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Development of Apprenticeship Learning in IVET in Romania 557135-EPP-1-2014-1-RO-EPPKA3-APPREN.

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1 Development of Apprenticeship Learning in IVET in Romania 557135-EPP-1-2014-1-RO-EPPKA3-APPREN

2 Program: ERASMUS + Action: KA3 – Support for Policy Reform Title of the project: Development of Apprenticeship Learning in IVET in Romania Project acronym: DAL - IVET Applicant: National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development, România Partner: Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen rAöR, Esslingen, Germany Implementation period: 01.11.2014 – 31.10.2016 Budget: 254.215,95 euro (190.661,96 euro EU-grant; 63.553,99 euro cofinancing) Project details

3 Objectives DALIVET General objective: Maximizing work – based – learning in Romania through the establishment of an apprenticeship pathway embedded in the IVET system Specific objective 1 Developing the basis of a legal framework for introducing apprenticeship in IVET Specific objective 2 Improving the skills and competences of the teachers, trainers and tutors involved in work- based –learning, through a pilot training programme Specific objective 3 Enhancing the accountability of the key actors involved in work-based- learning in IVET Specific objective 4 Raising the level of awareness of all relevant stakeholders related to the contribution of work-based-learning to supporting youth employment and economic competitiveness

4 Activities Project management Elaboration of a FS in order to introduce a specific pathway for apprenticeship in IVET in Romania Exchanges of good practice in Germany for the SC, policy makers and relevant stakeholders Development of a Master plan for 2015 – 2020 for implementing the apprenticeship in IVET system Design and implementation of a pilot training program for trainers/teachers/tutors for apprenticeship Dissemination of the project results

5 Target groups 20 Policy makers They will be involved in the Feasibility Study and elaboration of implementation Master Plan 160 Stakeholders at the regional level, participants to the regional seminars They will take part to the national consultation process for development of the VET Master Plan 630 Stakeholders and social partners at the local level (representatives of Local Committee for Social Partnership Development - LCSPD) They will take part to the national consultation process for development of the VET Master Plan 25 10 Students and parents: the final beneficiars of this project; they will be informed through the website and all the dissemination activities about the benefits of the apprenticeship Tutors / teachers / trainers They will participate to the pilot training program for apprenticeship Policy implementation staff They can contribute to the implementation of recommendations of the project

6 Project impact (1)  The project is intended to have an important impact at the system level (creating the framework for introducing apprenticeship education in IVET in Romania, a better cooperation between training providers and companies, and an education and training offer better adapted to the real needs of the companies.  National and international companies, who already expressed their interest in being involved in the training process, will benefit the project results. They will be encouraged to participate more in education and training in order to benefit from a qualified labour force. The VET system accountability will increase as well.  The consultation process organised during the project implementation will ensure an important participation of the main stakeholders at national and local level. A number of 630 members of the Local Committees will be informed about the reform and they will have the possibility to express their opinion and provide feedback. Their engagement in the process from the beginning will ensure the necessary ownership and commitment for their future involvement in providing apprenticeship training.

7 Project impact (2)  The project will impact the teachers/ trainers and tutors, which will be trained in order to provide quality apprenticeship schemes. The training programme will be replicated to other schools/ companies who will implement the apprenticeship schemes in the future.  Through the dissemination process the project will address new stakeholders and companies and also the parents of future VET students, which will be better informed about the benefits of VET and more likely to guide their children for choosing a vocational pathway.  The project could be used as example on how the German and Austrian models could inspire the development of an existing VET system, by creating a model adapted in a specific national context, inspiring other countries interested in implementing apprenticeship schemes in the future (e.g. countries form Danube Region or South Eastern Europe).  The impact is envisaged on short, medium and long term. On short term the project will have impact on the target group and stakeholders directly involved. On medium term other national institutions, IVET schools and companies will benefit on the project results. On long term we expect to have an important increase of the VET graduates employment rates.

8 Thank you for your attention! Felicia Ioana Săndulescu Project manager DALIVET Inspector NCTVETD 004.021.311.11.62

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