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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTARY GIFTED & TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM"— Presentation transcript:

This is an opportunity to share general information with you about the G/T Program. If you would like to discuss questions related to individual situations or individual student progress, I would be happy to schedule a conference with you at a later time. MAGGIE

2 Questions? (Please hold them until the end of each section.)

3 GT Resource Staff at CES: Jessica Michaelson jessica_michaelson@hcpss
GT Resource Staff at CES: Jessica Michaelson Bob Schwab Ben Weiskind MAGGIE

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH (NCTE) NATIONAL SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (NSTA) Howard County Gifted and Talented Education Program HOWARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED CHILDREN (NAGC) NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF SOCIAL STUDIES (NCSS) NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS (NCTM) ALIGNMENT The HCPSS Gifted & Talented Education Program is aligned with the: National gifted education standards established by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) National content standards Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) learning outcomes HCPSS Bridge to Excellence Comprehensive Plan. MAGGIE

5 The mission of the Howard County Gifted and Talented Education Program is to recognize and develop talent in advanced-level students. The HCPSS G/T Program has more than a twenty year history of talent development. The original program was modeled on Joseph Renzulli’s Schoolwide Enrichment Model developed in the 1980’s. The program has grown and evolved with the generous support of the school system, the Board of Education, and the community. We now have at least 1.5 gifted education specialist positions in every elementary school in the county. At the secondary level there is one G/T resource teacher and 2 G/T content teachers at every school. MAGGIE

6 Ascending Levels of Intellectual Challenge
Exploratory Experiences G/T Research Investigations & Creative Productions G/T Enrichment Units And G/T Content Classes Students as Consumers of Knowledge Students as Producers of Knowledge G/T Instructional Seminars I II III Advanced-level Content & Skills The design of the program components allows students to engage in ascending levels of intellectual challenge to help them grow from consumers of knowledge to producers of original knowledge. General exploratory experiences are part of the school culture now and are part of every student’s educational experience. These include guest speakers, field trips, cultural arts programs, etc. that help to spark students’ interest in a wide variety of topics. In Renzulli’s School Enrichment Model, these experiences were referred to as Type I activities. G/T resource teachers at every school provide advanced-level instruction to students through G/T Mathematics, G/T Curriculum Extension Units, and G/T Instructional Seminars. These offerings provide the “how-to” skills and advanced-level content to prepare students for advanced-level courses in middle and high school. These offerings were referred to as Type II experiences in the Renzulli model. The highest level of differentiation offered for advanced-level students at the elementary level are G/T Research Investigations and Creative Productions. These year-long offerings allow students to design their own learning experience on a topic of great interest to them. The students identify a real-world problem or area of personal talent that they would like to develop through advanced-level research. They work with an expert advisor to develop a product that is shared with an authentic audience. You may be familiar with Renzulli’s Type III investigations. MAGGIE

7 The G/T Education Program goals are to:
Accelerate the achievement of students who participate in the G/T Education Program. Increase successful participation of underrepresented populations of students in G/T Education Program offerings. Develop a highly qualified professional staff. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan for G/T Education Program communication and community involvement. These four goals are the foundation of the 5-year G/T Strategic Plan for HCPSS. They are designed to meet the needs of our students, the community, and our staff - all elements essential to guarantee the success of our students. MAGGIE

8 Elementary G/T Education Program Instructional Services
G/T Mathematics for 4th & 5th grades G/T Curriculum Extension Units-Grades 1-5 G/T Instructional Seminars Type IIIs HCPSS program is very inclusive in philosophy. Approximately 20% of the student population in grades 4 & 5 participate in the G/T Mathematics Program. Approximately 30% of the student population in grades 2-5 participate in the G/T Curriculum Extension Units and G/T Instructional Seminars. MAGGIE

