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Energy Efficiency Programs & Schemes by Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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1 Energy Efficiency Programs & Schemes by Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Capacity Building Workshop for Energy Professionals 12th September 2014 Energy Efficiency Programs & Schemes by Bureau of Energy Efficiency SARABJOT SINGH SAINI

2 Contents 1 Legislative and Institutional Framework on Energy Efficiency EE Initiatives in Industry, Buildings and Appliances 2 3 Demand Side Mansgment Programs in other sectors National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) 4 5 Voluntary Initiatives to promote Energy Efficiency Conclusions 6

3 Legislative and Institutional Framework
1 Legislative and Institutional Framework Energy Efficiency in India

4 INTRODUCTION India has made rapid strides towards economic self-reliance over the last few decades. Impressive progress has been made in all sectors of economy necessitating growing consumption of energy Conventional source of energy such as coal, oil and gas are scarce and exhaustible. Consumption of fossil fuel resources also leads to Global warming and climate change Hence, all initiatives needs to be undertaken to ensure the efficient use of the available energy resources to manage energy supply and minimize the impact of energy use on environment.  This has led the Government of India through the Energy Conservation Act and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to launch several energy efficiency improvement initiatives.

EC Act enacted in October 2001 Became effective from 1st March 2002 Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) operationalized from 1st March and State Designated Agencies established in 32 States/Union Territories Strategic framework for the formulation and development of energy conservation policies Balance between regulatory enforcement& voluntary participation and between market driven methods & governmental mandates

The five major provisions of EC Act relate to: Designated Consumers (mainly energy intensive industries and buildings) to comply with the specific energy consumption norms for the manufactured products and services and establishment of energy management system, Standards and Labeling of energy consuming appliances, gadgets and equipment to ensure promotion of energy efficiency of the new stocks entering the market Energy Conservation Building Code ensuring that new commercial buildings constructed in the country have less electricity consumption  Creation of Institutional Set up (Bureau of Energy Efficiency at the Federal level and State Designated Agencies at the State level) for effective coordination of the energy conservation efforts in the country and   Establishment of Energy Conservation Fund at Centre and States to provide necessary financial support for energy efficiency initiatives in the country.

7 Programs & Schemes The important programs & initiatives
Standard & Labeling (S &L) Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) Strengthening of State Designated Agencies (SDA) Designated Consumers and Small & Medium Enterprises Agriculture DSM & Municipal DSM Energy Manager & Auditor’s Examinations National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA) National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency (MTEE) Energy Efficiency Financing Platform (EEFP) Framework for Energy Efficient Economic Development (FEEED)

8 Energy Efficiency Initiatives
2 Energy Efficiency Initiatives Industry, Buildings and Appliances

9 Energy Manager Certification and Energy Audits
9 energy intensive industry including Railways have been notified as designated consumers 14 National Certification examinations have certified about 10,500 Certified Energy Managers, out of which 7300 are also qualified as Certified Energy Auditors Baseline energy audits studies carried out in about 500 units of 8 energy intensive industry and thermal power units. Guide Books on EE and Energy Audit Manuals prepared

10 Standards and labeling
18 Equipment and Appliances covered under S&L Programme All the refrigerators (frost free), air conditioners, distribution transformers and fluorescent tube lights that are sold in India must have a BEE Star label India became the first country in the world to comprehensively regulate the performance, safety, and quality of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Corporate average fuel consumption norms for passenger cars in place

11 Growth in the Indian Building Sector
Commercial Buildings Floor Area - Growth Forecast Currently, ~ 659 million m2 In 2030,~ 1,900 million m2 (estimated)* 66% building stock is yet to be constructed 659 million m2 Year: 2010 * Assuming 5-6% Annual Growth Year :2030 11

12 Energy Conservation Building Code
ECBC covering five climatic zones of India (Hot & Dry, Warm & Humid, Composite, Temperate and Cold) prepared ECBC set minimum energy efficiency standards for design and construction Mandatory Scope Covers commercial buildings Survey indicates about over 700 ECBC-compliant buildings are at various stages of construction ( ) Star labeling programme (Voluntary) for day use office buildings, BPOs and Shopping Malls developed. So far, 150 buildings have been rated under various categories.

