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ROBOTIC GUIDANCE Joe Stawicki. PROJECT DESCRIPTION  Teach a robot to guide a person to a predefined destination.  The robot must use a cam and a vision.

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Presentation on theme: "ROBOTIC GUIDANCE Joe Stawicki. PROJECT DESCRIPTION  Teach a robot to guide a person to a predefined destination.  The robot must use a cam and a vision."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION  Teach a robot to guide a person to a predefined destination.  The robot must use a cam and a vision algorithm(s) as the main guidance.  Sensors such as bump, infra-red and ultra-sound could provide direction and safety for the robot.  The solution should be easily modified for alternative routes.  Check out Alexander Popov’s 2011 senior project for techniques about driving the robot.

3 MY SOLUTION  Turtlebot  Kinect Sensor/Gyroscope  ROS (Robot Operating System)  Moves the robot  Gathers data  Kinect Sensor  Gyroscope  Calculates the next position  User Interface  SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)

4 KINECT SENSOR  Variety of Sensors  3D depth sensors  Laser  RGB camera  Array of Microphones

5 SLAM  Simultaneous Localization and Mapping  Build map of unknown environment  Uses Sensors  Keeps track of current location  Based on what it sees/has seen  Navigate to a particular spot on the map




9 PROBLEMS  Network Issues (SNC Firewall)  Using ROS (Open Source)  Weight Balance Issues

10 MORE WORK…  Calibration of the gyroscope

11 METHODOLOGY  Moving the Robot using Sasha’s project  Assembling the Turtlebot  ROS Installation  ROS Tutorials  Teleop/Navigation  Adaptation to new environments  Documentation


13 RESOURCES  Sasha Popov  Professors  Dr. Pankratz and Dr. McVey  Classmates   Many tutorials/how-to’s/answers  Other online resources  Trial and Error

14 KNOWLEDGE  Programming Languages (CS 322)  Turtlebot software written in Python  Analysis of Algorithms (CS 321)  Navigation  Operating Systems (CS 370)  Linux and ROS  All Classes

15 EXTENSIONS  Voice Activation  Other Turtlebot Applications  Object Avoidance  Mobile Device Operation  Turtlebot Arm

16 ADVICE FOR UPCOMING SENIORS  Start early  Do little bits  Weekly meetings are very helpful  Document as you go  When stuck, ask for help  Enjoy it!!


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