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Population and Housing censuses: Use of census data for gender statistics Regional workshop on integrating a gender perspective in the production of statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Population and Housing censuses: Use of census data for gender statistics Regional workshop on integrating a gender perspective in the production of statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population and Housing censuses: Use of census data for gender statistics Regional workshop on integrating a gender perspective in the production of statistics Amman, Jordan 1 – 4 December 2014 Presented by: SLIMANI Salma HCP Statistics Directorate

2 Course Title | This is the slide title  National strategy for gender equality  International commitments  Population size by sex : A brief history of Morocco (1960 – 2014)  Population Pyramid by Sex and Age Group, 2014  Population characteristics

3 National strategy for gender equality  The legal and institutional arsenal provided by the new Moroccan Constitution (2011) promoting gender equality;  Legislative and legal reforms (Family code, Penal code, Labor code, law of civil registration, political parties law, new communal charter, …);  Economic and social empowerment through NHDI initiative and many sectorial programs;  Political and administrative empowerment  Quotas :17% parliament, 12% municipalities;  Incentive system for political parties to rise women’s representation.  Strategies and programs, ex: multisectorial TAMKIN program and IKRAM program.

4 International commitments  The Beijing Platform for Action;  The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW);  MDG (millennium development goal) and the transversality gender equality goal in the post-2015.

5 Population size by sex : A brief history of Morocco (1960 – 2014) Population in Millions 5,8 7,7 10,2 13,112,9 1514,8 16,816,6 Sex Ratio (2014) : 98,8 % Total population : 33 millions ( 49,7 % males and 50,3 % females) Based on population projections updates made on the basis of 2004 census and 2009-2010 demographic national survey. * * 11,6 15,3 20,4 26 29,8 33,4

6 Population Pyramid by Sex and Age Group, 2014 Data based on population projections updates made on the basis of 2004 census and 2009-2010 demographic national survey. FemaleMale

7 Population characteristics  Household Head  Polygamy  Education and illiteracy  Economic activity  Single Mean Age at Marriage  Fertility  Life Expectancy at Birth by Sex

8 Education and illiteracy Highest grade completed in school Education during 2013-2014 Illiteracy and languages Highest educational diploma For every member of the household Were you in school Public educationProfessional education during 2013-2014?Every person (10 years old and over) Specify and code last year in school Type of education Do you know how to read and write? Specify and code up to three spoken and written languages [0] No diploma [1] Yes, at general educ- Examples [1] ation for the whole year Note highest earned diploma [00] NonePublic [2] Yes, at general educ- [1] [1] Arabic [13] fourth primary ation, but not finished Yes [2] Amazigh (Tifinagh) and code [1] [18] third elementary [2] [3]Yes, at professional [3] French Examples : [23] Second high school Private training for the whole year [2] [4] English Elementary degree Certificate in secreteriat [4] Yes, at professional No [5] Spanish Doctorate in surgery Technician in management Other, specify training, but not finished [6] Other languages,Architect Technician in hotelry [5]No specify

9 Education and illiteracy Children never attending primary school

10 Education and illiteracy Ratio of female to male school enrollment (%) 68 73 72 83 84 9189 87 94

11 Education and illiteracy Illiteracy rate by Sex for population aged 10 and above 51 41 78 67 39 55 65 55 43

12 Economic Activity Specify economic activity Economic activity status Duration For 7 years old and overFor 15 years old and over [00] Econ. active For the unemplo yed Do you have a job even if seasonal? Did you work last week even for one hour? Are you currently looking for a job? Why aren’t you looking for a job? [01] Unemployed 1 [02] Unemployed 2 [03] Housewife Duration of unemplo yment (in years) [04] Student [05] Landlord [06] Retired [07] Disabled, sick [08] Elderly [09] Child [10] Other cases

13 Economic Activity Primary professionEmployment status Primary economic activity of establishment for the employed and the unemployed write in detail [1] Employer of less than 5 persons write in detail primary Primary profession [2] Employer of more than 5 persons economic activity and code [1] [3] Self employed of establishment [4] Salaried in public sector and code [1] [5] Salaried in private sector Examples : [6] Family aid High school principal [7] Apprentice Examples : Wholeseller of fabric [8] Associate Whole selling [9] Other specify Medicine

14 Single Mean Age at Marriage (SMAM) Data based on 2009-2010 demographic national survey. * 24 * Age 25,5 27,1 30 31,2 31,4 17,5 19,6 22,2 25,826,3 26,6

15 Fertility For non-single women (i.e., married, widowed, or divorced), specify the total number of live births For every woman For 55 years old and less Life time fertility Fertility in the past 12 months Number of children living in the household Number of children living outside the household Number of children who died Number of children still alive Number of children who died Male Female Male Female

16 Fertility 7,2 5,91 5,52 3,28 2,47 2,19

17 Life Expectancy at Birth by Sex: 1952-2010 41,9 47,3 58,1 63,7 70,6 73,9 43,9 49,1 60,2 66,4 73 75,6

18 Thank you “The admission of women to complete equality would be the surest sign of civilization, and would double the intellectual powers of the human race.” Stendhal (1783-1842)

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