if you can use it for this sort. If there is a computation score and a concepts & application score, you can use it for this sort. The first quadrant is for those students that are adequate in both computation and concepts & application. That is, the scores are above the 25th percentile (or 50th) in both computation and concepts & application. The second quadrant is for those students that are adequate in computation, but not adequate in concepts & applications. So they were able to score above the 25th percentile (or 50th) in computation. They were not able, however, to score above the 25th (or 50th) percentile on the concepts & application measure. The third quadrant is for those students that are not adequate in computation or concepts & applications. So these students scored at the 25th (or 50th) percentile or below on both computation and concepts & application. The fourth quadrant is for those students that are adequate in concepts & application, but not computation. This should be one of the smaller groups. These are students whose scores on the concept & applications are above the 25th (50th) percentile. Their scores on the computation portion are at the 25th (or 50th) percentile and below.
Create your own Formative Assessments with Inspect Itembank
50,000 CCSS items are already banked Working on performance items that are Smarter Balance (like) Depth of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy are noted Add on cost is$1.50 per student—
What formative assessments will you use to set up your flexible groups?
Guided Math Stations Independent Work
Students often complete the lesson’s paper pencil task in this rotation. What might students do when they finish?
”I’m done….what should I do now?”
Fact Fluency (flash cards, fact triangles,, Vocabulary Station Math Literature Math Journals What will students do when they finish their independent work station?
Let’s Explore Fact Fluency Websites
Introduce Engage New York and Fact Fluency Practice Websites
Math Workshop Students work independently, in pairs, or in groups.
Procedures and routines must be established and practiced. Activities should provide opportunities for exploration or practice of mastered skills. The work need not be related to the work being done in small groups. The duration of each center is up to the teacher (typically minutes per rotation). Let’s look at an implementation where the classes use enVisionMATH.
Teacher’s Role During Guided Math
Analyze formative and summative student data to plan for instruction and flexible grouping Develop a system for tracking student learning Use a new approach and strategies to teach small group instruction Set up standard-based work stations with a focus on problem solving Conference with students individually Acts as facilitator
Student’s Role During Guided Math
Work in small groups at different work stations and/or with teacher Understand the guided math schedule Are accountable for producing quality work Demonstrate responsibility.
Time for Lunch LU NCH See you in one hour!
Remember, one of the goals of Guided Math is to Empower kids
Remember, one of the goals of Guided Math is to Empower kids How can this model do that?
Guided Math Stations Online Interactive Practice
Carefully selected online activities can connect to your standard and still be fun.
My students have regular access to Internet connected devices.
True False
Online Interactive Game Resources Online Interactive Games
I use a SMART Board within my classroom.
True False
Using a SMART Board as a Station
A lesson is put up on the board for small groups of students to be interactive with it. When trying to access premade SMART board activities, SMART Exchange is your best resource. You can search by subject, grade level, keyword, etc.
What will you use for a technology station during guided math?
What could be integrated if a technology station is not an option?
Ideas for Workstations
Technology (computer games, iPad tasks, calculators, SMARTboard activities) Fact Fluency Station (flash cards,, Games Problem Solving Station Place Value Station (Base ten manipulatives) Measurement Station Manipulatives: geoboards, tangrams, Vocabulary Station Review and Practice Station Math Literature Math Journals
Guided Math Stations Centers/Games Station
Games can be collected and housed for students to choose from? Must the game relate to the day’s standard?
Let’s Brainstorm Game and Center Ideas
What games/centers might you use?
Additional Games & Centers Resources Games & Centers Ideas
Game Swap Consider one of your favorite games or centers that you like to include in your math instruction (or identify one that you found today) and describe it to the people at your table.
Let’s take a 10 minute break.
Next we’ll take a look at Guided Math in action, look at sample schedules, and, discuss tips on organizational strategies.
Work Stations Game Examples— Lower Elementary
Example templates to organize small group instruction
Work Stations in Action— Upper Elementary
Example templates to organize small group instruction
Thoughts about the examples? Other questions?
Let’s look at some sample math schedules to determine what may suit you best.
