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Intellectual Development Age 1-3

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Presentation on theme: "Intellectual Development Age 1-3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intellectual Development Age 1-3
Chapter 12 Intro to TOYBOX

2 Brain Development from 1-3
How does the brain learn? Neurons have fibers (axons & dendrites) Fibers conduct information to/from neurons What is the modern study of the brain called? Neuroscience

3 Brain Development from 1-3
What is intelligence? Ability to understand everyday situations Use prior experiences for new experiences Capacity to learn Is intelligence shaped by heredity or environment? Both!

4 Brain Development from 1-3
It is important for young children to have stimulating environment that promotes learning. What does this look like? Lots of interaction with caregivers Appropriate play things Plenty of encouragement Why is the stimulating environment important? It boosts learning Attitudes formed in early years last a lifetime

5 Brain Development from 1-3
There are FOUR main Methods of Learning Incidental Learning Also called Unplanned learning Example: Push a button on a toy, song plays Cause and effect

6 Brain Development from 1-3
Trial-and-Error Learning When a child tries several things until one works Example varies by age 12 months – Block Sorter 3 Years – Negotiating trades for toys Imitation Learning by watching and copying others Example: playing telephone

7 Brain Development from 1-3
Directed Learning Learning that results from being taught Who might be the “teachers” of directed learning? parents caregivers teachers older siblings

8 Brain Development from 1-3
Concept Development Children learn concepts in stages What are concepts? General ideas Words that go along with them Young children learn to categorize by Color Shape size

9 Brain Development from 1-3
Some ideas are still confusing for youngsters. Example: idea that everything that moves is alive! What are some things that “move” that are not alive? Clouds, toys, cartoon characters, washing machine

10 Brain Development from 1-3
Time concepts can be tricky. When do children understand “before” and “after?” About 2 years When do they understand “today, tomorrow, yesterday?” usually Kindergarten

11 Brain Development from 1-3
Intellectual activity broken down into 7 areas Attention Memory Perception Reasoning Imagination Creativity Curiosity

12 Brain Development from 1-3
Attention Our senses are always receiving information Adults must learn to focus attention Young children have a short attention span Who can focus for longer: toddler or preschooler? Preschooler!

13 Brain Development from 1-3
Memory Short term memory Ex: Look up a phone number Long term memory Ex: Experiences Babies demonstrate memory for faces and food early When does long term memory typically begin? Usually about age 3

14 Brain Development from 1-3
Memory Games

15 Brain Development from 1-3
Perception Information received through the senses Talk about what you are doing with kids Example: This is a blue block. Your shirt is blue too. Lets see if we can build a tower with only blue blocks. It is important to respond to those “why” and “what is this?” questions. Why? If ignored, the child may eventually stop asking.

16 Brain Development from 1-3
Reasoning At age 1, a child will try all possibilities By age 3, a child will think through choices Children learn reasoning by making decisions Choose between books at bedtime Choose between two shirts

17 Brain Development from 1-3
Imagination Becomes apparent at age 2 Pretending is a way for kids to have new experiences What can a laundry basket also be? Airplane, city building What about the closet? Cave, house

18 Imagination can help kids cope with fears
Doctor’s kit with teddy bear It is important to respect a child’s imagination 3 year old who makes up a story is NOT lying

19 Brain Development from 1-3
Creativity When imagination is used to create something original Examples: Finger painting, silly songs, daydreams When is creativity most readily developed? Early childhood Curiosity Causes children to wonder “why” and “how” Try not to be too overprotective and allow your child to have new experiences

20 Encourage Imagination and Creativity
Encourage exploration THINK PAIR SHARE: What are some activities that depend on exploring and imagination? Make a list!  Drawing Playing with clay Building things Dressing up Telling stories You start a story, and then ask the child to finish it

21 Encourage Imagination and Creativity
Provide multipurpose toys Kids need toys that can be used in more than one way Small wooden blocks: what else can they be? Cars Phones Sandwiches Walls of a castle

22 Encourage Imagination and Creativity
It is important to allow for unstructured time with no activities planned. Kids need time to themselves to use their imaginations. Less screen time is better for kids What does “screen time mean?” TV, ipads, phones

23 Encourage Imagination and Creativity
Resist the Inner Critic There is no one “right” way to paint or draw It is important to… always respond with genuine appreciation and questions Why? Helps the child to continue thinking creatively

24 Encourage Imagination and Creativity

25 Encourage Imagination and Creativity
Reward the Young Creator Praise child’s efforts with deeds and words Display the child’s pictures Let the child hear you bragging about him to friends and family

26 Encourage Imagination and Creativity
Video 10 Amazing Facts About the Brain

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