9 G/T Mathematics Curriculum is enriched & accelerated by as much as two years based on Common Core Standards (College and Career Standards) Focus is on problem solving and application of mathematical skills Daily mathematics instruction by the G/T Mathematics Teacher (1 hour 15 minutes/day) Testing required for participation for students nominated by teachers or parents (COGAT) Students do not skip any mathematics content, but rather cover 4 years of mathematics objectives in two years at an accelerated pace. The G/T resource teacher provides the student’s entire mathematics instruction on a daily basis. Testing involves a combination of mathematics achievement (MSA) and ability(SCAT) measures to determine an eligibility score. We also have a placement review process that allows us to look beyond test scores to daily performance. Although G/T Math is not offered until 4th grade, grades 1- 3 offer accelerated mathematics one year above grade level. (ex. - 3rd grade students working on 4th grade objectives) Students who successfully complete G/T Math in grades 4 & 5 are eligible for G/T Math in middle school - 6th grade Prealgebra G/T and 7th grade Algebra I/Data Analysis G/T. Students can complete courses offerings through Differential Equations in high school. (You may want to provide a handout or show an overhead of the secondary mathematics flowchart.) BEN

10 G/T Mathematics Scope and Sequence of CCS curriculum is set to meet the needs of students for when they enter Algebra 1 in 7th grade There is increased depth and complexity and advanced level problem solving Homework will involve both practice of concepts and problem solving Students are evaluated using assessments, performance tasks, homework, and class work Students do not skip any mathematics objectives, but rather cover 4 years of mathematics objectives in two years at an accelerated pace. The G/T resource teacher provides the student’s entire mathematics instruction on a daily basis. Testing involves a combination of mathematics achievement (MSA) and ability(SCAT) measures to determine an eligibility score. We also have a placement review process that allows us to look beyond test scores to daily performance. Although G/T Math is not offered until 4th grade, grades 1- 3 offer accelerated mathematics one year above grade level. (ex. - 3rd grade students working on 4th grade objectives) Students who successfully complete G/T Math in grades 4 & 5 are eligible for G/T Math in middle school - 6th grade Prealgebra G/T and 7th grade Algebra I/Data Analysis G/T. Students can complete courses offerings through Differential Equations in high school. (You may want to provide a handout or show an overhead of the secondary mathematics flowchart.) BEN

11 G/T Mathematics 4th Grade “Units”: 5th Grade “Units”:
Problem Solving, Probability, and Stat (embedded throughout) Factors and Multiples Patterns and Algebraic Thinking Computation of Numbers in Base 10 Fractions Geometry 5th Grade “Units”: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Number Sense and Integers Expressions and Equations Students do not skip any mathematics objectives, but rather cover 4 years of mathematics objectives in two years at an accelerated pace. The G/T resource teacher provides the student’s entire mathematics instruction on a daily basis. Testing involves a combination of mathematics achievement (MSA) and ability(SCAT) measures to determine an eligibility score. We also have a placement review process that allows us to look beyond test scores to daily performance. Although G/T Math is not offered until 4th grade, grades 1- 3 offer accelerated mathematics one year above grade level. (ex. - 3rd grade students working on 4th grade objectives) Students who successfully complete G/T Math in grades 4 & 5 are eligible for G/T Math in middle school - 6th grade Prealgebra G/T and 7th grade Algebra I/Data Analysis G/T. Students can complete courses offerings through Differential Equations in high school. (You may want to provide a handout or show an overhead of the secondary mathematics flowchart.) BEN

12 How Students are Assessed
We will assess our students using the following resources: Teacher-made tests and quizzes Relevant problems from our textbook Problem solving tasks Demonstration of the Mathematical Practices Participation in mathematical tasks in class Completed projects Ongoing formative assessments Homework completion * Please do not include the first bullet if your school is a pilot school for the MAP-M (math) and MAP-R (reading) - Consult with your principal if you are unsure about your school’s status as a pilot school with this assessment program. Explain the various formative assessment strategies you use with your students and how they provide you with ongoing information about the progress of your students. Relevant problems from textbook-book does not exactly match curriculum as we have elementary students doing middle school math and we must provide for any gaps in math concepts. Homework completion-Is this included in your school’s grades or effort only?

