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QUANTA Honors College Everything you wanted to know and were afraid to ask.

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Presentation on theme: "QUANTA Honors College Everything you wanted to know and were afraid to ask."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUANTA Honors College Everything you wanted to know and were afraid to ask

2 Quanta ●Interdisciplinary learning community ●Three classes integrated around a theme ●Three professors all the time ●Emphasizes transfer of skills from one discipline to another

3 Honors College ●More challenging instruction for high performing students ●15 credit hours ●20 hours of service learning ●Final research paper

4 Quanta Honors College: The best of both worlds ●Learning community approach ●Broad admissions ●Supported learning ●Preparation for university honors work ●Planning for transfer to bachelor’s work

5 Yes, it’s harder. But it has big benefits: ●Better retention – about 90 percent ●Better support – writing center tutors, more accessible office hours, opportunities for student research ●Fewer lectures, more hands-on learning in small groups ●Easier transition to universities ●10% tuition refund

6 Who should come in? ●Students who express an interest in honors work ●Recent graduates with GPAs of 3.0 ●Recent graduates with some AP or IB courses ●Non-traditional students with PERT reading above 106 and writing above 103 ●Dual enrollment students

7 Institutional benefits ●Higher retention in cohort programs ●Enhanced academic reputation for us ●Higher profile in recruitment ●Coordination with other enhancement programs, like STEM Community Scholars

8 What’s coming ●Three year phased-in implementation, starting with Fall, 2014, students. ●Quanta Honors College courses for all general education requirements. ●Current Honors College students will continue under the old system until implementation is complete.

9 Courses for Fall, 2015 ●ENC 1101, SLS 2505, LIT 2000 -- First year students ●STA 2023, POS 2041, ENC 2210 -- Second year students ●Instructors: Ben Graydon, Frank Gunshanan, Brianna Kurtz, Becca Block, Trey Orndorff, Maggie Karda

10 Questions? ●Call Maggie at 4219 ●Office: 210/211 – second floor of the library ●I’m in the office most of the summer and am happy to meet with students and their families.

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