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T ODAY Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 7 : 1-29 Sermon: “The Covenant of Grace with David” (Sermon 4 in the series “The God Who Relates”) Speaker: Mr Philip.

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2 T ODAY Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 7 : 1-29 Sermon: “The Covenant of Grace with David” (Sermon 4 in the series “The God Who Relates”) Speaker: Mr Philip McClelland

3 T ODAY Stephen and Emma Little present their daughter, Jessica this morning for baptism. Niall and Lindsey Thornton present their children, Dara and Penny this morning for baptism.

4 6:30pm Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 8 Sermon: “Appetite for the Word of God” (Series on Revival – Sermon 9) Speaker: Rev Dr WJM Parker T ODAY

5 M ONDAY 7:00pm Session Prayer Meeting in Primary Room including Embers to a Flame. Elders will share what we heard, learnt and the implications for the ministry of 1st Antrim. This will be especially helpful for those who were unable to attend the Seminar in Wellington Church.

6 W EDNESDAY 10:30am Tiny Tots trip to Portrush meeting at the train station.

7 10:00am Congregational Prayer Meeting in Dixon Room 11:00am Rev Dr WJM Parker 1:00PM Dinner with Friends. Anyone is welcome to come along. Meeting @ Allen Park 6:30pm Rev Dr WJM Parker 5 th July 2015 S UNDAY


9 If you would like people from this church to pray about something or someone you are concerned about put your request in the box at the front of the building. You can give as little or as much information as you wish. All requests are being prayed for and confidentiality kept. P RAYER P OINT

10 Margareta, Jordan, Aidan and the Campbell family would like to sincerely thank the members of 1st Antrim who lovingly offered messages of sympathy, sent sympathy cards, visited the home or attended the funeral of their mother and grandmother Winifred (Winnie) Campbell on 17 June 2015. We would also like to extend our thanks to everyone involved with logistics of the funeral and also to the Rev Dr Bill Parker for his faithful attendance at the hospital. T HANK Y OU

11 Church Office will be closed from Thursday 25 June to Thursday 17 July. Please have announcements in by Wednesday of each week. Thanks. C HURCH O FFICE

12 A major paint project will start on 1 July @ 10:00am. Come and bring your roller and paint tray! Thanks! P AINT P ARTY

13 Anyone who wishes to provide tray bakes for camp, please leave them in the Bruce Hall kitchen by Saturday 4 July. All tray bakes will be gratefully received. Please ensure that buns do not contain any nuts. Many thanks. Y OUTH C LUB C AMP

14 Those who have missed out on the Saturday meeting now have a chance to hear Nancy Guthrie on Friday 16 October, 7:30-10pm at Assembly Buildings, Belfast. Nancy will look at the story of one of history’s most significant sufferers—Job—a godly man who suffered significantly, questioned boldly and emerged from his suffering with a life that was described as good. How did he do it? More importantly, how can we do it? If you wish to go, please book online as soon as possible— I RISH W OMEN ’ S C ONFERENCE N EW D ATE

15 The summer fair is happening again this year on the last Saturday of August. We would appreciate it if each organisation could take on a table and organise a team of helpers to cover their particular table. We also need a team of people in the kitchen, and men to put out the tables. Any new ideas are very welcome! We have a good amount of jam jars and sugar, so anyone who would like to use these to make jam, please speak to Rowena to arrange when they can be delivered. S UMMER F AIR


17 Change Of Travelling Dates For The Philipines Project We need to change our proposed travelling dates to just after Christmas or early January 2016 to facilitate Dayang who will be our link person and interpreter. See Stocker for more details. P HILIPINES ’ P ROJECT

18 Children’s Ministry Certificate Course 24 Sept—3 Dec in Union Theological College, this is a 10 week course run on Thursdays from 7:30-9:30pm. Cost is £80. There are applications in the vestibules. C HILDREN ’ S M INISTRY


20 To see this and much more go to

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