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Getting Ready 2014-2015 Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn Dumaresq, Acting Secretary Getting Ready for the Pennsylvania State Assessments, 2014-2015

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready 2014-2015 Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn Dumaresq, Acting Secretary Getting Ready for the Pennsylvania State Assessments, 2014-2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready 2014-2015 Tom Corbett, Governor Carolyn Dumaresq, Acting Secretary Getting Ready for the Pennsylvania State Assessments, 2014-2015 >

2 > Agenda  General Information  Overview of Statewide Assessments  Resources and Tools  PSSA  Keystone Exams  PASA 2

3 2014-15 Testing Dates 3 PSSA AssessmentDatesGrades English Language Arts (Elu[A) April 13-17, 2015Grades 3-8 MathematicsApril 20-24, 2015Grades 3-8 ScienceApril 27-May 1, 2015Grades 4 & 8 Make-upMay 4-8, 2015 Keystone Exams Wave 1December 3-17, 2014Algebra 1, Biology, Literature Wave 2January 7-21, 2015Algebra 1, Biology, Literature SpringMay 13-27, 2015Algebra 1, Biology, Literature PASA Math & ReadingFebruary 16-March 27, 2015 Grades 3-8 & 11 ScienceMay 4-May 29, 2015Grades 4, 8 & 11

4 > Resources and Tools  eDirect eDirect  PSSA Testing Calendars PSSA Testing Calendars  Keystone Exams Testing Calendars Keystone Exams Testing Calendars  Performance Level Descriptors and Cut Scores (All Grade/Subjects) Performance Level Descriptors and Cut Scores (All Grade/Subjects)  Accommodations Accommodations  Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System (SAS) Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System (SAS)  Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) 4

5 > PSSA Math  Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)  Mathematics Test Design Mathematics Test Design  Mathematics Item and Scoring Samplers Mathematics Item and Scoring Samplers  Scoring Guidelines Scoring Guidelines  Calculator Policy Calculator Policy  Assessment Anchors and Glossary Assessment Anchors and Glossary 5

6 Changes to the Math PSSA 3 sections of Math given back to back during the 2 nd week of testing April 20-24, 2015 Math Formula Sheets may copy & student’s may have them on their desk (Grades 4-8) Math Glossary Guess and Check (must show 2 incorrect guesses in order to get full credit) 6 Getting Ready 2014-2015 >

7 > PSSA Math 7

8 8 > Getting Ready 2014-2015

9 9

10 > PSSA Math 10  Embedded Field Test based on PCS  Open-ended items scored on a 0-4 scale  Item-specific scoring guidelines but no general rubric  Formula sheets will be provided for grades 4 through 8 o See Resource Materials on PDE’s website for the formula sheets and item samplers

11 > PSSA Math Item Specifics 11  Multiple choice items based on the Assessment Anchors aligned to the PA Standards. The Eligible Content is considered Assessment Limits.  All items may cross Eligible Content, Descriptors, Anchors and Reporting Categories.  All items align to the Anchor.  Reminder: Have students read all items, especially the open-ended items, carefully and answer exactly what is being asked.

12 > PSSA Math Item Specifics 12  Examples of how open-ended items might be phrased: - Show or explain all your work. - Show all your work. Explain why you did each step. - Explain why [something is true or false] - Describe how [doing something affects something else; to find something, etc.]

13 > PSSA Math Open-ended Item Example 13 Roy is running for class president. He polls 50 students. 60 percent of them say they will vote for him. A. There are 350 students in Roy’s class. Based on his survey, how many students should he expect to vote for him? Show or explain all your work. B. Roy will sell fruit drinks to raise money for his campaign. A fruit drink cost $0.10 and he sells it for $0.50. How many fruit drinks does Roy need to sell to earn $80? Show all your work. Explain why you did each step.

14 > PSSA Math 14 Some notes about open-ended items:  Guess and Check is a valid method but at least two incorrect guesses must be shown to receive full credit.  Not all open-ended items require a “why.”  At least half the score points must come from one Anchor. The rest can come from anywhere else.

15 > PSSA Math 15  Can have a “blemish” and still get a score of 4  “e.g. missing $” may or may not be a blemish depending on the item and grade.  If an answer box is given the answer does not have to be in the answer box to receive full credit, but if there is an answer in the answer box it overrides any other answer given.  An incorrect answer carried through correctly will receive full credit for the correct part.

16 > PSSA Math 16  Rulers and protractors will be provided where needed (grades 3 and 4 respectively). Students must use the rulers and protractors provided for the PSSA.  Rulers will be used in grade 3 only and will be scaled to the ⅛ inch and millimeter. Students will be required to measure to the ¼ inch and centimeter.  Protractors will be used only for the grade 4 PSSA.

