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+ The Middle Kingdom 2000 BC – 1500 BC. Reuniting the Kingdom 2180 BC – Civil War (a war between 2 groups in the same place.) Bad times: drought, crops.

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Presentation on theme: "+ The Middle Kingdom 2000 BC – 1500 BC. Reuniting the Kingdom 2180 BC – Civil War (a war between 2 groups in the same place.) Bad times: drought, crops."— Presentation transcript:

1 + The Middle Kingdom 2000 BC – 1500 BC

2 Reuniting the Kingdom 2180 BC – Civil War (a war between 2 groups in the same place.) Bad times: drought, crops failed, famine (food shortage) No longer 1 king, so nobles fought for power 2400 BC – Egypt reunited – this is beginning of Middle Kingdom High point of Middle kingdom – Dynasty 12

3 Reuniting the Kingdom Dynasty 12 – begins 1991 BC when vizier Amenehet from Lower Egypt become king He conquered(and those who followed) northern Nubia Fort set up to protect region Built Walls of the Prince (series of forts) at Northern border to protect Nile Delta

4 Nubia

5 Amenemhet – Dynasty 12

6 Reuniting the Kingdom Dynasty 12 – massive building projects Middle Kingdom – advances in art and literature wall-painting, jewelry, and earliest literature Literature not only religious – also about everyday life

7 Scarab with turquoise and lapiz lazuli

8 Finger Rings began to appear.

9 Trade increased – caravans between Egypt and southwestern Asia, east Africa, and Eastern Mediterranean region Egypt had grain to trade and semi- precious stones, they needed wood and copper. Copper from Syria, turquoise from Sinai Peninsula, wood from Lebanon, gold, ebony, ivory from Nubia Trade


11 Caravans/trade dangerous, but brought wealth Cost-benefit analysis = decide whether risks are worth benefits After Dynasty 12 – attacks from invaders Rulers weak – 70 kings during Dynasty 13 People from SW Asia came in – Egyptians called them Hyksos (rulers of foreign lands) Trade A Time of Invasion

12 Hyksos brought end to Middle Kingdom because superior military horse-drawn chariots, body armor, stronger bow and arrow 1640 BC – Hyksos conquered Lower Egypt Hyksos – Dynasty 15 in Lower Egypt for 100 years A Time of Invasion


14 Hyksos / Egypt = cultural exchange Hyksos brought weapons, horses, looms, lute, and lyre Hyksos took hieroglyphics, Egyptian gods Hyksos also expanded trade routes to Crete (Greek island) mid - 1500s BC – Egyptians rulers in South declared war on the Hyksos. They ended up driving Hyksos back to SW Asia A Time of Invasion

15 United Egypt Civil War Hyksos Cultural Exchange

16 The Big Idea Invasion from outsiders leads to cultural exchange – new ideas go both ways.

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