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G EORGE B EST What does that name mean to you?????

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Presentation on theme: "G EORGE B EST What does that name mean to you?????"— Presentation transcript:

1 G EORGE B EST What does that name mean to you?????

2 H ISTORY OF G EORGE B EST Manchester united (aged 17) & Northen Ireland Won premiership and European Cup Compared to and considered better than Maradonna Pace, acceleration, balance, two-footedness, goal scoring and the ability to beat defenders Widely regarded as one of the greatest players to have graced British and world football

3 G EOGRE B EST : 1946-2005 In 2002, his years of drinking took their toll and he had a liver transplant Swore off alcohol……………but started drinking again…. Drink driving ban 2004 Multiple organ failure - kidney infection Side effect of the immuno- suppressive drugs he was required to take after a liver transplant

4 Continued……………………… First celebrity footballer The David Beckham of his time "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered“ Miss World Party lifestyle

5 L EARNING O BJECTIVES All pupils describe five different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes (pass). Most explain five different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes (merit). Some pupils analyse five different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes (distinction). Literacy objective: Define: describe, explain and analyse.




9 L ITERACY OBJECTIVE : D EFINE : DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN AND ANALYSE. Key WordWhat do you think? ActualExample Describe Explain Analyse

10 L ITERACY O BJECTIVE Describe Paint a picture in words- don’t say why!

11 L ITERACY O BJECTIVE Explain 1. to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible: to explain an obscure point. Synonyms: explicate. Antonyms: confuse. 2. to make known in detail: to explain how to do something. 3. to assign a meaning to; interpret: How can you explain such a silly remark?

12 L ITERACY O BJECTIVE Analyse To study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it:

13 T ASK : E XPLAIN WHY Good life style choices Bad life style choices

14 Appropriate activities eg rest, relaxing Inappropriate activities Alcohol Drugs Gambling smoking unruly behaviour Pressures eg peers, social life, club, living away from home, training, competition; financial eg spending, saving, investing, sponsorship, tax, insurance Specification examples

15 P EER M ARK WWW: EBI: Grade the coursework pass/merit or distinction



18 S TART WRITING COURSEWORK Describe five different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes (pass). Explain five different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes (merit). Analyse five different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes (distinction).

19 P LENARY White board QUIZ

20 S UMMER HOLIDAY JOBS : S INGLE AWARD Buy large ring binder with dividers. Homework: The Athletes Lifestyle Complete P1 (table format),M1 minimum – extension task D1. M1 to be completed in an essay and D1 incorporated into the same essay.

21 S UMMER HOLIDAY JOBS : DOUBLE AWARD Buy large ring binder with dividers. Homework: Complete P1 table format from Fitness programming unit.

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