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Dr Paul Chan Deputy Director (Clinical)

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1 Dr Paul Chan Deputy Director (Clinical)
Housemen Orientation Dr Paul Chan Deputy Director (Clinical)

2 Introduction Houseman vs Pegawai Perubatan Siswazah (PPS)
First working life as a doctor No longer just study but work and study Responsibilities Proactiveness Goals of Internship Provide experience Platform for knowledge gain Development of skills

3 Organizations MOH (Ministry of Health) MMC (Malaysia Medical Council)
JPA (Public Service Department) HR (Human Resource)

4 Organizations MOH is not MMC. Both different entity
MOH mainly service or perkhidmatan MMC doctors’ issues only




8 MMC Government body Plans for privatization Doctors practices APC
Registration of practices Ethics Complaints from patients Head by the Secretary Boss is DG Empowered by the Medical Act 1971

9 Laws involve directly doctors
Medical Act 1971 (2012) Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998 Laws not involve directly doctors Medical Device Act 2012 Lab and pathology Act 2007 Akta Ubat 1956 Competition Act 2010 T&CM Act 2012 Aesthetics Guideline Mental Health Act 2001 (2006) Atomic energy licensing Act 1984. Nurse Act 1950 Dental Act 1971 Insurance Act 1996

10 Postings 6 postings Final postings either Anaesthesia, A&E or JPL
4 months each 2 assessments in each postings Extension Due to incompetence, unfilled log books, excessive leaves or sick Minimum 2 Months = Incompetence Evaluation report by your HOD Non clinical skills (Communication, Presentation, Ethical skills)

11 Log books Carry with you all the time
Must be completed before you finish your postings (2 weeks). Latest 1 week. Extension if incomplete log books

12 Evaluation At least one evaluation (1 month) before completion)
Usually 2 evaluations. Up to individual dept do it. If fail evaluation, then will be extended (2-3 months) First extension : 2 months (HO Committee) Second extension : 2 months (HO Committee) Third Extension : KKM (transfer to another hospital same state), 3 months posting. Still incompetent : Lembaga Kelayakan

13 service 2 years as HO and 2 years of MO
Maximum 3 years (JPA requirement, as temporary staff) Any extension, feedback to JKN Sabah Any extension more than 1 year, DG will decide After one extension, if still need another extension, will be sent to another hospital (ie should not be in a dept longer than 7 months if you are incompetent)

14 Leaves JPA requirement Cannot be brought forward to another postings
Is up to HOD to give or not Not a ‘right’ /hak. In govt service, your only ‘right’ is gaji. So don’t say ‘I have the right to take leave’. Critical staff (health, army, police, firemen, etc) Any leaves more than required, means ‘extension’ Maternity leave Sick leave

15 sick Please see a doctor Physical or mental Don’t treat yourselves
Counselor, psychiatrist Talk to someone .. or something Get out from the ward to take a breath Don’t smoke Don’t kill yourselves!

16 Very sick Fit to work Medical board in MMC will decide
If leave more than 90 days, state director to approve If more than 180 days, KSU approval

17 Work Tagging (2 weeks), or more if needed
Working hours depends on dept Not flexi, and also not full on-call system Working hours (not on call) : 6 or 7am to 5 or 6pm On call : 2 or 4pm to next day 12 or 2pm.

18 End of housemanship Successful completion in HDOK
Completion in other hospital Resignation Don’t mean you can’t be a doctor anymore. Apply as contract worker Termination No hope Gone case

19 Dont Giving MC Do procedure without supervision
Discharge patient before discussing with your MO Locums Run away from work

20 Do Proactive and accountable
Grab the opportunity to do as much and learn as much “See one, do one, teach one” Get your own insurance Behave and be professional Write so that other can read Learn Perintah Am (General Order) Dress appropriately (KPK 4/1989)

21 Finally Remember the reason why you become a doctor
Must have APC to practice medicine Without completion of HO, won’t have APC Doctor is not about hospitals and clinics only (phama, lab, research, MCO, insurance, SOS, medical supplies, etc)

22 Thank you

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