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Eden Hall Upper Elementary School

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1 Eden Hall Upper Elementary School

2 Welcome to Eden Hall Upper Elementary School
Steven M. Smith, Principal Joseph Domagala, Assistant Principal Autumn Turk, Assistant Principal Brad-Leigh Coker, School Counselor Melissa Sullivan, School Counselor

3 Eden Hall Campus

4 Morning Arrival by Car

5 Biomes of the Earth

6 Building Layout

7 Grade 4 Classrooms

8 Classroom Locations

9 Developmental Characteristics

10 Planning for 2015-2016 Teacher Collaboration Time 7:40-8:10 a.m.
Student Day: 8:25-3:05 p.m. Student Arrival: 8:15 a.m. Student Dismissal: 3:05 p.m. Buses leave campus by 3:20 p.m. Buses may run a little later during the first week of school.

11 Eden Hall Classrooms Team Configuration- 2 or 3 Teachers per team
English Language Arts (ELA) and Social Studies (1 Teacher) Math and Science (1 Teacher) 13 homerooms in Grade 4 (297 Students) 15 homerooms in grade 5 and 6

12 Classroom Composition
Heterogeneous Groupings Based on Academic and Behavioral Needs of All Students Parent Input taken from Student Information Forms submitted in March Teacher Input Forms submitted at the end of the year Assessment Data (AIMSweb, PSSA, Guided Reading Level, Gates-MacGinitie, Teacher Attributes, End ofUnit Assessments) Full integration of all three Primary Buildings

13 Academic Program Academic Subjects Encore Classes
English/Language Arts (ELA) Art (Reading, English, Writing, Music Spelling, Grammar) Keyboarding Math Gym Social Studies World Languages Science

14 Core Classes and Times ELA: 75 minutes daily Math: 75 minutes daily
Social Studies: 50 minutes (every other day) Science: 50 minutes (every other day)

15 Math enVision Math Series Grade 4 Current Grade 4 Compacted/Extended
Accelerated Math (Grade 5 curriculum)

16 English-Language Arts
The program provides support for: Building a strong reading foundation Accessing complex text Finding and using text evidence Engaging in collaborative conversations Writing to sources Using a rich range of diverse print and digital media, Wonders provides the instructional support and materials for rigor, intent, and depth.

17 Intervention & Enrichment
RAM Time Reading and Math at Eden Hall Upper Elementary

18 RAM Time provides… 35 minutes of additional instruction for every student each day based on their unique needs and talents. Remediation and Enrichment in reading or math More time in the classroom during core instruction Additional opportunity for focused small group instruction Focus on meeting individualized needs Instruction delivered by reading specialists, intervention specialist, learning support, homeroom and GATE teachers.

19 Encore Classes Art: 45 minutes Music: 45 minutes Gym: 45 minutes
Keyboarding/Technology: 45 minutes World Languages: 45 minutes Library is available to all student throughout the week (Open Library Concept)

20 Sample Schedule Five-Day Schedule Day 1: Art Day 2: Music
Day 3: Phys. Ed. Day 4: World Language Day 5: Keyboarding (Technology) Schedule will be posted on the website/calendar

21 Lunch and Recess

22 Learning Extensions (Explore Period)
Weekly Activity / Club Period that Targets Student Interests Chorus Student Leadership Band Diversity Orchestra Guitar Art Human Relations Physical Education World Language Literacy Club STEAM Club

Communication and trust is the key to a successful 4th grade experience. Direct Communication phone and contact scheduled conferences Indirect Communication building website classroom/team website pages district information blasts

24 Welcome to the Eden Hall PTO 2015 - 2016
EHUE PTO Welcome to the Eden Hall PTO The mission of the Eden Hall PTO is to promote the well being of students through PTO-sponsored activities that stimulate the students' growth physically, emotionally, and culturally at Eden Hall by creating and promoting projects and activities to benefit the students. We will strive to develop united efforts between teachers and parents, and foster a closer relationship between home and school life. NEXT MEETING: May 21, 2015 at 9:30 am

25 Calendar Grade 3 Move-up Night: May 15 (6:00-8:00 p.m.) – Registration was due 5/4 Building Visitation: August (9:00-11:00 or 1:00-3:00 p.m.) Grade 4 Parent Night: September 8 (7:00-8:00 p.m.) Grade 4 Fun Night: September 18 (6:30-8:00 p.m.) Parent-Teacher Conferences: November 5 and 6 PSSA Dates: April (this includes ELA, Math, and Science testing)

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