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Approving the FY15 Initial Budget: ICASS Council and Budget Committee November 2014 1 International Cooperative Administrative Support Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Approving the FY15 Initial Budget: ICASS Council and Budget Committee November 2014 1 International Cooperative Administrative Support Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approving the FY15 Initial Budget: ICASS Council and Budget Committee November 2014 1 International Cooperative Administrative Support Services

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3 Here’s What We Plan to Cover The two-step process to approve the FY15 Initial Budget: ICASS Budget Committee analyzes the budget and sends it to the Council. ICASS Council ratifies the budget, focusing on the Narrative Summary. Where to get more information on ICASS. 3

4 Starting at the Beginning... The International Cooperative Administrative Support Services, or ICASS, is the system U.S. Missions use to: – provide shared administrative support services and – equitably bill the Agencies that receive those services. 4

5 ICASS Budget Committee The Budget Committee is the staff arm of the ICASS Council. Among their responsibilities: Conduct in-depth review of the budget in preparation for Council‘s ratification. Approve workload counts & ICASS staff time allocation Review current workload modifications and consider requests for new ones 8

6 What Does the Council Do? Acts on what is best for the Mission. Works for consensus. Prepares annual assessment of services. Looks for ways to reduce costs. Uses the Budget Committee as the staff arm. Ratifies the ICASS budget. Approves new ICASS positions and major budget changes. 9

7 Why Is the Initial Budget Worth Your Attention? It’s your Agency’s money that pays for ICASS services. It’s your Administrative Support Platform – and you have a voice in how monies are spent. You may be able to lower your ICASS bill. 7

8 The Two-Step Process: BC/IC 1.Budget Committee analyzes the Initial Budget and forwards it to ICASS Council. 2.The ICASS Council ratifies the Initial Budget. 8

9 Budget Committee Mandate What budget priorities were established by the Council at last April’s meeting; and by the Mission Resource Request? Ask the FMO to show you how the Council priorities and the MRR items were incorporated into the FY15 Initial Budget. 9

10 The Budget Committee: 7 Simple Questions 10

11 Seven Simple Questions: Question # Variances between FY14’s “Fin Plan” and “Prior Year Actuals.” Or: Compare the FY14 Council-approved spending plan (Fin Plan) to the money actually spent (Actuals). Your question: What changed and why? 11

12 Seven Simple Questions Question # Differences between Initial Requirements and Initial Budget Or: How much did post ask for and how much did it get as a Target? Your questions: What areas did post reduce to meet Target and why? 12

13 Seven Simple Questions Question # Unfunded priorities. Or: What - in priority order - would your post fund if it had more money? Your questions: What were the options? What made the final list – and why? 13

14 Seven Simple Questions Question # New USDH or Le Staff positions in ICASS. Or: Is ICASS adding positions – and how will they be funded? Your questions: Did the Council approve these positions? How are they being funded? 14

15 Seven Simple Questions Question # Application of Non-Target funds. Or: If ICASS has funds outside of the Washington-supplied monies (Target), how are they being applied? Your questions: Where did this money come from? How was it decided where to apply it? 15

16 Seven Simple Questions Question # Cost-Savings Initiatives. Or: What are the plans to save money in ICASS? Your questions: What was on this list? Why were these cost-savings chosen over others? 16

17 Seven Simple Questions Question # Cost increases and decreases. Or: Are costs being changed because of changes in the customer base? Your question: What changes have caused notable increases or decreases? 17

18 The Council’s Turn: Ratification The Council receives the approved Initial Budget from the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee Chair and the Financial Management Officer highlight the major changes for the Council. The Council reviews and revises as necessary the Narrative Summary. The Council ratifies the Initial Budget. 18

19 The Narrative Summary Areas for Council Review: Financial Summary and Key Issues Top 3 Unfunded Priorities Non-Target Funds Available Cost-Savings Initiatives 19

20 The Narrative Summary: Financial Summary and Key Issues This section should paint an accurate picture of ICASS at your post. – What are the key funding facts? – What are the major issues facing ICASS? 20

21 The Narrative Summary: Top Three Unfunded Priorities If ICASS had more money, what areas would receive additional funding? Do these priorities match the Council’s priorities? 21

22 The Narrative Summary: Non-Target Funds Available Post can carry over unspent ICASS monies and apply them to future ICASS budgets. Other sources: recoveries and proceeds of sale Questions Council should ask: – How much money is available? – Where did it come from? – How is it being applied? 22

23 The Narrative Summary: Cost-Savings Initiatives Every budget must include Cost Savings Initiatives with estimate of money saved. Council should review the Cost Savings Initiatives list: –Do these items line up with Council priorities? –Are there other areas where ICASS could save money? 23

24 The Two-Step Process to Approve the FY15 ICASS Initial Budget ICASS Budget Committee analyzes the budget and sends it to the Council. ICASS Council ratifies the budget, focusing on the Narrative Summary. 24

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26 Learn More about ICASS Find additional Distance Learning Tools at ICASS websites : Internet: http://www.icass.gov OpenNet: http://rm.m.state.sbu/sites/icass http://rm.m.state.sbu/sites/icass 26

27 Where Can You Get Help? Contact the ICASS Service Center: OpenNet: http://rm.m.state.sbu/sites/icass http://rm.m.state.sbu/sites/icass Internet : Email: 27

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