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Joint Investigation Teams

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1 Joint Investigation Teams
Introductions PSNI Senior Investigating officer – DCI Douglas Grant Eurojust - Elisa Hopley Public prosecution Service Northern Ireland - Michael Agnew

2 Operation Burgrave Presentation over the next 30 minutes will be in 3 parts and we will look at a particular case study OPERATION BURGRAVE , The Investigation – me The JIT process - Elisa The prosecution, advantages and outcomes – Michael

3 Joint Investigation Team (JIT)
OPTIONS Independent Action (MLAT / ILOR) Police to Police Joint Investigation Team (JIT) So we now had to decide in agreement with all parties how we were going to progress the investigations and we had a number of options Independent Action Police to Police Joint Investigation Team 3

4 A number of countries and agencies were involved all working toward the arrest of the OCG and the rescue of victims 4

5 What is a JIT? A joint investigation team (JIT) is a team consisting of judges, prosecutors and law enforcement authorities established for a fixed period and a specific purpose. Established by way of a written agreement between the States involved. Purpose to carry out criminal investigations in one or more of the involved States. Led by a person from the Member State in which the JIT operates. 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

6 Legal Framework Article 13 of the 2000 MLA Convention as well as in the Framework Decision on Joint Investigation Teams from 2002. The Framework Decision will cease to have effect once the 2000 MLA Convention has entered into force in all Member States. Can involve countries outside the EU, provided that a legal basis for the creation of such JIT exists - international legal instrument, bilateral or multilateral agreement or national legislation. 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

7 Process 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust
Contact from National authorities Meeting between desks Co-ordination meeting 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

8 Trafficking Trafficking in human beings (THB)is a priority crime area. 19 THB cases registered in 2004, 95 in 2013. UK at the forefront of using JITs to investigate THB and agreed the first ever EU THB JIT. Currently 25 cases UK involving THB – whether for the purposes of forced labour, sexual exploitation or illegal immigration. Five active JIT cases. Funding awarded to them since €478, 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

9 Advantages of a JIT “All the successes stemmed from the agreement and signature of 8 sheets of paper at a conference room at Eurojust” Met Police Superintendent Bernie Gravett, 2010. 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

10 Advantages of a JIT Simplifies communication, co-ordination and co-operation between members and participants. Real time exchange of intelligence and evidence without the need for MLA requests. Jurisdictional and evidential issues can be addressed. Development of common strategy Strengthens mutual trust and interaction between team members from different jurisdictions. Joint working – JIT members can be present in other jurisdictions JIT funding - 1) travel and accommodation 2) interpretation and translation. 17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

11 Elisa Hopley SNE for UK +31 70 412 5254
17/04/2017 Welcome to Eurojust

12 Michael Agnew, Assistant Director Public Prosecution Service
Operation Burgrave The PPS Experience Michael Agnew, Assistant Director Public Prosecution Service

13 The Document The Co-ordination Meeting The Advantages The Outcome
Objectives The Document The Co-ordination Meeting The Advantages The Outcome

14 The Document Breadth, e.g. purpose for which material can be used / pre-existing material Flexibility, e.g. ability to amend / use other material with prior consent Clarity / Understanding, e.g. differences in law and practice

15 The Co-ordination Meeting
Hosted by Eurojust in the Hague Person present / facilities Presentations on status of investigations Discussion of issues Signing of agreement

16 Advantages of JIT in Burgrave
No need for ILORs Establish relationships – Eurojust and JIT members Improve understanding / develop trust Agreed prosecutorial strategy Ongoing mutual assistance

Convicted of complicity in trafficking; aggravated procuring of trafficking; and threats issued in context of legal proceedings. 4 years imprisonment. Changed on appeal to trafficking but no change to sentence. SCHWARZ Convicted of trafficking and aggravated procuring. Withdrew Appeal. BOTH ordered to pay damages (approx. £10,000).

18 Thank you for your attention

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