Guided Math Structure (the commonalities) Math Instructional Block
Work Stations Small Group Instruction Whole Group -Review/Assess -Core Lesson -Think Aloud Guided Math Structure (the commonalities)
Guided Math Think-Aloud Core Lesson Review/ Assessment Total Time
20-30 Minutes Small group reteach, conferencing &/or extension Collaborative problem-solving Center Activities Manipulative discovery and connections Think-Aloud 10-15 Minutes Model thinking process for problem solving & test-taking strategies Core Lesson 30-60 Whole group standards-based lesson Review/ Assessment 10-30 Minutes Review important concepts Reflect or Assess Total Time 120 Minutes
Think-Aloud Core Lesson Review/ Assessment Guided Math Total Time
10-15 Minutes Model thinking process for problem solving & test-taking strategies Core Lesson 30-60 Whole group standards-based lesson Review/ Assessment 10-30 Minutes Review important concepts Reflect or Assess Guided Math 20-30 Minutes Small group reteach, conferencing &/or extension Collaborative problem-solving Center Activities Manipulative discovery and connections Total Time 120 Minutes
Teacher Station: Teacher will work with homogenous group
Set up your 90 minute schedule 90 minutes Teacher Station Intervention Station 3 Problem Solving Station 2 Skills Practice Station 1 Math Fluency Whole Group Lesson 20 min Whole Group Wrap Up 10 min Teacher Station: Teacher will work with homogenous group for 20 to 30 minutes each. Content Material can be used at any station. Struggling Emerging On Target
Guided Math Think-Aloud Core Lesson Review/ Assessment Total Time
40 Minutes Small group reteach, conferencing &/or extension Collaborative problem-solving Center Activities Manipulative discovery and connections Think-Aloud 15 Model thinking process for problem solving & test-taking strategies Core Lesson 20 Whole group standards-based lesson Review/ Assessment Review important concepts Reflect or Assess Total Time 90 Minutes
Whole Group Mini Lesson
Math Energizers 5-7 Minutes Review and Practice Whole Group Mini Lesson 7-10 Minutes Whole group standards-based lesson Work Time 30-45 Small guided math group Individual math interview or conferencing Workstations Share 5-10 Minutes Discuss Major Takeaways Writing Response Total Time 70-75 Minutes
minutes min Whole Class Lesson Introduction (would include Math Message and or review and a brief introduction of the days lesson) min Group Rotations Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 1st Station Meet with Teacher Math Games Card Game Individual Work 2nd Station 3rd Station 4th Station
Sample Guided Math Schedule With 3 Day Workshop Format
Activity Component Monday Activating Strategy Preassessment Problem Solving Think-Aloud Prep for independent work Introduce New Games Whole Class Tuesday Read-aloud Independent work/conferencing Guided Math Group 1 Workshop Conferencing Small Group
Sample Guided Math Schedule
Day Activity Component Wednesday Problem challenge minilesson Independent work/conferencing Guided Math Group 2 Whole Class Workshop Conferencing Small Group Thursday Guided Math Group 3 Guided Math Group 1
Sample Guided Math Schedule
Day Activity Component Friday Math Huddle Create class chart to post in classroom for reference Whole Class
60 Minute Model Whole group mini-lessons=15 minutes
One work station= 15 minutes each One work station= 15 minutes each Math talk follow-up=15 minutes In this scenario, there are only two work stations a day requiring two days to see each student in small group.
Who is doing what and when…
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? Prior to Guided Math Updating stations Determining schedule Making materials accessible They are not present Mini Lesson at the Beginning Review/introduce work stations and expectations Review/introduce new math concept Listen to students explain their thinking Attend to the adult Using math talks to share ideas and strategies Work Stations Observing/Assessing students Leading differentiated small group instruction Focusing on station task Explaining math thinking to one another After Guided Math Facilitating discussion Sharing what they learned
What is your preferred Math Schedule model?
Think Share
Please work with your colleagues to continue to develop your action plan for implementation.
Other Action Plan Considerations
Decide on rules and routines Set up groups Create a schedule Decide on the focus content strand Decide on the mathematical practices that you will highlight Plan group and mini-lessons Design workstations Put an accountability system in place
Please be sure to fill out the evaluation form and leave it on the table.
Feel free to contact me: Rob Stephenson STEM Consultant Ingham Intermediate School District
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