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The Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter 2 The Foreign Exchange Market
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Objectives To describe the FX market. To identify participants and currencies. To describe the mechanics and technology of FX trading. To introduce some exchange rate concepts. To illustrate FX position keeping. To describe the AUD FX market. To introduce some FX jargon. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Definition The FX market is the market where national currencies are bought and sold against one another. Foreign exchange consists mainly of bank deposits. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Characteristics It is the largest and most perfect market. It is needed because every international transaction requires a foreign exchange transaction. It is an over-the-counter (OTC) market. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Market Participants Foreign exchange traders buy and sell currencies directly or indirectly. Arbitragers exploit exchange rate anomalies; hedgers cover open positions; and speculators take open positions. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Categories of Participants
Customers Commercial banks Other financial institutions Brokers Central banks Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Interbank Operations The FX market is dominated by interbank operations. Participants in the interbank market are market makers, other major dealers and second-tier banks. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Size and Composition The size of the global FX market is measured by the sum of daily turnover in FX centres. A survey is coordinated by the BIS every three years for this purpose. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Daily Turnover in the FX Market (USD Billion)
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
The Geographical Distribution of FX Market Turnover (Per Cent)
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Market Turnover by Counterparty (Per Cent)
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Market Turnover by Counterparty (Per Cent)
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Currency Composition of FX Market Turnover (Per Cent)
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Currency Composition of FX Market Turnover (Per Cent)
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Traded Currencies The US dollar is the most heavily traded currency. The euro and the yen are heavily traded because of the importance of Europe and Japan in the world economy. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Traded Currencies (cont.)
The pound is heavily traded for historical reasons. Currencies that are heavily traded in certain financial centres and lack liquidity in others: CHF, CAD. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Traded Currencies (cont.)
Currencies that are traded locally, but internationally are traded for international trade purposes: AUD, NZD, HKD. Third world currencies: soft or exotic currencies. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Components of an FX Transaction
Price discovery Decision making Settlement Position keeping Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Market Technology The telegraph The telephone The telex The fax Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Market Technology (cont.)
Screen-based information systems Screen-based automated dealing systems Automatic order matching systems Online FX trading Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
The Bilateral Spot Exchange Rate
The exchange rate between two currencies for immediate delivery. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
A Spot Foreign Exchange Transaction
Confirmation of exchange rate and amount B’s account A’s (Monday) A B AUD (Wednesday) USD (Wednesday) Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Spot Rate Quotation S (x /y ) is the price (in terms of x) of one unit of y : Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Exchange Rate Changes When the exchange rate changes from S0(x/y) to S1(x/y) Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Currency Conversion To convert from y to x, multiply by the exchange rate. To convert from x to y, divide by the exchange rate. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Exchange Rate Quotation in Practice
Direct quotation refers to the domestic currency price of one unit of the foreign currency. Indirect quotation refers to the foreign currency price of the domestic currency. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
The Bid and Offer Rates The bid rate is the rate at which the quoting dealer is willing to buy. The offer rate is the rate at which the quoting dealer is willing to sell. The spread is Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
A Foreign Exchange Spot Transaction with Bid-Offer Spread
B (1/1.8525) (1/ ) Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Conversion Rules Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Points and Pips A point is one-hundredth of a cent, a penny, etc. A pip is one-tenth of a point. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Cross Exchange Rates A cross exchange rate is the exchange rate between two currencies derived from their exchange rates against another currency. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Bid and Offer Cross Rates
Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Cross Rates Matrix For n exchange rates Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Position Keeping A nostro account is held by a dealer at a corresponding bank. A vostro account is held by a bank on behalf of a foreign dealer Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Position Keeping (cont.)
A short position is created when a dealer borrows a currency and sells it. A long position is created when a currency is bought because it is expected to appreciate. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Position Keeping (cont.)
Position keeping is the monitoring of positions in each currency. A position is the net cumulative total of a currency holding arising from deals. A blotter is a schedule used to record the details of transactions. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
FX Position Keeping (cont.)
Position squaring is realising profit/loss by buying the short-position currency and selling the long-position currency. Valuation is the calculation of unrealised profit/loss using the average rate. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
The Forward Exchange Rate
The rate contracted today for the delivery of a currency at a specified date in the future. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Forward Value Date The date on which currencies involved in a forward transaction are exchanged. Dates may be short, round or broken. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Outright and Swap Forward Transactions
An outright contract involves the sale or purchase of a currency for delivery more than two days into the future. A swap transaction involves a spot purchase against a matching outright sale (or vice versa). Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Kinds of FX Swaps Forward swaps Forward-forward swaps Overnight swaps Tom/next swaps Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
The Forward Spread Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Premium and Discount If F (x /y ) > S (x /y ), then y sells at a premium. If F (x /y ) < S (x /y ), then y sells at a discount. If F (x /y ) = S (x /y ), both currencies are flat. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Outright and Swap Rates
An outright forward rate is quoted as bid and offer rates. A swap rate is quoted in terms of the points representing the forward premium or discount. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
The AUD FX Market The market consists of the banking system and non-bank dealers authorised by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The market has grown since the flotation of the AUD in 1983. Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
Reasons for the Growth of the AUD Market
Deregulation High interest rates in the 1980s Australia’s time zone Exchange rate volatility Copyright 2004 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a International Finance: An Analytical Approach 2e by Imad A. Moosa Slides prepared by Afaf Moosa
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