13 Demand Side Management Programs
3 Demand Side Management Programs Agriculture, Municipal, Domestic & SME sectors

14 Agriculture DSM Objective :- To create framework for market based transformation in agriculture pumping sector by launching few pilot projects and introducing policy based interventions. Major Activities Activity 1: Establishing baseline and estimation of energy saving Activity 2: Preparing bankable DPRs in selected agriculturally intensive states Activity 3: Capacity building of stakeholders Activity 4: Facilitate implementation of AgDSM pilot projects. Achievements: 11 DPRs prepared covering 20,750 pumpsets. Average 40% (96 MU/year) energy saving potential assessed in 8 states. Three business models developed viz. ESCO, Hybrid & DISCOM. One pilot project in Solapur, Maharashtra implemented. Annual Savings of 6.1 MU achieved by replacing 2209 inefficient pumps with BEE Star rated pumps. Capacity building and awareness workshops held in 7 States for DISCOM officials and 26 open house sessions for farmers organized. Punjab & Haryana mandated the use of BEE star rated pumpsets for every new agricultural connection. Verified saving of 0.7 MW achieved in XI Plan (verified by NPC).

15 Agriculture DSM – Pilot project
Pilot Project on PPP mode is implemented in Maharashtra (Sholapur Circle). Initial capital investment by ESCO ESCO would get 20% of the capital in 5 yearly installments plus 30% of the energy savings. 70% energy savings to DISCOMs Total 2209 pumpsets replaced with EEPS. Monitoring & Verification protocol established for accounting energy savings. Savings of 25% achieved - Annual Energy Saving of 6.1 MU.

16 Municipal DSM Situational survey conducted in 175 ULBs.
Bankable DPRs was developed for all 134 ULBs. Estimated saving Potential is more than 120 MW. Created MuDSM web portal for project management. Developed three business models – ESCO, ULB & Hybrid mode ULB level Energy Efficiency Cell has been created in 143 ULB dedicatedly for MuDSM. Customize tender documents provided to 134 ULB for implementation. Meerut Municipal Corporation has implemented a demo project for the vertical turbine pump in which 25% of saving was monitored. Situational survey for water bodies of 105 cities covering 2430 pumping stations.

17 DPRs Details – XI Plan State No. of DPRs Andhra Pradesh 10 Assam 8
Bihar 9 Chhattisgarh 4 Haryana 11 Himachal Pradesh Kerala UT 7 Madhya Pradesh 13 Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh West Bengal

18 Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY)
Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) (Energy Saving Lamp Scheme) The CDM based BLY program was initiated in Around 30 Million CFLs distributed in 44 CPAs. Total sales of CFLs have increased to 340 million (in 2011) from 180 million (in 2008) when the Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) was conceptualized. The doubling of CFL market, even though BLY has contributed to only about 15% of the increase, suggests that the market transformation under BLY has occurred. An avoided generation capacity of 415 MW has been achieved by the BLY scheme during XI Plan. The BLY scheme was designed to be viable when the price of CERs was Euro 8 or more, whereas current price is Euro 0.6; scheme is no longer viable and no new projects are being submitted. However, the approved projects under BLY scheme will continue.

19 Energy Efficiency in SMEs
MSME Sector Contribution to Indian Economy 45% of Industrial Production 35% share in exports >8000 Products Second largest sector after agriculture >26 million units Provides employment to >59 millions Accelerates the growth of Economy MSME growth higher than GDP & Industrial growth Energy Consumption was 50.5 Mtoe in 2012 Energy saving potential of 15% Expected growth rate is > 6% Very small in size (majority are MSME units) Majority of units are proprietorship / family owned concern Very limited professional management Obsolete technology/ production process Low capital investment & labour intensive High energy consumption in many sectors Lack of Knowledge about energy efficient production options / technology Situation analysis completed in selected 35 SME clusters. Comprehensive energy audit and technology gap assessment completed in 1250 SME Units belonging to 25 SMEs clusters. 375 DPRs on energy efficient technologies prepared and peer-reviewed. Cluster specific manuals on energy conservation prepared for 25 clusters Energy saving potential of 0.66 MTOE in 25 SMEs clusters which is 15% of the total energy consumption in these clusters.

20 Capacity Building of DISCOMs
Objective: Capacity Building of DISCOMs on DSM and EE Development of various mechanisms to promote DSM Outcomes: Establishment of DSM Cell by each DISCOM Engagement of dedicated staffs (2) Approved DSM regulation(Recovery of cost through ARR) DSM Action Plan with MYT (Multi year tariff system) Implementation of DSM programs Monitoring and Verification Reporting to SERC

21 Capacity Building of DISCOMs
Major Activities Covered under the Programme… Selection of 30 DISCOMs based on the criteria developed by BEE. Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with selected 30 DISCOMs. Training of Trainers (ToT) – Creation of Master Trainers on DSM. Providing financial/technical support to DISCOMs for organizing Capacity Building Workshops. Providing Manpower (2 consultants) support to the DISCOMs for 3 years. Consultancy Support to DISCOMs for load surveys and preparation of DSM Action Plans.

