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Medicaid Transition Healthy PA to HealthChoices 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Medicaid Transition Healthy PA to HealthChoices 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicaid Transition Healthy PA to HealthChoices 1

2 The Transition All Pennsylvanians who are now receiving subsidized healthcare coverage through former Gov. Tom Corbett’s Healthy PA program, will be transitioned to the state’s traditional Medicaid plan by Sept. 1, 2015. 2

3 There will be no gaps in coverage during the transition. Gaps = Problems NO NO 3 The Transition

4 This change to a traditional Medicaid expansion will make it easier for eligible families to get access to health care by streamlining the current system. 4 The Transition

5 These changes first affect adults age 21 and older who receive Medical Assistance under the Healthy Interim and Healthy Plus benefit packages and then those who are enrolled in a Private Coverage Option (PCO). 5 The Transition

6 Adults age 21 and older will get a new adult benefit package which includes: – Physical Health Services – Mental Health Services 6 What is changing?

7 Health Partners (Medicaid) members in the Healthy Interim and Healthy Plus benefit packages were notified via a member mailing the week of March 23, 2015, that their benefits would change to the Adult benefit package effective APRIL 27, 2015. Note: Members will use their current HPP ID cards. 7 When will the changes start?

8 8 What’s next

9 The transition of members out of our Health Partners Essential plan (Healthy PA PCO) will occur in two phases: Phase 1: This phase began in April 2015 with notification to the impacted members. 9 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

10 Phase 1 continued: The changes to the impacted members in this phase will be effective June 1, 2015. These are members who were enrolled in General Assistance and Select Plan programs in December 2014. They will be transitioned from Health Partners Essential to the new adult benefit package under Health Partners (Medicaid). 10 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

11 Note: All Health Partners Essential members transitioning to Health Partners (Medicaid) will be issued new cards once they begin receiving coverage under Health Partners (Medicaid). 11 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

12 New applicants will no longer be enrolled in the Health Partners Essential plan and will be enrolled in the new adult benefit package with coverage under Health Partners (Medicaid). 12 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

13 Phase 2: This phase will begin in July 2015 with notification to impacted members and be completed by September 1, 2015. All remaining Health Partners Essential enrollees will transition into Health Partners (Medicaid) by September 1, 2015. 13 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

14 It is important to note there will be members in Health Partners Essential through September 1, 2015. Please be sure to check eligibility through our provider portal for current information. 14 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

15 Find out more on our website: If you have other questions regarding these changes, please call our Helpline at 1-888-991-9023 or 215 991-4350 or contact your Network Account Manager (NAM) directly. 15 HEALTHY PA PCO Transition

16 16 Questions

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