17 > PSSA Math Grade 3 Cannot use calculators. Answers marked in test booklet. Grade 4 and up: Calculators are permitted on all but the beginning few items. 17

18 > PSSA ELA  Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)  English Language Arts (ELA) Test Design English Language Arts (ELA) Test Design  English Language Arts (ELA) Item and Scoring Samplers English Language Arts (ELA) Item and Scoring Samplers  Scoring Guidelines Scoring Guidelines  Assessment Anchors and Glossary Assessment Anchors and Glossary 18

19 Changes to the Grade 3-8 ELA PSSA ELA – Administered the first week of testing April 13-17, 2014 – 4 Sections 1 section writing (1 prompt) and grammar (first day of testing) 3 sections of reading (6 passages) – Total number of points grades 4 - 8 = 84 Grade 3 total number of points = 62 – Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) – Short Answer (Gr. 3 only) – Text Dependent Analysis (TDA) (Grades 4-8) – Questions are weighted 19 > PSSA ELA

20 20

21 21 PSSA ELA

22 22 PSSA ELA Grade 3

23 23 ELA Grades 4-8

24 > PSSA Science  Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)  Science Test Design Science Test Design  Science Item and Scoring Samplers Science Item and Scoring Samplers  Scoring Guidelines Scoring Guidelines  Assessment Anchors and Glossary Assessment Anchors and Glossary 24

25 > Keystone Exams  Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System (SAS) Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System (SAS)  Test Design Test Design  Assessment Anchors/Eligible Content Assessment Anchors/Eligible Content  Item and Scoring Samplers Item and Scoring Samplers  Scoring Guidelines Scoring Guidelines 25

26 26 Module 1Module 2 Assessment Anchors Covered Operations and Inequalities Linear Equations and Inequalities Linear Functions and Data Organization Number of Eligible Content Covered1815 Keystone Exams Algebra 1

27 27 Keystone Exams Keystone Exams Algebra 1 MODULE 1MODULE 2 Number of OperationalMultiple- Choice Questions 18 QUESTIONS @ 1 POINT EACH Number of Operational Constructed- Response Questions 3 questions at 4 points each = 12 points 3 questions at 4 points each = 12 points TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS30 POINTS PERCENTAGE OF POINTS FOR ENTIRE TEST 50% There are a total of 60 points (combination of Module 1 & 2. 60% Multiple Choices points and 40% Constructed Responses points.

28 28 Keystone Exams Biology Module 1Module 2 Assessment Anchors Covered Cells and Cell ProcessesContinuity and Unity of Life Number of Eligible Content Covered1622 BIOLOGY KEYSTONE EXAM TEST DESIGN FOR STANDARDS

29 29 Keystone Exams Biology

30 30 Keystone Exams Literature

31 31 Keystone Exams Literature

32 > PA Alternate System of Assessment Who participates in the PASA?  Grades 3-8 and 11  Students with a significant cognitive disability 32

33 > PA Alternate System of Assessment  Enrollment Period: Sept. 29, 2014 – Dec.12, 2014  Math and Reading Test Window: Feb. 16, 2015 – March 27, 2015  Science Test Window May 4, 2015 – May 29, 2015  Writing: No statewide test form; student writing samples are individually created (by teacher) and scored (by teacher) and stored (in IEP folder) 33

34 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Participation Guidelines  IEP teams make assessment decisions  Student must meet all six eligibility criteria 34

35 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Eligibility Criteria 1.By September 1 of the school year in which this IEP will be operative, will the student be in grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 11? Yes / No AND 2. Does the student have significant cognitive disabilities? Yes / No AND 3. Does the student require intensive instruction to learn? Yes / No AND 35

36 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Eligibility Criteria (Cont’d) 4.Does the student require extensive adaptation and support in order to perform and/or participate meaningfully and productively in the everyday life activities of integrated school, home, community, and work environments? Yes / No AND 5.Does the student require substantial modifications of the general education curriculum? Yes / No AND 36

37 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Eligibility Criteria(Cont’d) 6.Does the student’s participation in the general education curriculum differ substantially in form and/or substance from that of most other students (i.e., different objectives, materials, or activities)? Yes / No 37

38 > PA Alternate System of Assessment  If the answer was “Yes” to all of these questions, it would be appropriate for the IEP team to consider assigning the student to the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA).  If the answer was “No” to any of these questions, the PASA is not the appropriate statewide assessment for the student. 38

39 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Training Webinars Jan. 8, 2015 General Test Administration Jan. 20, 2015 Adaptations for Students with Visual Impairments Jan. 23, 2015 Adaptations for Students who are Non-Verbal 39

40 > PA Alternate System of Assessment Jan. 5, 2015 Training videos users can work through at any time and at their own pace will also be posted on our PASA Reading and Math training website and will be available throughout the PASA test window. 40

41 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Contact Information Who manages the test? PASA Project at the University of Pittsburgh:  Dr. Naomi Zigmond – Reading/Math  Dr. Steve Lyon – Science All test materials are shipped from and returned to PASA Project 41

42 > PA Alternate System of Assessment PASA Information Websites Enrollment Updates: General PASA Information: Science Updates: QUESTIONS: Dr. John Machella (814) 536-1956 42

43 > 43 For more information on Getting Ready for the 2014-15 State Assessments please visit PDE’s website at The mission of the department is to academically prepare children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. The department seeks to ensure that the technical support, resources and opportunities are in place for all students, whether children or adults, to receive a high quality education. Test Administrators and proctors must complete the online training prior to administering the PSSA or Keystone Exams (the online testing modules are available.)

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