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Presentation on theme: "P APERLESS H UMAN R ESOURCES F ROM R ECRUITMENT TO P AYROLL ( AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN ) Presented by Lydia Aguirre, SPHR, CCP Director of Human Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 P APERLESS H UMAN R ESOURCES F ROM R ECRUITMENT TO P AYROLL ( AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN ) Presented by Lydia Aguirre, SPHR, CCP Director of Human Resources Idaho Housing and Finance Association

2 T HE C HALLENGE Paper-heavy department, lots of signatures Need streamlined, easy-to-use, reliable process How to set up electronic signatures, workflows, archiving, retrieval & reports?

3 O UR S OLUTION OnBase (Can use any similar program) Electronic File Cabinet Digital Workflows and Electronic Legal Signatures Easy document retrieval & report writing

4 H OW W E D ID I T Benefits Open Enrollment Created fillable forms with “submit” button Routes to payroll, insurance carrier, and employee Medical, Dental, Flexible Spending Account, Vision, Retirement, Life Insurance, etc Payroll & Forms Timesheets with approvals W-4, Direct Deposit paychecks, etc. Recruitment On-line job applications through recruitment, background checks, hiring, onboarding. (Handles the “no”s too.

5 E LECTRONIC R ECRUITMENT P ROCESS Position Request by Manager – Intranet Form List job details Assigns trainer Gives information on location and computer needs. Comes to: Human Resources Completes salary range Gives details for recruitment strategies

6 E LECTRONIC R ECRUITMENT P ROCESS Online Application – Link on all ads Routes to appropriate recruiter for the position selected. Resume is attached to application Auto-email is generated to applicant that the application was received

7 R ECRUITMENT W ORKFLOW New Application- Generates Recruitment Checklist Recruiter 1Recruiter 2Recruiter 3 Interview ? Rejection Notification HR Interview Yes No

8 R ECRUITMENT W ORKFLOW HR Interview Departmen t Interview? Rejection Notification Generate Personnel Action Form Background / Reference Check Passed? Offer Accepted Final Candidate? Follow Up Interview? Employed Yes No

9 E LECTRONIC R ECRUITMENT P ROCESS Candidate not a good fit? Click a button Auto-generated email to candidate Candidate might be a good fit? Click a button Route to interview queues, background check, employed Gives IT helpdesk, facilities, manager, trainer, etc of new hire information Generates Offer Letter

10 E LECTRONIC R ECRUITMENT – EEO D ATA EEO Information Compiles statistics into quarterly reports Compiles Affirmative Action Plan

11 E LECTRONIC O NBOARDING All New Hire Documents sent via e-mail Acknowledgments Benefit Enrollment Forms Offer letter with details of position, salary, etc. Hire date triggers other automated processes New Hire Feedback Auto-generated after 90 days from hire Responses given to HR, & manager Performance Reviews Reminders automatically sent to managers and employees 6 month after hire, or annual if tenured employee

12 O THER E LECTRONIC P ROCESS DocuSign – Permits electronic signatures via e- mail Federal forms requiring legal signature I-9 W-4 Contracts Payroll Timesheets ACH Transfers Deposits Payments

13 S IMPLE TO R EPLICATE What processes can you automate? Any form, process, workflows If many steps in process, etc How can we do it? Use scanning equipment Integrate with other systems you already own

14 S IMPLE TO R EPLICATE Why? Saves time Auto-generation of emails, notifications, reminders Kicks off process steps automatically Saves money No postage costs Staff can focus on more important tasks Save trees!

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