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What is an Analogy? An analogy is a comparison between two pairs of words. It shows a relationship between the words that are being compared. Analogies.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Analogy? An analogy is a comparison between two pairs of words. It shows a relationship between the words that are being compared. Analogies."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Analogy? An analogy is a comparison between two pairs of words. It shows a relationship between the words that are being compared. Analogies can use different types of relationships to compare words.

2 Examples of Possible Relationships in an Analogy: Part/Whole Item/Purpose Antonym Synonym Characteristic Association Object/Location Cause/Effect

3 Part / Whole Dallas is to Texas as Chicago is to Illinois. Peel is to banana as shell is to almond.

4 Item / Purpose iPod is to play music as shovel is to dig holes. Arms is to hold as legs is to walk.

5 Antonym Liquid is to solid as lumpy is to smooth. Appetizing is to tasteless as courageous is to cowardly.

6 Synonym Reveal is to expose as conceal is to cover. Help is to assist as deceive is to mislead.

7 Characteristic Hard is to diamond as silky is to petal. Sandy is to beach as furry is to cat.

8 Association Airplane is to sky as ship is to sea. Gasoline is to automobile as sunlight is to plant.

9 Object / Location Tree is to forest as dog is to kennel. Student is to school as picnic table is to park.

10 Cause / Effect Necessity is to invention as virus is to illness. War is to treaty as overeating is to weight gain.

11 Writing an Analogy A common way to write analogies uses colons. For example, "donkey is to bray as snake is to hiss" can be written as: donkey : bray :: snake : hiss

12 Be Careful! The order in which the items in a relationship appear is important to the meaning of the analogy. For example, the following analogy is WRONG: caterpillar : butterfly :: frog : tadpole In other words, a caterpillar is a young butterfly but a frog is NOT a young tadpole. Here is the CORRECT way to write the analogy: caterpillar : butterfly :: tadpole : frog

13 Your turn: Pick an association and write an analogy on your whiteboard Part/Whole Item/Purpose Antonym Synonym Characteristic Association Object/Location Cause/Effect

14 Practice

15 Let’s Try This! Read the analogy and choose the item that correctly completes it. milk : cereal :: butter : A. refrigerator B. fat C. bread D. knife

16 Explanation The correct answer is choice C. Milk is something that is commonly poured on cereal, and butter is something that is commonly spread on bread. The items relate to each other by the way they are commonly eaten. The relationship between the pairs of words is "association."

17 Here’s Another One Read the passage below, and answer the question that follows. In the case of an emergency like a natural disaster, people should have supplies ready. An emergency kit should include fresh water, food, a source of light, a source of heat, first aid supplies, a radio, and cleaning supplies. The most important item to have in an emergency kit is fresh drinking water. Emergencies like tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes often damage and pollute local water sources. The kit should have enough water for each person in the group to have one gallon per day for up to two weeks. Which best completes the analogy? Water is to emergency kit as A. words is to book. B. hurricane is to flood. C. violence is to peace. D. darkness is to cave.

18 Explanation The correct answer is choice A. Water is important in an emergency kit, and words are important in a book. The relationship between the items in each pair could be described as "part/whole" or "association."

19 Practice #1 Finger :___:: hammer : toolkit A. toe B. saw C. foot D. hand Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

20 Practice #2 pizza : slice :: ice cream :___ A. scoop B. chocolate C. snack D. carton Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

21 Practice #3 ___ : flower :: spine : cactus A. leaf B. red C. petal D. bark Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

22 Practice #4 class : student :: play : ___ A. teacher B. auditorium C. recess D. actor Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

23 Practice #5 month : ___ :: second : minute A. day B. temperature C. year D. calendar Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

24 Breakout Rooms – Making your own analogies In groups of 2, develop at least 2 part to whole analogies and 2 antonym/synonym analogies Everyone should participate Be prepared to share

25 Analogies-In groups of 2, develop at least 2 part to whole analogies and 2 antonym /synonym analogies Ex. Big:Huge :: small:little Part to whole analogiesAntonym/Synonym analogies

26 Any Questions?

27 Small Group-What Questions do you have about analogies?

28 What is an Analogy? An analogy is a comparison between two pairs of words. It shows a relationship between the words that are being compared. Analogies can use different types of relationships to compare words.

29 Examples of Possible Relationships in an Analogy: Part/Whole Item/Purpose Antonym Synonym Characteristic Association Object/Location Cause/Effect

30 Practice #6 shortstop : baseball team :: drummer : ___ A. band B. catcher C. piano D. tap Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

31 Practice #7 sentence : ___ :: chapter : paragraph A. book B. word C. exclamation D. number Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

32 Practice #8 brick : wall :: ___ : window A. clear B. mortar C. glass D. see Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

33 Practice #9 airplane : wings :: tractor : ___ A. dirt B. wheels C. dump truck D. brake Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

34 Practice #10 scale : fish :: ___ : cat A. fur B. lizard C. tuna D. gray Relationship: Part/Whole. Item/Purpose, Antonym, Synonym, Characteristic, Association, Object/Location, Cause/Effect

35 More Practice

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