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Communication & Personal Identity

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1 Communication & Personal Identity
Focus Questions What is the self? How does communication influence personal identity? How can you resist destructive patterns in communication with yourself? What are values and risks of self-disclosing communication? How can you foster your personal growth? Communication & Personal Identity

2 Communication & Personal Identity
自我 Self : 網路書店搜尋結果 博客來網路書店 搜尋結果:前10本書 Amazon Communication & Personal Identity

3 Self, Identity and Multiculture
Communication & Personal Identity

4 Communication & Personal Identity
“Self” is a process. Continuously evolves and changes. The self consists of perspectives: Views about ourselves, about others, and about social life that changes over time as we interact with others. 自我發展量表 (民80:江南發 ) Communication & Personal Identity

5 The self arises in communication with others
Self is not innate but is acquired (Mead, 1934). Self-fulfilling prophesy: expectations, judgment of ourselves (internalized labels) Particular others: parents, siblings, peers Reflected appraisals: a process of seeing ourselves through the eyes of others (Significant others) Generalized others: collection of rules, roles, attitudes Communicated by people we interact with, By media, By institutions: Judicial system, marriage, education system Communication & Personal Identity

6 Communication with family members
Direct definition: Explicitly told Identity scripts: Rules of living and identity of a family Attachment styles: Patterns of parenting; how to approach relationship (next slide) Secure attachment: Consistent, attentive; self-worth Fearful attachment: Rejecting, abusive; unworthy of love Dismissive attachment: Rejecting, abusive; dismissing others as unworthy Anxious/ambivalent attachment: Inconsistent parenting; assuming others right / self unworthy of love Communication & Personal Identity

7 Communication & Personal Identity
Attachment Styles Views of self Positive Negative Secure Anxious/Ambivalent Positive Consistent, attentive; self-worth Inconsistent parenting; assuming others right / self unworthy of love Views of others Negative Dismissive Fearful Rejecting, abusive; dismissing others as unworthy Rejecting, abusive; unworthy of love Communication & Personal Identity

8 Communication with Peers
Playmates, classmates, friends, partners… Reflected appraisals Social comparisons Judgment about talents, qualities, abilities… Self-disclosure Revelation of personal information about ourselves Hopes, fears, experiences, perceptions… The Johari Window: four types of information (knowledge) about us (p. 214) Communication & Personal Identity

9 Communication & Personal Identity
The Johari Window Known to self Unknown to self Known to others Open Area Blind Area Unknown to others Hidden Area Unknown Area Communication & Personal Identity

10 Communication with society
Four aspects of identity Race Gender Sexual orientation Socioeconomic level Other social values Intelligence, weight (slimness), height… Communication & Personal Identity

11 Challenges in Communicating with Ourselves
Reflecting critically on social perspectives Ethical obligation to promote positive social values and a fair social world Individual & collective efforts to revise social meaning Seeking personal growth as a communicator Set realistic goals Assess yourself fairly (reasonable social comparison) Self disclose appropriately: safe, gradual, reciprocal Creative a supportive climate for change Uppers: who communicates positively about us Downers: who communicates negatively about us Vultures: an extreme form of downers; who attacks our self-concepts Communication & Personal Identity

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