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Chromosome Number - Is how many chromosomes a cell has

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1 Chapter 11.4 (Pg. 323-329): Meiosis

2 Chromosome Number - Is how many chromosomes a cell has
- Is represented by the letter N - Can be either haploid or diploid Changes during S phase of interphase, and during cell division

3 Chromosome Number - Diploid A cell has two copies of each chromosome
Is written as 2N These two copies are homologous One set came from each parent Have the same genes in the same locations Diploid cells are created by mitosis


5 Chromosome Number - Haploid
A cell has one copy of each chromosome Is written as N Most often occurs in gametes Haploid cells are created by meiosis Haploid sperm can combine with a haploid egg to make a diploid zygote, or fertilized egg


7 Phases of Meiosis Occur in two stages, Meiosis I and Meiosis II
Each contains prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis Interphase occurs before Meiosis I, but not before Meiosis II


9 Meiosis I Interphase DNA is copied during S phase of Interphase
Organelles and molecules are copied to prepare for cell division

10 Meiosis I - Prophase I - Spindle forms - Nuclear membrane disappears
- Chromosomes condense - Homologous chromosomes pair up - Forms a tetrad Homologous chromosomes cross over Chromatid on one chromosome swaps a section with another This creates genetic variation



13 Meiosis I - Metaphase I - Homologous chromosomes line up across the center of the cell


15 Meiosis I - Anaphase I Spindle fibers pull each homologous chromosome pair towards opposite ends of the cell


17 Meiosis I Telophase I and Cytokinesis
A nuclear membrane forms around each cluster of chromosomes Spindle disappears The cell membrane pinches in to separate the cytoplasm into two haploid daughter cells


19 Meiosis II - Prophase II Chromosomes condense
Nuclear membranes disappear Spindles form

20 Meiosis II Metaphase II
Chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell

21 Meiosis II - Anaphase II
Individual chromatids move to opposite sides of the cell


23 Meiosis II Telophase II and Cytokinesis Nuclei re-form
The cell membrane pinches in to separate the cytoplasm into four genetically unique haploid daughter cells





28 Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis
Makes genetically identical cells Makes diploid cells Maintains the original chromosome number Makes two daughter cells Uses only one cell division No pairing of homologous chromosomes Only separates sister chromatids No crossing over occurs Used for many cellular processes Makes genetically unique cells Makes haploid cells Reduces the chromosome number by half Makes four daughter cells Uses two cell divisions Pairs homologous chromosomes together Separates homologous chromosomes, then sister chromatids Crossing over occurs Only makes gametes for reproduction

29 Linked Genes Alleles of different genes tend to be inherited together from one generation to the next when those genes are located on the same chromosome Can be shown with a gene map Indicates the location of each gene on a chromosome


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