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Making sense of doi:10.4225/01/503C303E9B551 Digital Object Identifiers DOIs.

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1 Making sense of doi:10.4225/01/503C303E9B551 Digital Object Identifiers DOIs


3 3 Digital Object Identifiers 101 Carter, Damien J ; Raiteri, Paolo ; Rohl, Andrew L ( 2014 ): Input and selected output files for simulations of sunset yellow dimers. Curtin University. DOI: 10.4225/06/4ED6B979EBGE6.

4 4 Y-Oh-Y DOIs?? Easy and persistent access to online research data Disambiguation and accuracy for authors, datasets Linked discovery, retrieval and management of data: Citation Data reuse Syndication Support for automated tracking of data outputs Indexing services - Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index Altmetrics - views, downloads and 'likes’



7 7 DOIs connect your profile DOIs for Publications DOIs for Data DOIs for Software

8 selected-output-yellow-dimers/445769

9 9 DOIs in the 20 th Century

10 First DOI minted in 2000 72+ million registered DOI names 1+ billion DOI resolutions in 2014 DOIs for Data 4+ million DOIs for datasets NISO RP-15-2013 NISO RP-15-2013 Recommended Practice on Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials DOIs are recommended for all Supplemental Material types 10 DOIs in the 21 st Century

11 11 DOI options for institutions mints DOIs for publishers: journal articles datasets Machine2Machine CiteMyData Manual MyDOIs

12 12 DOIs options for researchers 1.deposit in your repository automatically assign eg CSIRO, Griffith University manually assign eg Curtin University 2.deposit in discipline repository TERN Pangaea, UK Data Archive, Dryad 3.deposit in commercial or other repository Mint your own DOI through EZID Get it automatically: ResearchGate, Figshare

13 Specialization of the repository for your data Prestige of the repository Ease of the data submission process Extent of metadata quality control (by the researcher or repository curators) Trust in the persistence of the repository Policies of the repository that promote scholarly credit (e.g. assigning DOIs) Policies of the repository that limit reuse by others (licenses, embargoes) Directed to choose the repository by your research funder, journal or institution What Factors Influence Where Researchers Deposit their Data? A Survey of Researchers Submitting to Data Repositories. Shea Swauger, Todd J. Vision 2015, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 68-81 doi:10.2218/ijdc.v10i1.289doi:10.2218/ijdc.v10i1.289 Deposition options for researchers

14 A small US study of 140 researchers depositing data in 2 data repositories found: TreeBASE users ranked the domain specialization of the repository highest, while Dryad users ranked as equal highest: their trust in the persistence of the repository and the ease of its data submission process. Interestingly, respondents (particularly Dryad users) were strongly divided as to whether being directed to choose a particular repository by a journal policy or funding agency was among the most or least important factors. Some users reported depositing their data in multiple repositories and archiving their data voluntarily. Deposition options for researchers What Factors Influence Where Researchers Deposit their Data? A Survey of Researchers Submitting to Data Repositories. Shea Swauger, Todd J. Vision 2015, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 68-81 doi:10.2218/ijdc.v10i1.289doi:10.2218/ijdc.v10i1.289

15 The ResearchGate factor


17 2009 Started “when two researchers discovered first-hand that collaborating with a friend or colleague on the other side of the world was no easy task.” By 2014 6 million members in total 1.5 million datasets were added to profiles in 2014 alone uploading 700 datasets per day August: “generate a … DOI for any unpublished research you’ve already added to your profile on ResearchGate” In 2015…..

18 1 2 3

19 How do we as data managers respond to this game change?

20 Making sense of doi:10.4225/01/503C303E9B551 http://research- f8cf5dd116 http://research- f8cf5dd116

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