13 G/T Curriculum Extension Units
Interdisciplinary advanced-level content, reading, writing, & thinking skills 2-3 CEUs per grade per year lasting approximately 9-12 weeks each Each unit requires two hours of instruction per week with the G/T Resource Teacher Multiple criteria used for the selection process GT Teachers and Classroom Teachers collaborate on an introductory lesson for talent spotting Rigorous, interdisciplinary units with strong advanced-level reading and writing components. The topics extend from HCPSS Essential Curriculum and support Maryland Learning Outcomes. Students are selected for participation in these units based on multiple criteria such as MSA scores, local assessments, report card grades, teacher recommendations, student work samples, demonstrated passion for the particular topic, etc. Students may participate in one or more of the units based on their needs. No report card grades are assigned. However, the grades from various assignments from the unit may be incorporated into the report card grade. MAGGIE

14 The following criteria may be considered when selecting students for CEUs:
Introductory “Talent Spotting Lessons” Instructional level for reading MSA scores in reading or math (COGAT, MAPP) Local reading assessments scores Report card grades in reading, writing, and related content areas Teacher recommendation in Language Arts, related content areas, and work habits More informal identification based on a variety of sources MAGGIE

Advanced Level Reading Connections Advanced Level Writing Connections Essential Curriculum & Maryland Outcomes Connections Evaluation Multicultural Connections Technology Connections Professional Product & Presentation Multiple Intelligences Advanced Level Research Skills Thinking Each of the units incorporates these components into the instruction as applicable for the particular topic. The format was adapted from the College of William & Mary curriculum model for gifted students. The advanced-level skills taught in the units serve as building blocks for more advanced levels of coursework at the secondary level. MAGGIE

16 G/T Curriculum Extension Units
GRADE LEVEL ENRICHMENT UNITS 1 ART OF LANGUAGE, CHILDREN LIKE ME 2 TRANSPORTATION, ARCHAEOLOGY, GRAND PRIX MATH 3 BRIDGES, WORLD CULTURES, MATH AND LOGIC, WEATHER 4 ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS, OUR PLACE IN SPACE, CHESAPEAKE BAY 5 LEADERSHIP, POLITICS OF PERSUASION, OCEANOGRAPHY, AUTHENTICITY The units shown are required at all elementary schools. The units on the left represent a strand of humanities offerings that incorporate geography skills, both physical and cultural. The units on the right represent Math/Science offerings. The G/T resource teacher will offer additional units based on current events and the students’ needs. MAGGIE

17 CEU Accountability Grade level objectives must already be mastered and a teacher recommendation is needed during the selection process. Work is assigned and graded… grades are shared with classroom teachers (for about 25% of final grade.) Grouping is flexible to meet student needs. Not every student participates in every CEU Various subject areas and interdisciplinary skills will be enriched throughout the year. BEN

18 G/T Instructional Seminars
Designed to develop advanced-level skills in an area of interest for students Offerings vary based on the needs and interests of the students and grade-level teams Each unit requires weekly instruction with the G/T Resource Teacher Students self-select based on their interest in the topic Purpose is to develop talent in areas of student interest & to provide advanced-level skills instruction .Give examples of STEM and literary Iss. BEN

19 Examples of G/T Instructional Seminars
Stock Market Game Fantasy Football Mystery Festival Constitutional Connections Multimedia Young Writers Institute Challenge Book Club Zam’s Quest Engineering Challenge Green School NOAA problem-based learning NASA challenges BEN

20 G/T Research Investigations
Highest level of differentiation for students Investigations last year-long or can be multi-year Requires instruction each week with the G/T Resource Teacher Students self-select based on their passion for a particular topic. Teacher approval is required BOB

21 Overall, What Is Available for Students?
Kindergarten LA and Math Enrichment as needed 1st Grade 2 CEUs (pull out), Math Enrichment and Support 2nd Grade 3 CEUs (pull out), Interest Seminars (recess) Math Enrichment and Support 3rd Grade – 5th Grade 3 CEUs (pull out), Interest Seminars (recess), Type III Math Enrichment and Support (3rd Grade only) GT Math (4th and 5th Grade) BEN

22 G/T Volunteer Opportunities
Parent Academy Two parents needed Monthly meetings Learn about advanced-level offerings that are available through the Gifted and Talented Program and give your feedback Classroom Volunteers BOB

23 Parent Resources
GT Website: HCPSS G/T Parent Academy Meetings National Research Center on Gifted and Talented: BOB

24 For additional information:
Schedule a conference with the G/T Resource Teacher at your school. (4TH in Fall, 5th in Spring) Invite participants to review the G/T brochures, website, NAGC information, or even schedule a follow-up conference to discuss individual questions. BEN

25 Questions?


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