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RAISEonline. Our school NB Please remember this data is historic for last year. We are a growing and larger then average primary school (current NOR 325)

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Presentation on theme: "RAISEonline. Our school NB Please remember this data is historic for last year. We are a growing and larger then average primary school (current NOR 325)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RAISEonline

2 Our school NB Please remember this data is historic for last year. We are a growing and larger then average primary school (current NOR 325) with slightly more girls then boys compared to with schools nationally. Our % of children known to eligible for FSM/ PP is just below national average (our current PP % is 23%). Compared to school nationally we have very few children from a non-white British background and whose first language is not English. We are in the lowest band for school action and second quintile for school action + and children with a statement for SEN. We have very high mobility compared to schools nationally due to Braunton/ N Devon being an area that people wish to move into and the local mixed forces military base. We are a community school and draw from across the whole area and have a lower then average IDACI (Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index) score.

3 Basic characteristics and prior attainment NB: Yr6 = current Yr7 (left last year) Yr5 = current Yr6 etc

4 In total 7 pupils did not get at least 32 marks. 2 pupils did not get at least 3 marks (had it been 1 or less then Caen would have exceeded the national trend across the board).

5 The school exceeded the national average at every point – with very high achievement at 2A+ and 3+ reading and maths.

6 KS1 attainment 5yr trends For the past five years the school has had excellent attainment; mostly significantly exceeding the national average. Last year,2013- 14, children achieved significantly above their peers nationally in all areas.

7 KS2 attainment 2014 SPAG is a focus across the county as most local schools did not hit the national average or target; Caen did.

8 KS2 5yr trend For the past five years the school has had excellent attainment, mostly significantly exceeding the national average. Last year, 2013-14, children achieved significantly above their peers in all areas.

9 VA KS1 -> KS2 Last year, children either made expected or above expected progress in all curriculum areas.

10 VA – Performance of groups This is key with regards ‘Closing the Gap’ – our KS1 ‘Low’ attaining children made accelerated progress against peers both in- school and significantly against peers nationally. All groups (bar SEN: Statement) equalled or outperformed against peers nationally.

11 Expected Progress matrices PP commentary  Reading – all pupils in receipt of PP made at least expected progress. 60% made above expected progress compared to 52% of all school pupils and 34% of all children nationally.  Writing – all pupils in receipt of PP made at least expected progress. 20% made above expected progress compared with 39% of all school pupils and 34% of all children nationally.  Maths – all pupils in receipt of PP made at least expected progress. 40% made above expected progress compared to 39% of all school pupils and 38% of all children nationally.

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