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Confined Space (Permit-required) Attendants. Entry permits - components v Space to be entered v Purpose of the entry v Date and duration of the entry.

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Presentation on theme: "Confined Space (Permit-required) Attendants. Entry permits - components v Space to be entered v Purpose of the entry v Date and duration of the entry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confined Space (Permit-required) Attendants

2 Entry permits - components v Space to be entered v Purpose of the entry v Date and duration of the entry permit v Authorized entrants within the permit space 1a

3 Entry permits - components v Names of personnel serving as attendants v Name of entry supervisor v Hazards of the permit space v Measures used to isolate the permit space 1b

4 Entry permits - components v Measures used to eliminate or control permit space hazards before entry v Acceptable entry conditions v Results of initial and periodic testing performed 1c

5 Entry permits - components v Rescue and emergency services v Communication procedures v Equipment required 1d

6 Entry permits - components v Other pertinent safety information v Any other work permits 1e

7 Entry permit system v Know how to obtain a permit v Entry supervisors are responsible for endorsing the permit and allowing entry to begin v Verify that all required information has been filled in 2a

8 Entry permit system v Permits must be available to authorized entrants v Verify that all necessary equipment is in place v Ensure that entry procedures are understood 2b

9 Entry permit system v Permit is not endorsed until everything is ready v Post the permit prior to entry v Entry supervisor can cancel the permit at any time 2c

10 Requirements for using alternate entry procedures v Alternate entry procedures are allowed when the only hazard is a hazardous atmosphere controlled by forced air ventilation v Employers must provide documentation of monitoring/ inspection/supporting data 3a

11 Requirements for using alternate entry procedures v Certification must contain the: datedate locationlocation signature of the person providing the certificationsignature of the person providing the certification 3b

12 Requirements for using alternate entry procedures v Make the certification available to the entrants v Authorized entrants must be able to observe air monitoring 3c

13 Reclassification of spaces v Permit-required confined space can be reclassified as a non- permit confined space v The permit space must not have atmospheric hazards v All hazards eliminated without entry 4a

14 Reclassification of spaces v Certification must contain the: datedate locationlocation signature of the person providing the certificationsignature of the person providing the certification v Certification must be made available to the entrant 4b

15 Hazards of confined spaces v Engulfment v Hazardous atmospheres oxygen deficientoxygen deficient oxygen enrichmentoxygen enrichment toxic contaminantstoxic contaminants flammable contaminantsflammable contaminants 5a

16 Hazards of confined spaces v Safety and health hazards v Signs, symptoms, consequences of exposure 5b

17 Behavioral effects of hazards v Effects of oxygen deficient atmospheres v Signs that a person is breathing too much oxygen 6a

18 Behavioral effects of hazards v Effects of other hazard exposure v Signs of fatigue 6b

19 Keeping an accurate account of entrants v Attendants must keep track of the entrants v Entrants are identified on the permit 7a

20 Importance of attendants outside a confined space v Attendants are responsible for monitoring conditions outside the entrance to the space v Attendants are responsible for monitoring conditions inside the space 8a

21 Importance of attendants outside a confined space v Attendants must remain outside the space during operations until relieved by another attendant 8b

22 Proper use of equipment v Training sessions should include: TestingTesting MonitoringMonitoring VentilationVentilation CommunicationCommunication Personal protective equipmentPersonal protective equipment 9a

23 Proper use of equipment v Training sessions should include: LightingLighting Barriers and shieldsBarriers and shields Safe ingress/egressSafe ingress/egress Emergency and rescue equipmentEmergency and rescue equipment 9b

24 Proper use of equipment v Workers must be able to demonstrate knowledge and skill in equipment use v Calibration, functions, proper use and maintenance of equipment 9c

25 Proper use of equipment v Authorized entrants must be able to observe monitoring or testing v Pre-entry and subsequent testing can be observed 9d

26 Proper use of equipment v Entrants can request a re-evaluation of confined space conditions v Entrants must be immediately provided with test results 9e

27 Communications procedures v Attendants must communicate with the entrant to monitor the entrant’s status v Attendants must be able to alert entrants of the need to evacuate 10a

28 When entrants must alert an attendant v Entrants must alert an attendant regarding: dangerous situationsdangerous situations prohibited conditionsprohibited conditions 11a

29 Evacuations v Evacuation must occur if the entrant detects: a warning sign or symptom of exposurea warning sign or symptom of exposure a prohibited conditiona prohibited condition an evacuation alarman evacuation alarm 12a

30 When to evacuate v Prohibited conditions occur v Behavioral effects are observed 13a

31 When to evacuate v Situations outside the space that require evacuation v Attendants not able to safely perform duties 13b

32 Rescue and emergency procedures v Either an outside rescue service or on-site rescue team can be used v Selection of rescue services must be based on ability to respond and perform 14a

33 Rescue and emergency procedures v Rescue teams must be informed of permit space hazards v Rescue teams must have access to permit spaces for training 14b

34 Rescue and emergency procedures v Summoning the rescue and emergency services v Verifying that rescue services are available 14c

35 Rescue and emergency procedures v Authorized entrants must be provided with retrieval systems Full-body harnessFull-body harness Retrieval lineRetrieval line WristletsWristlets 14d

36 Rescue and emergency procedures v Attendants must not enter a confined space unless trained to do so and help has arrived 14e

37 Coordinating entry with multiple employers v Host employers must coordinate entry operations v Entry supervisors must determine that entry operations are consistent with the permit 15a

38 Coordinating entry with multiple employers v Acceptable entry conditions must be maintained 15b

39 Summary of key points v Entry permits v Entry procedures v Prohibited conditions 16a

40 Summary of key points v Communication procedures v Permit cancellation v Conditions that cause evacuation 16b

41 Summary of key points v Equipment v PPE v Rescue/emergency procedures 16c

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