22 Strengthening of State Designated Agencies
Other EE Initiatives Strengthening of State Designated Agencies 32 States have designated SDAs (State Designated Agencies) to implement energy efficiency in their respective States 33 demonstration projects in the area of street lights and water pumping system have been implemented LED village campaign implemented in 24 States Investment Grade Energy Audit (IGEA) conducted in 491 public buildings across India.

23 National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)
4 National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) fbhfnfgngmgnmfggh

The National Action Plan on Climate Change was released by Prime Minister of India in June 2008 The Action Plan Outlines 8 Missions including National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) The basic objective of the NMEEE mission is to ensure a sustainable growth by an approximate mix of 4 E’s, namely-Energy, Efficiency, Equity and Environment and unlock energy efficiency opportunities through market based mechanisms. Market-based approaches to unlock energy efficiency opportunities, estimated to be about Rs. 74,000 Crores

25 National Action Plan on Climate Change

26 NMEEE – Four New Initiatives
PAT EEFP FEEED MTEE Energy Intensive Industries Targets for Mandatory Energy Saving Stimulate Funding for ESCOs NMEEE Energy Efficient Appliances BLY SEEP DSM Fiscal Instrument for EE Partial Risk Guarantee Fund (PRGF) Venture Capital Fund (VCF) Public Procurement

27 Framework for Energy Efficient Economic Development (FEEED)
Fiscal instruments to facilitate energy efficiency projects implementation have been developed: PRGFEE: Debt guarantee to Financial Institutions for ESCO (Energy Service Companies) investments (upto Rs. 3.0 Crores or 50% of loan, whichever is less) VCFEE: Equity investments in ESCO projects (upto Rs 2.0 crores or 15% of equity, whichever is less) Public Procurement: Public procurement of energy efficient appliances in the Public sector has been initiated. This is expected to save 250 MW of Power . Initially the appliances which have been considered for public procurement include Split air conditioners (usage more than 1000 hrs/year), ceiling fans & water heaters (all 5 Stars) and frost free refrigerators ( 4 Stars)

28 Voluntary Initiatives to promote Energy Efficiency
5 Voluntary Initiatives to promote Energy Efficiency

29 National Energy Conservation Awards
Motivated industry and other establishment to adopt energy efficiency measures Scheme has become very popular among industries and buildings, as is evident from increasing participation level (829 nominations in 2013 in comparison to 123 nominations in 1999)




33 Painting Competition on Energy Conservation for School Students
The scheme aims at sensitizing the children towards issues of energy conservation Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency have been organizing painting competitions on energy conservation for the last 9 years for school students at School, State and National levels. The scheme is being executed in all the 28 States and 7 UTs of India In the year 2013, more than 4,500,000 students participated in comparison to about 343,000 students in 2005.

34 National Painting Competition Prize Distribution Function 2013
Hon’ble President, Shri Pranab Mukherjee presented the National Painting Competition Prizes, at the National Energy Conservation Awards function, in New Delhi on December 16, The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power, Shri Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia is also seen.

35 Painting Competition on Energy Conservation

36 Painting Competition on Energy Conservation
K R Roshni, Standard V, Tamil Nadu (India)

37 ISO 50001 Energy Management System
More than 200 industrial units have declared their energy policy . PAT mechanism has all factors which are part of EnMS Relatively easier for Indian industry and buildings to adopt EnMs standard and achieve and sustain higher levels of energy efficiency Around 60 establishments including buildings and industry in India have been certified for ISO EnMS The Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) became the first airport operator and Dahanu Thermal Power Station, Maharashtra (India) became the first Thermal Power Station in the world to receive this certification after its publication in mid 2011.

38 6 Conclusions

39 Impact of Energy Efficiency Initiatives
Standards and Labelling of equipment and appliances programme has created a market transformation Energy saving targets have been fixed for 8 sectors of energy intensive industry million ton of oil equivalent by The PAT scheme is a unique and innovative initiative, perhaps with no precedence anywhere else in the world. PAT would become a valuable model for other countries to adopt for their own energy efficiency programmes with a business perspective. Various activities under different initiatives have resulted in savings in avoided power generation capacity of about 10,836 MW during 11th Five Year Plan ( ).

40 12th Plan(2012-17): Projected Energy Savings
The strategies adopted during the 11th Five Year Plan ( ) have showed encouraging outcomes. 12th Plan ( ) will carry forward the existing schemes as well as further strengthen the EE initiatives to accelerate the process of implementation of energy efficiency measures to achieve the desired energy savings. Projected Savings in Billion kWh (BU): 44.85 BU (consumer end) 60.17 BU (at generating side) Additional thermal energy saving equivalent to million ton of oil equivalent energy is expected to be achieved by

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